Album Rating: 3.5
Cali is the grower to end all growers.
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Album Rating: 5.0
I was listening to Backstrokin' and it was 5 a.m. when this thing clicked for me. It was the kind of moment where it was clear why I listened to as much music as I did and still do. Still one of my favorites to this day.
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Album Rating: 4.0
Hard pos for RowanAmerican
I smiled hard when I read that last line
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weird i feel the exact opposite. i loved cali when i first heard it, but it recently grew to a 5 for me.
will not give up on this though.
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this is way better than the first album and i only listened to like six of the songs :X
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Album Rating: 4.5
Glad I got a smile out of you, JudioAussie. Who knows, maybe one day I'll be able to squeeze a laugh out of ya?
And I know you won't give up, Ins. Your perseverance is why I like you.
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Album Rating: 3.5
"will not give up on this though."
Tell me if it works for ya because I still see this as by far Bungle's worst and it's like everyone see this as awesome :/
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cheers judio
calculating infinity took like 15+ listens for it to click with me and its one of my favorite albums ever. im on like listen 3 of this? something like that, with techno allah, chemical marriage, sleep 2 and merry go bye bye having a bunch more plays.
point is, until every bit of this album is digested in my brain i wont make any final judgements
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Album Rating: 3.5
@Insurrection: I've listened to this 9 times and still only like this. Despite this I definately agree that Techno Allah is the shit.
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Album Rating: 4.5
Agreed, it is easily the best song on the album.
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Album Rating: 3.5
For me that honour goes to 'Violenza Domestica'
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i love merry go bye bye personally. i played it for my uncle the other day to see his reaction, twas priceless
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Album Rating: 4.0
You always make me laugh Judio babe
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Album Rating: 4.5
Why thank you mate, you have caused me to laugh quite a bit as well.
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Album Rating: 4.0
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I've listened to this 9 times
ha ha ha
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is that not enough??
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Album Rating: 4.0
calculating infinity took like 15+ listens for it to click with me and its one of my favorite albums ever. im on like listen 3 of this? something like that, with techno allah, chemical marriage, sleep 2 and merry go bye bye having a bunch more plays.
Hmmm I get you...Calc took around 8 for me, but I can see this being similar when I try it (from what I've heard/read, I'm expecting it to be more similar to getting into Dowsing-thru-Gamma Knife era Kayo Dot though)
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Album Rating: 4.0
Nice review man.
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Always been my favorite Mr. Bungle record, it's also probably the weirdest ones as well.
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