fIREHOSE   if'n
Release Date: 1987

 Ratings (39) Give your Rating

3.5 greatTheManMachine | December 13th 14

Good-hearted indie-funk road rock, hooks aplenty without sacrificing its quirk or prog, and of course basswork for days. Their forays into music nerd humor, acoustic, and spoken word are also welcome, but for the true masterworks please guide your attention towards the more obvious and effortlessly breezy "Honey, Please" and "Windmilling".


3.5 greateloimayano | December 21st 23
4.0 excellentYep321 | October 31st 22
3.5 greatmrfixit | October 9th 22
3.5 greatAnthracks | July 18th 21
3.0 goodfight the misfortune | April 1st 21
3.5 greatPolyguySJ | December 22nd 20
3.5 greatSenetrix666 | October 19th 20
3.5 greatYankeeDudel | September 21st 20
3.5 greatDopeFiend | June 21st 19
3.5 greatSheriffOfHongKong | January 28th 19
3.5 greatTwoGlassEyes | June 28th 18
3.0 goodWilliamJ | February 23rd 18
3.5 greatSandwichBubble | November 19th 16
4.0 excellentAndreasFlea | June 13th 15
5.0 classicMrOblivion | September 28th 14
4.0 excellentBug | February 12th 14
4.5 superbinajar | February 4th 14
4.0 excellentcanojaharie012 | October 22nd 13
4.0 excellentsonictheplumber | July 19th 13
3.0 goodMac666 | December 26th 12
2.0 poorpixiedu | October 17th 12
4.5 superbOldAndy | September 20th 12
3.5 greatFrank - the rater of 3.5 | March 29th 12
3.5 greatLeeHarveyOsmond | March 26th 12
4.0 excellentjonjonsen | January 24th 12
3.0 goodSkyler | January 13th 12
4.0 excellentnarpet | December 25th 11
3.0 goodBruscolino | November 25th 11
3.5 greatBrainPie | September 24th 10
2.5 averageCavs | August 24th 10
2.5 averageKakuran | April 6th 10
4.5 superbblurkom | March 2nd 10
4.0 excellentCeziria | February 28th 10
5.0 classicCapnJazz | December 5th 09
4.0 excellentMrKite | March 16th 09
4.0 excellentAlthusser86 | November 13th 08
4.5 superbcpd38 | September 5th 07
4.0 excellentcheckmate9491

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