Only heard the single. Thought it sucked. Just like his last album. It was just a bit less awful. Which isn't really an accomplishment.
2.5 at least.
Also: ''Similar Bands: Nirvana'' seriously?
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Album Rating: 2.5
yeah seriously
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Cosmic Warrior holy fuck.
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Album Rating: 3.7 | Sound Off
That Heart of a Lion throwback on Commander, just fucking kill me now I've heard everything I need to hear
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Album Rating: 3.5
forreals. I got way 2 #hype from that.
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fuck why haven't i jammed this yet
o wait i know.... dreaded fear of disappointment
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Album Rating: 3.7 | Sound Off
at least jam By Design bro it's so fuckin good
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Flight at First Sight/Advanced yoooooo
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So I guess the only thing that qualifies somebody to be similar to Nirvana is having guitar riffs.
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Yea Flight at First sight goes soooo hard.
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Album Rating: 3.7 | Sound Off
That beat switch is smoothness
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lol he still makes music for white teenagers
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Album Rating: 4.0
Damn. Wanted my first review to be on this. Not sure if I should still go through with it. This is a well written review so I don't know. Either way.
To anyone on the fence about this, just listen to "By Design" if nothing else. Holy shit it slays.
I might be in the minority on this one, but I absolutely dig "Releaser" too.
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Album Rating: 4.0
"lol he still makes music for white teenagers"
Well, next to girls and clubbers, it might just be the easiest audience to target/pander to. I see nothing wrong with that. Then again, I'm not white or a teenager, so yeah.
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Album Rating: 3.7 | Sound Off
Releaser/By Design is one of my favourite one-twos this year so you're not alone
also, I encourage you to still write your review
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Album Rating: 2.5
yeah write it man
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"It's Cudi at top songwriting form, and the songs on it are arguably the best he's ever written, but the only thing I really give a fuck about in the end is that makes me feel something."
Should that be 'that it makes me feel something"?
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Who didnt like day and night back in the day.
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Album Rating: 4.0
I think Day n' Night might be pretty much universally loved. It's a great song, even the remix.
It's catchy, it's a banger, and it has substance. It's just good.
Then again, opinions, assholes, and all that.
Though I have yet to meet anyone who doesn't like Day n' Night.
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Its just a really well done arrangement. Nothing too fancy, just neat and everything comes in when called for
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