


by darkwargreymon USER (22 Reviews)
June 30th, 2007 | 9 replies

Release Date: 2007 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Overall a solid album, effectively combining the violin with vocals and guitar, but not as good as their previous album, Ethernaut.

The Cruxshadows is a gothic band that formed in 1992 in Florida. Their music is also described as industrial, electro-pop. and darkwave. The current members of the band are:

Rogue: Vocals, Violin
George Bikos: Guitar
Jessica Lackey: Dancer, Vocals
Jen Jawidzik: Keyboard, Backup Vocals
Sarah Poulos: Dancer, Vocals
Rachel McDonnell: Keyboard, Violin

The album is definitely solid, being very melodic and deep, effectively combining the violin with guitars and vocals. I will do a track by track review, explaining the highlights of each.

1. Pygmalion`s Dream
The album starts with some electronic sounds, followed by some vocals by Rogue and melodic singing in the background. Overall, the song is very successful in being catchy and melodic, with the song talking about an ideal world, constantly repeating "I have dreams to make this world, something more than hate and greed". Towards the end, there are more vocals and some sound can be heard in the background. 3/5, since there are much better songs in the album.

2 Windbringer
This next song is probably one of my favorite`s out of the whole album. The introduction is some electronic sounds, which are later complemented by the violin, just before Rogue`s vocals kick in. I am not sure what the song talks about, but I think it is about nature and sound. The vocals are very fluid and sound well with the background electronic. The violin can be heard at times especially during the chorus, but the guitar is not heard very often. There is a small solo at about 3:51 which I really enjoy. The song has mostly vocals, but it is very enjoyable and soothing. 5/5

3. Sophia
The song starts with some lyrics about humans, followed by rogue`s vocals. Then, there is a very good guitar solo combined with the violin. The song has a different structure, with the verses at first and the chorus being said many times towards the end, and having vocals as an introduction. This song is similar to the previous one, except it has more violin sounds and less vocals. It also shows more complexity and sadness in the verses, and promising chorus. This song was released before and was a very big success. it is probably my favorite track on the album. 5/5.

4. Defender
This track is somewhat disappointing, compared what has just been heard. The song has a beat at the beginning that I do not like, nut gets better when the violin begins playing. The lyrics talk about a lost love, that is going to be defended and protected by the writer. Nevertheless, the song is soothing and melodic. The guitar is clearly heard during the chorus, mixed with the violin. The song kind of drags on towards the end, and can become repetitive. 2/5

5. Perfect
This song does not live up to Windbringer or Sophia either. It starts with a promising beginning, combining several instruments with electronic sounds. This song talks about love and appreciation for someone. The vocals go very well with the background sounds, and Rogue`s vocals are as melodic as ever. This is the second longest track in the album, being 7 minutes with 20 seconds. I personally enjoy the multiple solos in between the chorus and verses, but the lyrics can seem to cheesy for some (like me). The song is overall optimistic and happy. 3/5 for the good combination of violin and electronics.

6. Elissa
The song begins with some very catchy electronic sounds and fast beats. The violin is impressive during the introduction. The vocals start at about 1:15. The lyrics talk about someone not wanting to leave Elyssa, and expresses her love for her. He talks about his heart being broken and fighting against the waves. The person has to leave, and wants to stay with Elyssa, but can`t. The catchy electronic sounds keep playing in the background throughout the whole song. This song is much better than the previous to songs, and sounds almost like a continuation of perfect. 3/5

7. Eye of the storm
This is the longest track in the album, and starts with vocals rather than with electronics. The violin can be heard after the vocal solo, and the guitar enters at about 1:54, and makes the combination of sounds even better. It is a sad song, and very melodic, and deep lyrics. 4/5

8. Adriadne
The song starts with a beat followed by the impressive violin, and slowly the guitar integrates the sound. The introduction seems very elaborated and has a rather melancholic sound to it. Rogue`s voice also has a melancholic sound, and the lyrics can become somewhat catchy. You can hear the complementary singing towards the end. 4/5 for being very catchy.

9. Sleepwalking
The introduction is very different from the other songs, with a mix of sounds and vocals. The vocals are the highlight of the song,and the complementary vocals are also heard in this song. The violin can`t be heard, but there is a background beat and guitar sounds. The song ends in an abrupt manner, when you least expect it to. 3.5/5

10. Solus
There are electronic sounds combined with beats in the beginning, with the violin in the background. The electronic sounds in the background are also catchy. Rogue`s vocals sound mature and optimistic. The main highlight in the song shifts between vocals and electronics, and there is a very good violin solo at about 4:00, which sounds well with the background. The song repeats most of the vocals, which talk about the fear of being lonely. 4.5/5, it starts well and keeps the momentum going until the end.

11. Dido`s Reply
This is the shortest song on the album, and there are distorted voices heard throughout it, with some soft background music playing. 3/5, not too impressive.

12. Memorare
The introduction starts very soft and soothing, which is then followed by the violin playing in a slow manner. Rogue`s vocals starts slowly, and gradually becomes louder. This is one the the longest tracks, about the same length as perfect. The vocals stay slow, with a slow background sound as well. The song has a sad tone, talking about sadness and lost happiness. the song drags on for too long towards the end, earning it a 2/5.

13. Birthday
This is also one of my favorite tracks in the album. As the title implies, it talks about a birthday. The song begins with electronic sounds and violin. The song tells that it may be the last day of the person`s life, and to treasure the day. The vocals are medium-paced, and are a combination between happy and sad. This is one of the most melodic tracks, ending with a "Happy Birthday", and another impressive violin solo. 5/5 for the violin solo and melodic sound.

14. Kisses 3
This is probably my least favorite track. It talks about someone giving three different kisses to his or her loved one. The vocals are soft and seem repetitive. The background music is not impressive either, being very simple. 1.5/5

Recommended tracks:
Windbringer, Sophia, Adriadne, Birthday

+Good electronic sounds
+Vocals that fit the tone of the song

-Cheesy lyrics at times
-Some repetitiveness

Overall, the pros outweigh the cons, causing a very strong album. Songs such as Sophia demonstrate the talents of the band.

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user ratings (10)

Comments:Add a Comment 
July 2nd 2007


Avoid the "I give this album a x/5". Okay review, but stiff.

July 2nd 2007


Yea what he said^ stiff, but you gave the basic info. Don't know if ill check it out.

July 26th 2007


Album Rating: 3.0

Sorry for that, I saw many reviews that had that tye of rating system. But anyways, thanks for the feedback.

June 6th 2008


This is cool stuff. I saw the album a while back but decided to check them out.

October 21st 2008


Album Rating: 3.0

I'll try to make more reviews, just need to find he time. I will not use the format used for this, it takes long, and is often not the best way. I will approach reviews by writing the highlights of albums, and their flaws, while describing the sound as a whole and not song by song.

October 26th 2008


Album Rating: 3.0

More comments please. I fixed a few things here and there.

October 26th 2008


Pretty good for a tbt. Holy crap these guys are old and from Florida ftw. I'm suprised they're not from Ft. Lauderdale tbh. You should check out Amber Asylum.

Some mispelled words heer and there. 10 more comments until 10,000.This Message Edited On 10.25.08

October 26th 2008


Album Rating: 3.0

Thank you. I fixed the spelling errors using word just now. I'm currently working on another reviews at the moment, Chimaira - The impossibility of Reason. Its a very different format from this so be sure to check it out once im done with it.

July 3rd 2011


interesting first review!! thats interesting the band has so many violins.

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