Album Rating: 4.0
^ Lol.
"Your username is TechieCore, I rest my case".
What an ignorant point to make in an argument. Obviously you think your opinion is greater than all.
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Album Rating: 3.0
c'mon hawksy you know you love BTBAM!
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Album Rating: 4.5
In the face of adversity... HERE I AAAAAAAAAM
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Album Rating: 2.0
Lol @ Hawks feeling superior. It's hilarious.
Maybe even more hilarious than the rest of you sad children.
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holy shit its frank!
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Album Rating: 2.0
Oh, and btw TechieCore(name is lolbad I admit it), there are plenty of metalcore albums rated highly on Sputnik, just not what you listen to. Stop being so defensive. You listen to shitty metalcore. Own it. Embrace it. LIVE IT.
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You guys are idiots
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Album Rating: 4.0 | Sound Off
Whoa wtf just happened? is it too much too ask that we stick to the music
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yea, this is sputnik after all.
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is it too much too ask that we stick to the music
You must be new here
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Album Rating: 4.0 | Sound Off
Well I'm kinda knew but I'm sick of the random shit that is taked about
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You don't say
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Some metalcore is okay but this is just terrible
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I love it now
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this is okay, gets boring fast tho.
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very true
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Album Rating: 4.0 | Sound Off
This isn't "terrible" if you would listen with an open mind instead of already thinking its going to suck. You might actually find some good music
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Album Rating: 4.0 | Sound Off
production is boss
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Album Rating: 4.5
album is boss.
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Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off
Seems pretty good, however doesn't grab me, at all. Most djenty type stuff is getting stale for me
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