The attention is fun agreed
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Album Rating: 3.0
holy wood and mechanical animals are classics. this is passable
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Album Rating: 4.5
now i am a bee
buzz buzz
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Album Rating: 3.0
Edit: resolved
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Album Rating: 5.0
I saw your post and corrected the error last night, but it must have got swept up with the deep clean by mistake
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Album Rating: 5.0
I’m surprised this album isn’t as polarising as I had imagined it to be on here. People seem to generally enjoy this which is coo
Paint you with my love is, like, one of the best songs he’s made in years
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Album Rating: 3.0
The back half of this is stronger than I want to admit.
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Album Rating: 5.0
Why? Lol
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Album Rating: 5.0
Funny you say that though, Manson has said numerous times that this is a side a and b type of album.
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Album Rating: 3.0
Why don't I want to admit it or why is it better?
MM in 2020 doesn't have much of an appeal on a face value - and the only live show I've seen of his was literally the worst live set I've ever seen (no exaggeration). The residual feelings from that have developed a 'care-less' attitude as far as MM is concerned.
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Album Rating: 5.0
I can definitely see why someone would rule him out as redundant in 2020 before hearing this album. Hell, I'll admit that even I didn't have massive expectations for this, it was more of an intrigue if nothing else. However, I do feel Manson deserves all the credit here: the guy's had a lot of highs and lows in his career, but he's managed to reinvent himself not once but twice. After HUD I honestly thought he was done.
Also, his live shows have always been hit and miss. I saw him during The Pale Emperor tour and he was exceptional, then I saw him during the Heaven Upside Down tour and he wasn't terrible but it wasn't a great show tbf.
When did you see him? I've seen videos of him during THEOL era and he was fucking awful lol.
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Album Rating: 3.5
Halfway and One Step Forward piano melody sounds like that one Nickelback song.
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Album Rating: 4.0
Thread was wiped because everything now devolves into sexual assault allegations and "he said she said", etc.
My honest opinion, Manson prob. is a POS and has done very sketchy stuff, but until formal allegations and any extensive investigation takes place, believing one party over another is illogical and not factual.
Evan Rachel Wood apparently claims that Manson was manipulative and did cruel things. People can be assholes and jerks, but that is not a crime. If Manson did something illegal then she and others should take it to the authorities for a full investiagtion. Anything short of that is simply smearing someone.
Reading the users here smear either the accussed or the accusor without any formal proof is silly and only shows your own biases.
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Album Rating: 3.0
Just coming back to say i listened to this maybe 6 times and it’s honestly just a fucking great album. Lyrics are poopy tho
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Album Rating: 4.0
Agreed, I keep returning because I think this arguably Manson's most intricate and layered album to date. Each track I'm noticing more and more subtle isntrumentation behind the scenes, something more akin to a Trent Reznor Atticus Ross soundtrack then a Marilyn Manson album.
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Evan rachel woods is far from the only person to make various types of allegations against Manson fyi. And ur gonna say "it's my opinion that hes probably a POS nd done very sketchy stuff" up on that emaciated high horse as if that's any different from taking accusations seriously rather than being just the absolute worst and doubting victims by default. Outside of the various lawsuits he's been involved in I dont know which accusations are or are not true, whether it's sexual harassment, racism, or even the one about feeding a teenager cocaine and then encouraging her to go drive a car, but in regards to sexual assault or harassment allegations talking about the problematic ways society at large has treated and still treats victims and the barriers it creates for justice does not equate to just blindly believing one side or the other without proof. That attitude is as much of a SMEAR as whatever nonsense you're on about.
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Also "she and others should take it to the authorities for a full investiagtion"
The fact that you think this kind of stuff is as simple as this is either grossly uninformed or only shows your own biases.
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Album Rating: 1.0
For real why does this place suck more than usual lately
But anyways this album actually ain't the worst
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Album Rating: 4.0
I guess you either have to believe Marilyn Manson is a rapist thug or you're a POS yourself, zero room for nuance. Part of the reason I'm here less is this tends to be the way any discussions happen here now: either step in line with a very vocal minority or be labeled as either a troll or a racist, xenophobic, homophobic, sexist, bigot, etc.
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Album Rating: 3.0
It's pretty good. Though 'We Are Chaos' sounds like it's ripping off My Chemical Romance a little too much for my liking. Can't get that comparison out of my head.
The lyrics on 'Keep My Head Together' are atrocious as well.
I see a few others think the lyrics are poor too. I expected a little more from someone who has been around such a long while.
Finally, is it only me getting a hint of a Sparks influence?
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