
Soundtrack (Television)
The Beavis And Butt-Head Experience



by metallicaman8 USER (65 Reviews)
July 12th, 2006 | 19 replies

Release Date: 1996 | Tracklist

Beavis And Butthead

Beavis and Butthead. One of the funniest animated television shows ever and not for very good reason. When you think about it most of the show is just them sitting on their couch and laughing. Furthermore the funniest thing ever said on the show was probably "tee-pee for my bunghole". Yet like the rest of you out there I can"t help but laugh my ass off every time I see the show. This is definitely a stunning example of the expression "it"s so stupid it"s funny". They never really talk about anything, or do much of anything or make fun of anything. They just walk around with the unending task of "doing it" and occasionally they"ll do something else that is some way related to doing it. I recall one episode when they go into a plastic surgery clinic to have their genitalia enlarged and end up getting nose jobs. It is this endless slew of shenanigans that keeps people watching. It"s sort of like watching one of those video compilation shows where it"s just hundreds of clips of people getting hurt. You know nothing to interesting is going to happen but you know the two are going to try and do something and they"re going to fail miserably. Now, don"t me wrong I"m not trying to put the show down in any way. I actually applaud it. Most animated show like South Park or Family Guy gets all their laughs from making fun of people"s cultures or specific people. Beavis and Butthead managed to produce several laugh filled seasons with very little plot lines or relevant dialogue That must have been an incredibly difficult thing to do. On a related note does anyone know if this is still on? I haven"t seen it in my TV guide in quite some time, but I can"t remember it being specifically cancelled.

This album has a somewhat comedic atmosphere. A lot of tracks include Beavis and Butthead rambling on about things at either the beginning or end of the song and occasionally during the song. They never really talk about much usually just TV or how much they liked the song. The majority of the songs are rather heavy and not necessarily comedic, but B&B"s input makes them comedic. Also, some are just funny tracks. For example, "Mental Masturbation", "Poetry And Prose" and "Come To Butt-Head". Those tracks are all rather humorous. Most of the tracks were fairly well written. This isn"t really an album that you put in to rock out to, but it"s good for the occasional listen or to have a good laugh with your friends. Other than that it"s not a very useful album. Except for the occasional good track like "Search and Destroy". The not much more can say about the overall sound because this album is composed by a bunch of different artists with varying styles.

Track By Track

I Hate Myself And Want To Die (Nirvana) 3/5- This song starts off by introducing Beavis and Butthead. Who proceed to make noise with their mouths to try and make them sound like instruments. You know but going like "duh, duh-nuh". The we get into the actual song, which wasn"t too great. There was a high pitched noise at the beginning that really annoyed me. The rest of the song was pretty much just power chords . It was moderately catchy, but Cobain"s vocals through me off some. I"m not sure why he"s gets so much praise. He wrote really simple music and his vocals weren"t all that great either. This particular track was actually pretty repetitive. It may have gotten a 2.5 if it weren"t for B&B"s hilarious antics. At the end of the song that high-pitched noise comes in again. I"m not sure why it"s there, but it is.

Looking Down The Barrel Of A Gun (Anthrax) 4/5- There"s an overly long introduction to this song where B&B talk about the time they met Anthrax. They story is pretty much the go up to Anthrax"s bus, knock on the door, Anthrax let them in, they look at porn, Beavis takes a crap and it smells then Anthrax kick them off the bus. The we finally get into the song. It starts off with a nice little drum beat. Then is accompanied by a driving bass line. The verse is has nice rhythm. I really enjoyed this songs flow. The guitar work was pretty solid. Some excellent riffage. As far as I could tell the bass pretty much just played the root notes of what the guitar played. The vocals were decent, better than in the previous track. Like most other tracks on the album this was a pretty heavy track. A solo would"ve been nice, but it did have the occasional little solo-esque riff under the vocals.

Com To Butt-Head 5/5- This is probably the most ridiculous track ever written. It"s sort of a slow rap song and the whole thing is B&B just talking over it. Mainly Butthead. For an example of just how silly it is I"ll give you example of the vocals "I just want to feel every part of me touching every part of you, especially my thingy". The majority of the song is like that. The instrumentals are also very well written. The bas line was flawless. Perfect for the song. The guitar was also great with some nice wah used here and there. I believe there was also a small orchestra, as I thought I heard some violin. The drum line was pretty fantastic as well. There"s not too much more I can say about this one. It was more there for emphasis of humor. It truly is great though. I can"t help but smirk every time I here it.

99 Ways To Die (Megadeth) 4.5/5- This was one of my favourite songs from the album. With the exception of Dave Mustaine"s vocals. The instrumentals were great, but I really have trouble tolerating Dave"s voice. Especially in this track. It seemed a little more high pitched and whiny than usual. The instrumentals really saved this track. They were fast and heavily distorted, had a nice thrashy feel. There was some occasional little acoustic riffs. They were great but only lasted for seconds at a time. The solo was splendid. It was a good length and very well-written. The bass was hard to hear for most of the song, but still pretty well written. The drums weren"t too great, but they kept the beat and that"s all I ask. After the song there was some more B&B antics.

Bounce (Run-D.M.C) 3.5/5- This definitely wasn"t one of the better tracks of the album but it wasn"t too bad either. I enjoyed the flow. There"s not much I can say about the instrumentals as they were mostly computer generated. As far as rap goes it was more than adequate. Some good rhymes. Although these guys were no Dr. Dre. I wish there was some more I could say about this one, but there really isn"t. It"s a decent rap song. If you like rap you"ll probably like this. Otherwise don"t waste your time with it. Let"s move on.

Deuces Are Wild (Aerosmith) 4/5- I rather enjoyed this track. It was more tender than most from this album. It had a good old fashioned rock n" roll feel to it. The guitar work was good. Most of it was chords. I liked the tone on the guitarists amp. It seemed fitting for this song. The vocals were exceptionally good. Perfectly in key and just marvelous, overall. The bass line was also outstanding, kept good rhythm and was fairly well-written. The drums were also splendid. They were in time throughout and fairly complex. I also enjoyed B&B"s post song antics, as per usual.

I Am Hell (White Zombie) 4.5/5- Tremendous track. One of the heaviest on the album. The guitar work was great. Very powerful and rhythmic. The bass was as good if not better than the guitar. You could here it quite well throughout and it was very well written. The vocals were a tad annoying, but they didn"t bother me too much. This song had sort of an eerie feel to it, although the mood was lightened near the end thanks to B&B. There"s was also a great solo in here and some other high points I really liked. For example, there was a nice little bridge using pinch harmonics. Overall this was a very solid track.

Poetry And Prose (Primus) 4/5- Probably the most unique song one the album. Starts off with Les just rhyming. Then the instrumentals kick in. They were unique to say they least. The only descriptive adjective I can think of that would really suite the bass line is "popping". The guitar was sort of like one really long solo. It seemed to mainly follow a scale. The vocals were pretty good and mostly just promoted the show. For example "I don"t give a damn about poetry, or about prose, but I sure do get a kick out of them Beavis and Butthead show". There"s two verses and then the instrumentals sort of breakdown and B&B talk over then for forty-five seconds or so, then the song ends.

Monsta Mack (Sir Mix-A-Lot) 4/5- The track starts off with B&B talking about some sort of monster. Then we get into some computer made FX. I actually really liked this track, which was kind of strange because I"m not really a huge rap fan. It had excellent flow throughout. Some nice disc spinning in there. I"m not really sure how good it was because I don"t have much expertise in the area of rap, but I liked it. The rhyming was good and I also liked the vocalists voice. This track was very well composed as well. Although, I doubt it was really that hard considering most of it was computer generated. Overall worthy edition to the album.

Search And Destroy (Red Hot Chili Peppers) 5/5- Best song off the album in my opinion. Nearly flawless from beginning to end. It was very, very catchy and had a good fast pace. I found it to be a little heavy compared to RHCP usual work, but that didn"t bother my in the least. It was a little bit hard to here the vocals, but again that didn"t bug me. There was a lot of stupendous riffage in here and a great solo as well. Although, the solo was obstructed a tad by the vocals over it. I particularly liked the chorus. It was very powerful and good to head bang to. The bass line was probably one of the best I"ve ever heard, but that"s no uncommon when you"re talking about Flea. Probably the best song from the album overall, but I still prefer "Seek" And Destroy.

Mental Masturbation (Jackyl) 4/5- You can probably tell from the title that this was a rather perverted song, but that didn"t get to me too much. This actually could"ve been a 4.5 if it were a tad more lengthy. Aside from being short and perverted this was actually a pretty solid track though. Some driving power chords, accompanied by a bass line playing the root notes. The song had great pace throughout. The vocals had somewhat of a high pitch, but it didn"t bother me at all. This surprised me because usually I loathe high pitched vocals. There was a nice little bass interlude in here I really enjoyed. This song also could"ve used a solo. With a name like "Mental Masturbation" you can only imagine what B&B had to say afterwards.

Overall Rating: 4/5

Pros: Funny
Most tracks were well-written

Cons: I didn"t like some tracks

All in all I wouldn"t recommend hunting for this. If you come across it by mere chance you my want to pick it up, but other than that don"t really look into this. Unless of course you"re a big fan of the show. The you might want to check this out. Needless to say if you don"t like the show you won"t like this. Actually even if you do like B&B you might not like this. It"s not too, too great. It got a four as a soundtrack not as an actual album. If it were a real album it would"ve got something more like a 2.5. I would actually recommend watching the show more than I would listening to this. Until next time keep your stick on the ice.


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Comments:Add a Comment 
July 12th 2006


Album Rating: 4.0

I'm not too pleased with this review. I find it difficult to write TBT's anymore.

EDIT: hmmm...the album art hasn't showed up. I'll go fix it.This Message Edited On 07.12.06

July 12th 2006


There's a few errors here, but mostly well written. Example: "through me off." Beavis and Butthead isn't the best, but it has its times.

July 12th 2006


Album Rating: 4.0

Yeah, I might touch this up a bit later^.

Edit: the album art for this album won't workThis Message Edited On 07.12.06

July 12th 2006


Good review, and dude, the show's been cancelled for about nine years.

July 12th 2006


Album Rating: 4.0

Haha, good to know. Although I remember watching it only about 2 years ago. Must've been re-runs.

July 13th 2006


I don't liek B&BH

The Sludge
July 13th 2006


Album Rating: 3.0

Wait, where is the Cher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

July 13th 2006


Album Rating: 4.0

are you serious????^

The Sludge
July 13th 2006


Album Rating: 3.0

It wont have the nostoligla back 10 years ago though. It would be a bad mistake, like the mistake of the new season of Celebrity Deathmatch

and where is CHER!!!!!!!!!!!! If I'm not mistaken, B & BH did a song with Cher, of I Got You Babe. I'm pretty for sure its this because I used to have this a long time ago, and had the Anthrax, Primus, etc like my copy had.

The Jungler
July 13th 2006


Man, it just wouldn't work nowadays. No one wants to see Beavis and Butthead ramble about My Chemical Romance.
The show was pretty funny, mostly because of those music video portions.

July 13th 2006


Album Rating: 4.0

Mr. Sludge, mine doesn't have that track on it. I'm not sure what's up with that. Maybe there was some sort of factory error?

July 13th 2006


I actually own this album. It's hilarious. Especially the cover art.

July 13th 2006


Huhuhuh, this sucks.

Naah, just kidding! I'd like to hear this, actually.

July 13th 2006


Album Rating: 4.0

Hmm...I'm actually rather surprised that someone negged this, if anything I thought it would be my AI review. And I had just got myself back up to 97% too . Ah well, guess that just maens I have to put out more reviews to get it back up again *fumbles through cd's to look for something to review*

Two-Headed Boy
July 13th 2006


I'm suprised I haven't commented on this. This sounds awesome, and I've never really gotten into B&B, but I'm intrigued, much to my suprise. Good review. Just ignore the neg.

Get Low
October 1st 2019


I'll just go ahead and give this a 13-year bump

October 1st 2019


Album Rating: 4.0

I jammed this hard back in the day.

Get Low
October 1st 2019


"Cons: I didn"t like some tracks"

Exceptionally well-written review. Pos'd.

October 1st 2019


Still have my cassette of this from back in the day.
Truly the darkest years of my life.

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