Finntroll release an EP-appetiser for the new album
'Nattf�dd' and it's tasty ! Loads of respect to Skrymer, not only for playing guitar on this, but also for designing the entire lay out, beautiful colours make this seem imported straight out of the cold north. Which it is, actually, as this band is one of Finland's finest. Finntroll are a band that play a mixture of really unexpected styles. A black metal base, spiced with polka and folk elements. Think the
Flogging Molly of metal. It may sound bizarre, but it works, it certainly works.
Many people were uncertain about the future of Finntroll when founding member and guitarist Somnium died and vocalist Katla had to leave the band due to throat problems. I don't think many were disappointed though, since the band wrote some great songs for this one. Not surprisingly, the band members have a preoccupation with trolls and Finnish mythology in general, and that's what they're seeking to achieve in their music. Often the music evokes something that seems to have come forth out of a faerie tale. Especially in
'Trollhammaren', a song that starts with a medieval dance tune, then speeds up, accompanied by heavily distorted guitars and fast metal drums. This song is far away from black metal, as it is demonically catchy.
The new vocalist tries his best to sound like a troll, and he's a great vocalist. More surprisingly, the lyrics are in Swedish, and not in Finnish. But to me, they sound very trolly and they fit the song amazingly well. The chorus is a simple shouted "trollhammaren", which give a very 'popular' and folkish effect. Later there's a breakdown with a keyboard part. Keys surely play a big role on this album, without the folk/polka elements and keys this album might have been trivial metal. But it isn't. The other songs contain more metal and less folk sounds (although the second song still has a flute, acoustic folk guitars and the like), but they still have that typical polka/folk structure, which gives you this crazy urge to throw your legs in the air and then stop it, because it's extreme metal dammit.
I can imagine that metal elitists might look down on this, because it's really quite accessible and even damn catchy, but I love this little thing. Certainly a style that I hadn't heard before and I would certainly recommend it. (Even though it's only 17 minutes long)