Beyond Virtue, Beyond Vice



by patrickbateman USER (6 Reviews)
March 22nd, 2007 | 12 replies

Release Date: 2006 | Tracklist

Review Summary: One of the best things to come around without even being noticed.

If there is one thing I’m sure about these days in the music world, its that great bands sort of get ignored by the so called “music lovers” and opt for cliche music that they think makes them fit in with everyone. This sort of philosphy is also apparent in music. There are bands that play cliche music in order to fit in with what people want and play it safe. Then there are bands like Vaux. The bands that really like to be a more creative band and try to create something new with each album while at the same time not really trying to be a catalog band or try to make the cover of AP by wearing tacky apparel. After one listen to “Beyond Virtue, Beyond Vice”, I was thrown into the world of triple guitar assaults, electronic experimentation, catchy choruses, and even a nice ballad. Vaux does something not many bands can really accomplish, and thats create diversity and have the listener actually enjoy it which is quite hard to do in this day and age.

“Identity Theft” starts up and right away they kick it into high gear. The chorus has essentially two parts which I find pretty amazing as one part is just straight up heavy while Quentin screams /I’d rather steal than foot the bill, I’d rather die. I’d rather steal than pay the bill, I’d rather lie. We stand like giants we are, we are the same size. I’d rather sleep than work this week, I’d rather die.We are like convicts we are, we do the same time./ Then the second part of the chorus is melodic while Quentin sings which I find a very interesting trait they threw in there. As the track finishes, we are greeted with the single “Are You With Me” which has a catchy chorus and once again powerful music. The heavy hits continue as “Cocaine James” continues which has a very nice intro and has a sort of sexual feel to the song. After the first three tracks excel in every way, the album takes a bad step and slows down with the song “Need To Get By” which is a so-so track. After that track it’s mostly uphill as the tracks “The Last Report From...” and “The Rope, The Pistol, The Candlestick” are where the diversity of Vaux is more apparent with “The Rope, The Pistol, The Candlestick” showing their more electronic side. The album takes one more bad step with the track “Don’t Wait” but then we hit more heavy music that Vaux has trademarked in the past years with “Burn The Bandwagon”. “To The Nines” then comes on and the listener is really is in for a treat. The track is a ballad and has a very cowboy western riff while at the same time a very Muse feel. Definetly my favorite track on the album. Music wise, the album is damn near perfect without getting the feeling that it was overproduced. There are two tracks however that are disappointing and really don’t compare with the rest of the album. Quentin and his vocals shine again throughout the album really giving the listener great screams when needed and a brillant singing voice.

All together, Vaux knows what to do and how they are gonna do it. Some people say that to get the true Vaux experience, you have to see them live. While the typical bands care more about having an article in the next AP magazine or gracing the cover of it, Vaux is basically saying with this album “You guys can keep that. We prefer to rock peoples faces off.”

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March 22nd 2007


Split up the second paragraph and your review will be set. I decided to pull up the band on myspace, and there's nothing overly original or striking about them. They're good, but not that great. You kind of set them up for something they're not. Overhyped if I ever read it. But I do agree more or less with your accusations at the music scene, this band just sounds like an edgier and harder Muse, cussing and all. I'll check this out and reach my verdict then.This Message Edited On 03.22.07

The Sludge
March 22nd 2007


I've heard Are You With Me in various places. Again like trustx mentioned, nothing striking, but decent.

March 22nd 2007


Nice musics. Indentity Theft is a cute song, but I wouldn't really label them as SUPER ÜBER DIFFERENT OMG.

cute review as well.

March 24th 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

Gar i love their songs on myspace but can't find this anywhere.

October 5th 2008


Album Rating: 4.5

underated, unknown band

great album, jeez im making a habit of double posting

check them out plz./This Message Edited On 10.05.08

May 22nd 2009


Album Rating: 4.0

The Plague Music EP is much better, but this is like hardcore muse at some parts! SO COOL.

Iamthe Nightstars
September 22nd 2009


There Must Be Some Way To Stop Them is the best thing they did imo.

October 13th 2009


I do quite enjoy these fellas sound

August 12th 2013


Definitely an underrated album. I LOVE Cocaine James and A Simple Man.

September 22nd 2013


"while at the same time not really trying to be a catalog band or try to make the cover of AP"

Just found this because of a copy of AP from 2006, in the album review they gave it a 5 ironically enough, AP sent me. This sounds awesome so far

June 20th 2016


Album Rating: 4.5

i swear to god, this is the most overlooked album ever

June 22nd 2022



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