Janet Jackson Rhythm Nation 1814
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July 2nd 2024


Album Rating: 4.5

Damn Janet really just casually delivered the best hair metal song in existence huh

August 24th 2024


Album Rating: 4.5

Swinging back by to once again emphasise how fucking good Black Cat is. Wish Janet gave us a full on hard rock album!

Contributing Reviewer
August 24th 2024


Album Rating: 4.5

Album is in a class of its own. What a journey

Staff Reviewer
August 25th 2024


Album Rating: 4.2

Janet is still my fav and the most runaway fun record I've heard from her, but this is so good/focused/cohesive (minus Black Cat, which is let's be real is a dated showstopper and a bit silly)/powerful and has poked TVR back down to land as my #2. Final trio of ballads in particular has grown a lot, l o v e Lonely esp

August 25th 2024


Album Rating: 4.5

“Dated showstopper and a bit silly”

Johnny your people are absolutely enamoured with camp, don’t pretend you’re above it.

Staff Reviewer
August 25th 2024


Album Rating: 4.2

not all butt rock pander sweeps up automatic camp points u muppet we have Queen and Fear Before and Beat It for that

August 25th 2024


Album Rating: 4.5

I can’t wait for the day we go to a Christmas panto together, Johnny.

Staff Reviewer
August 25th 2024


Album Rating: 4.2

Am overdue a panto lfg

Also have a long shaggy dog story that was essentially an irl panto scene from earlier today, but am going to sleep now so plz bump this thread in like 5 hrs and I'll dump and you can be underwhelmed

August 25th 2024


Album Rating: 4.5

I’ve spent all day waiting for this story Johnny and now I simply MUST know

Staff Reviewer
August 25th 2024


Album Rating: 4.5

Janet glam butt rock camp is exactly my kinda vibe, more please 🍽️🍽️🍽️

Staff Reviewer
August 25th 2024


Album Rating: 4.2

okay lol the comedy in this story has not survived my hangover (and fwiw neither have i) but

so my mate and i were on a train, sitting opposite each other on the aisle side of a 2x2 set of chairs, roughly in the middle of the carriage. sitting near the train doors behind her was a person holding a foul-looking pug; sitting near the train doors behind me was a guy with a bigass golden lab, who was sitting on the floor with its big shaggy ass. as part of a running bit, i'd been teaching her meme sentences for her trip to berlin, so we were chatting absolute bollocks in extremely broken german, which eventually moved onto japanese (my second lang and ig her third or fourth although she hasn't used it in several years) because there were only so many rounds of "hast du ein auto? ich will das sehen!" we could weather. at this point i default to the instincts i've build up from using japanese with my girlfriend to discreetly bitch about anything in our immediate surroundings in a way that would be socially impermissible in english (actively worried that i might do this absent-mindedly when i visit japan with her, but that horror story can happen in its own time) and took the opportunity to say to my pal something to the tune of "the dog sitting behind you is kinda repellant". she parses the core info (dog [behind [me]] = bad), immediately clocks the lab behind me, and probably rightly decides that i'm talking shit and that this line of conversation is not worth taking any further, which would be fine, but i'm not satisfied that she is aware of the pug behind her and refuse to leave the impression that i've been badmouthing the lab, so i repeat the sentence and she goggle-eyes the lab and volunteers a "yeah okay i get it" without showing any inclination that she's gonna look over her shoulder, and since i couldn't actively point out the pug for fear of hurting its feelings and ruining an entire carriage worth of irish passengers' day (even though it's skulking there with its puggy little features, glowering at me for my brave efforts to call it out in its fashion accessory dog crime bullshit), this "NO the dog is behind you it's behind you" routine goes on for like multiple entire minutes until someone else in our group says something and it is dropped, to be revealed in plain english at a later hour to a shocked response ("omg there was ANOTHER DOG BEHIND ME o i get it") to which i could only shrug and attest that it had indeed been repugnant

August 25th 2024


Album Rating: 4.5

Everybody on the train stood up and clapped

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