This album blends classic Norwegian BM (Immortal, Satyricon and especially Darkthrone and Burzum, i.e. in "Landeplagen Skal Bort" and "Da Frostvind Blæste"), some depressive black metal stuff ("Stormen Fra Nord" and "Sidste Kapitel I En Endelos...") and black ambient a là Xasthur ("I Der Knaeler I Ynk" and two tracks of pure ambient ("Intethedens Larm" and the good "Intro - Portene Abnes"). The tracks closer to the classic Nowegian style are also the most conventional, where the depressive songs are the best of the album. Ambient songs are pretty but sometimes a little boring and repetitive. In particular, "Intethedens Larm" is seriously too long. It's globally a good work to be a debut album, and it has some really good tracks ("Sidste Kapitel I En Endelos..." and "Stormen Fra Nord" above all).
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