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4.0 excellent | Jared Floryan | March 3rd 16 | Demon alcohol makes humans do morally corrupt things - and these so-called things can be rather difficult to describe. Orlando-based murder folk act Amigo the Devil's 2010 debut EP presents itself as an ode to lunacy as much as it strives to become a love letter written for serial killers. Whatever subtleties that lurk within Manimals grow more pronounced with additional listens, and Daniel K.'s wretched, yet also subdued vocal performance throughout the recording is nothing short of effective. They say that once you embrace the touch of madness, you'll be doing your perfect wife in no time at all. Angel recommends: "Dahmer Does Hollywood" and "Infamous Butcher".
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4.0 excellent | RFO13 | October 19th 13 | Very dark and entertaining folk music about murders, cadavers, and relationships. Like a depressing Andrew Jackson Jihad but less punky
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4.0 excellent | Elynna | August 30th 21 |
5.0 classic | kevbogz | February 22nd 19 |
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