"I don't agree to YOUR opinion so therefore I'm closed minded?"
you are closed minded because you are not accepting of religion in music. lol it's not that hard to understand
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Album Rating: 4.0
Apparently it is.
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you wish for other people to alter their own art to fit into your beliefs
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What's with the lame metal anology? Totally irrelevant.
haha wow, you are feeble. you comment that by even mentioning christianity you are narrowing your demograph... EVERYTHING YOU DO will narrow your demograph. literally the only genre that aims to please as many people as possible is pop music.
Regardless of anyone's beliefs, it's still a valid criticism. You need to grow up LordePots; just because the RELIGIOUS ASPECT doesn't bother you, it does to me. I'm not wrong or ignorant because of it.
no buddy, you need to grow up, and yes, it does make you ignorant. it makes you extremely ignorant. and also wrong.
Hopefully religion will be void from music in future generations. It sparks controversy that can be easily avoided.
ironic hypocritical moment of the year.
Regardless of anyone's beliefs, it shouldn't be preached to anyone anymore.
ironic hypocritical moment of the year number 2
like dude man guy, there is a way to argue what you are saying without sounding like both a) the worst kind of human being in existence and b) really really stupid, intolerant, and hypocritical. you are failing there tho. what is the point of reasoning with someone who is unreasonable? you are a hypocrite, you are just as bad as all the people that you are offending by shaming religion.
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wow cyg a 5?! i really need to check this
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Album Rating: 5.0
I actually agree with all your points; it's the artists' work and he can do whatever he wants. I made it clear twice now that I understand that.
But because I have an opinion on religious' place in music I'm suddenly closed minded?
People can believe whatever the hell they want, but don't preach christianity to me through music when that's the last thing I want in it.
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you wish for other people to alter their own art to fit into your beliefs
12 fucking 3. yet you expect people to think for themselves. well we all think for ourselves that you are an asshole and should probably keep your mouth shut.
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"I actually agree with all your points; it's the artists' work and he can do whatever he wants."
"People can believe whatever the hell they want, but don't preach christianity to me through music when that's the last thing I want in it."
You realize these contradict right? You're saying D'Angelo can put whatever he wants in his music but then you're saying he can't put christian themes in it lol good job dude
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People can believe whatever the hell they want, but don't preach christianity to me through music when that's the last thing I want in it.
then don't preach atheism to everyone else through your word vomit when thats the last thing literally anybody in this thread wants
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Album Rating: 5.0
The Good Son is essentially Nick Cave's conversion to Christianity in Brazil, and it's in my top ten favourite albums of all time.
It's his masterpiece, but the personal religious aspect of the album doesn't detract from the music quality at all.
The problem is here is an album on the edge of 2015, representing a large demographic of hurt, abused Black coloured skin
folk; and they have a lot to be angry about. A lot. Religion has done more* harm than good for their community, and we should
focus a lot more on merging together as a species/race, then dividing us further by religion.
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Album Rating: 4.0
Nobody cares what you want. An artist can be as preachy as they goddamn please. You don't matter to them. They're not trying to please you. Stop inserting yourself into places of importance that which you do not belong.
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"I actually agree with all your points; it's the artists' work and he can do whatever he wants."
"People can believe whatever the hell they want, but don't preach christianity to me through music when that's the last thing I want in it."
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Album Rating: 5.0
He can do what he wants (preaching christianity) though he will get criticized for doing so. I agree he has the right, I'm not saying he doesn't.
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boy your dislike for Christianity is proper aight man but you throwin in super cringey sentences that's gettin everyone riled up here
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Album Rating: 4.0
Can we talk about how good 1000 Deaths is? Please?
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Album Rating: 5.0
By having an opinion and getting trashed on a music forum? I've been lurking for years; I don't aim to start arguments.
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ya y'all gotta chill doe for real
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Album Rating: 5.0
What if D'angelo made an album where he ripped on religion and preached Athiesm? Everone here would be butthurt.
Obvious edit.
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What if D'angelo made an album where he ripped on religion and preached Christianity?
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Album Rating: 5.0
Because no one here currently shares the same beliefs I do? Regardless of my beliefs, I'll still stand with what I say every
time. Religion doesn't belong in music that's not dedicated to religion.
It doesn't belong in movies, either.
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