
No Sir, Nihilism Is Not Practical



by whatsgrimace USER (1 Reviews)
July 28th, 2005 | 52 replies

Release Date: 2004 | Tracklist

Showbread started out as a worship band in their hometown of Savannah, Georgia. As the members began to play harder music, they were basically kicked out of their church. Unlike many Christian bands out there, Showbread isn't subliminal about their message, and they actually mention Jesus Christ by name. But they in no way alienate non-Christian listeners, and many of the songs on this album deal with topics that Christian and non-Christians alike can relate to.

Anyway, biography aside, it's time to begin the actual review.

1. A Llama Eats A Giraffe (And Vice Versa)

The album begins with the sound of a phone being dialed, and then you're instantly thrown into an intro of shrill screaming and clashing instruments. The two vocalists seem to blend together, creating sort of a spazzy element to their songs, and it's apparent right from the beginning. 2:30 seconds into it, there's a relaxed breakdown, with vocalist Dies seeming to almost chant with a simple drum beat playing behind him. There is some quick synth at 3:10, and after another 30 seconds of screams the song ends with the sound of a chainsaw, leading to the next track. 3.5/5

2. Dead by Dawn

Track 2 is basically an ode to the Evil Dead trilogy. It begins with a cool chainsaw effect on the guitar. A back up riff on the guitar and some synth leads you into the first verse, which begins fairly mellow and quickens shortly after. After a build up, the pace drops at 1:30, and leads into a repetive chant of the song's title that continues to 2:18. The pace drops again, and after building up to a cry of "Hail to the king, baby!" The song reaches a close after another chanting of the song's title, and ends with static. 3.5/5

3. Mouth Like a Magazine

This is the first single off of the album. It's extremely catchy, and sounds a bit like the Hives... It's almost too catchy, and a bit repetive. At 2:24, theres a chant betweent the two vocalists that alternates betweens throaty sounding screams from Dies to shrill shrieks from Mobley. There's a little breakdown at 2:39, and the song closes with the chorus. 2.5/5

4. If You Like Me Check Yes, If You Don't I'll Die

The song begins with a catchy little guitar riff. The first half of the song is very fast and spazzy, with shrieks contributed from both vocalists. The song takes a very nice turn 1:27 in, sounding a bit like the Hives again. When you're expecting the song to end smoothly, you hit a wall of static and distorted shrieks. The instruments cease while the shrieks continue for a brief moment, and you experience a moment of silence before the next song begins. 3.5/5

5. Sampsa Meets Kafka

In Franz Kafka's famous novel "The Metamorphosis", Gregor Samsa awakes one morning to discover that he's turned into a giant bug. He's treated cruelly by his family, and he eventually dies of lonliness. This song is Dies one-line response to Kafka. It's the shortest song on the CD, and it's pure chaos. Very interesting. 3.5/5

6. So Selfish It's Funny

Track 6 starts out with a nice little synthesized drum rhythm, leading you into the first verse. The first half of the song is a bit like the other songs on the album, fast-paced. At 2:11, the tempo slows, and you're carried softly through the rest of the song. 3.5/5

7. The Missing Wife

The Missing Wife has a completely different feel to it then any of the songs on the album up to this point. Dies sings softly while a soothing melody is played on a ukulele. It's very soothing, very enjoyable. The track ends with very ominous feel. A woman's scream rings out, and you're catapulted into...

8. Welcome To Plainfield Tobe Hooper

Heavy synth. Simple, but fast. Very fast. Very catchy. Very nice. 4/5

9. And The Smokers And Children Shall Be Cast Down

This song one of the albums more beautiful songs. It begins with a synthesized melody, with Dies singing. It's fairly calming. At 1:15, the song errupts, with passionate vocals from both Dies and Mobley. The song sounds uplifting and horribly depressing at the same time, but continually beautiful. One of the best tracks on the disc. 4/5

10. Stabbing Art To Death

The first section of this song is very fast and spazzy. Dies starts singing at 1:53, backed by Mobley. There's another spazzed section of the song that lasts for around 20 seconds or so, with chanting by both vocalists. The coolest part of the song happens at 4:02, when Dies starts singing again, backed by distant guitars. It's very catchy. The songs reaches it's peak, when it's ripped apart as the tempo steadily decreases and ends with feedback. 4/5

11. The Dissonance of Discontent

This beginning of this song is insanely spazzy, with fast drums and high pitched squeals from both vocalists. The second half of the song has a haunted feel to it, with an organ being played in the background. The song ends with the sound of thunder and rainfall. 3.5/5

12. Matthias Replaces Judas

This another one of the more beautiful songs on the album. Dies exposes his true talent in this song, singing so passionatly as to almost being close to tears. Bagpipes (yes, bagpipes) bring the song to a close. 4/5

13. The Bell Jar

The albums last song is a very catchy, radio friendly tune. Dies stops to sing a little over 2 minutes into the song, accompanied by a very basic guitar melody and the occasional synthesizer. The song brings the album to a close nicely, and ends with a dial tone. 3/5


Very nice album. The material on it is varied, and the most of the songs are very catchy. The Christian message in the songs is very apparent, but it isn't enough to sicken non-Christian listeners. You're going to either love it or hate it, but it is definetely with a listen. FINAL RATING: 3.5/5

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Cuban Pete (5)
Nothing, nothing, nothing is forever....

Comments:Add a Comment 
July 28th 2005


i think they are kinda a rip off of the blood brothers
but they're still good
good review

July 28th 2005


Sampsa Meets Kafka
is my fav

July 29th 2005


Myeh. They rip off Refused. They directly lift a lot of the riffs from The Shape of Punk to Come and steal the "progressive" ideas of the album in a lame way. Some cool riffs. Reminds me of Kinison as well.

July 29th 2005


I really like "Dead By Dawn" but the rest of the stuff is lame. Having a seperate singer and screamer is really lame and they see like one of those, "We have 7 people, it must take so much work to compose our complex songs." They rip off the blood brothers more than Refused.

August 5th 2005


every band seems to rip off another band if you really think about it. Also, just because their screamer has a high pitch scream does not automatically mean they rip off Blood Brothers. Both are amazing musicians. If a band is like slipknot with thousand of members but it doesnt cover all instruments then you are right, they are lame, but if you want to get a good sound and the singer cant scream that good then pull in a screamer, no offense sir but i believe you dont know what you are saying. THink before you talk and please have more respect because i dont see you out doing what they are. thank you

August 5th 2005


[quote=ifihadtheguts]please have more respect because i dont see you out doing what they are.[/quote]
I wonder how many times I've seen that on this site before.This Message Edited On 08.05.05

August 6th 2005


thats because it is true.

Kid A
October 20th 2005


Album Rating: 4.0

Isn't "Stabbing Art to Death" on their first one?

February 15th 2006


From what I've heard, this isn't nearly as chaotic or interesting as the Blood Brothers.

March 18th 2006


Album Rating: 3.5

stabbing art to death was on their cd before this, which happened to be their 5th CD, and their second full-length.

I liked these guys alot at first, but they kinda ran thin. "Smokers and Children Shall Be Cast Down" and "Stabbing Art to Death" are the best songs, followed by "If You Like Me Check Yes, If You Don't I'll Die"

overall a good CD, with too much filler.

Dancin' Man
March 18th 2006


Heh, decent band but the Keytar is what makes them.

April 23rd 2006


i agree

May 13th 2006


Album Rating: 5.0

no sir, nihilsm is not practical is amazing. it is quite refreashing to hear a band that doesnt stick to any set formula and makes music that doesnt try to fit in any specific genre. i will admit that at times there are some simularities between them and the bloodbrothers and refused and i think, even some old underoath (before they sucked). but every band is influenced by someone else, thats how bands start! no band is completely original, it is imposible to do! but in a world where everyother band you hear sounds EXACTLY the same, showbread is far above the rest. i cant wait until there new "age of reptiles" album comes out this summer!

May 13th 2006


Album Rating: 5.0

no sir, nihilsm is not practical is amazing. it is quite refreashing to hear a band that doesnt stick to any set formula and makes music that doesnt try to fit in any specific genre. i will admit that at times there are some simularities between them and the bloodbrothers and refused and i think, even some old underoath (before they sucked). but every band is influenced by someone else, thats how bands start! no band is completely original, it is imposible to do! but in a world where everyother band you hear sounds EXACTLY the same, showbread is far above the rest. i cant wait until there new "age of reptiles" album comes out this summer!

June 21st 2006


Album Rating: 3.5

Yeah, I'm looking forward to it, too.

August 15th 2006


underoath does not suck now,it sucked way back

August 15th 2006


My exgirlfriend is good friends with these guys, and while her and I were dating, they were in town and they came to her house and I ate a steak dinner with them. The food was good, but I can't say the same for their music. But they're overall nice guys.

August 15th 2006


Album Rating: 4.0

i love this album, its one of my favorites. but i must say that if you like this album dont bother getting or even attempting to hear their new album...

August 15th 2006


Album Rating: 4.0

cuz their new album SUCKS!!!!!!!

December 2nd 2006


This is a classic album for the screamo genre

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