Klimt 1918
Sentimentale Jugend



by dynamic range police USER (37 Reviews)
December 10th, 2016 | 18 replies

Release Date: 2016 | Tracklist

Review Summary: "Try again, fail again, fail better." - Klimt 1918 master ambition and top themselves.

Bands change. Some follow a predictable path, while others decide to do it suddenly. From their birth in Rome in 1999, Klimt 1918 followed the former route. They rose from the ashes of a death metal band, adding a newfound love for gothic rock and new wave to the mix, which gradually brought them closer to alternative rock and shoegaze. Straying away from metal with each release, the comparisons with bands like Katatonia are nothing but a memory. Klimt's new twin albums stray further than ever, offering two hours of an impenetrable shoegaze wall -littered with influences from new wave to post rock- where a focus on lyrics is highly recommended on first listens to avoid getting lost.

It's easy to describe how the albums sound. A glance at the artwork(s) sums the sound very well: a thick fog in which is hard to see anything that isn't close. A fog of reverberating guitars, echoing voices and a rhythm section that becomes more or less audible depending on the occasion, making the production job as important as the instruments. But, while the albums sound very homogeneous, the pieces possess an identity of their own. Generally, Sentimentale is the friendlier twin owner of the more obvious hooks and righteously placed first. An example is the cover of "Take My Breath Away", a famous pop hit from the 1986 movie "Top Gun". Jugend instead is tougher. It does feature a livelier instrumentation, but it also features experiments like "Stupenda e Misera Citta'" ("beautiful and miserable city"): ten slowly building minutes over which "Il pianto della scavatrice" by poet Pier Paolo Pasolini is recited.

With patience Sentimentale Jugend will unfold and reveal its numerous strengths. The most apparent is undoubtely the cold foggy atmosphere that works well with both the optimistic and sad moments. But each track has something to say; details that gradually emerge from the fog. Be it the uplifting theme repeated through "Montecristo", the intense chorus of "Belvedere", the cathartic horns in "Resig-nation", the post punk of "Juvenile", and so on. As mentioned, lyrics play a big role for the music to work best. The lyrical content is densely written and delivered with satisfying emotion. The topics range from sentimental introspection to more concrete inspirations like movies, books and politics, as titles like "Gaza Youth (Exist/Resist)" imply. For curiosity's sake, "La Notte" ("the night") is the first song the band wrote entirely in Italian.

Sentimentale Jugend is an ambitious project. Eight years have passed since the release of Klimt's previous fatigue, with which it shares the most similarities. Working for the successor, the material just kept spawning and became too much for a single full-length. The newborn twins reflect the distance Klimt walked since their inception, but it doesn't neglect the band's past. One track, "Sant’Angelo (The Sound & The Fury)", even has its roots planted into "Passive", an oldie that appeared on the band's 2000 self-released demo Secession Makes Post-Modern Music. There is a lot to unearth in the 110+ minutes of music, given the attention and willingness to dig deeper into its layers. Sentimentale Jugend is an offer that's demanding as much as it's rewarding. A crowning achievement and an intimate listen with a yet undefined staying power. An inspired work sustained by trademark passionate vocals that will make old and new fans feel at home.

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December 10th 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

"Comandante" (single for Sentimentale): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UaftUVt7JI

"It Was To Be" (second single for Sentimentale): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXtaMfnsxfI

"Nostalghia" (single for Jugend): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNE4E-kuNZE

Feedback appreciated, tough piece to write.

My rating is about a 3.8, with Sentimentale being my favorite of the couple. Rounded up to a 4 because when it's good it's really damn good, plus there's a cool bonus track in the twin bundle ("Lycans"). My favorite track is "Belvedere", jeez that final extended chorus makes it SOTY material for me.

The albums are on Spotify and Bandcamp but I can stream only a few tracks on both platforms. Furthermore, the physical edition containing both albums is limited to 700 copies.

December 10th 2016


Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off

Oh fuck, right on cue. My fav album at the moment and AOTY material. Discovered this thanks to Prophecy Productions news letter. Love this sound - probably my favorite of this kind since Constants - Pasiflora. Excellent review and thanks.

December 10th 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

Thanks! What are your fave tracks at the moment?

December 10th 2016


Not exactly my favorite kind of music but excellent review, pos.

December 10th 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

Indeed this doesn't seem the most manosgy of albums haha. Perhaps you could try with the cover of Take My Breath Away, shame it isn't streamable, not even on YouTube.


December 10th 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

Nice comparison to Constants, teamster. Can see it too.

I'm more a fan of Sentimentale than Jugend, with the two singles the standouts. This is my first experience of Klimt though.

Nice review; agree with the 3.8.

December 10th 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

Thank you. If you want to check out more Klimt the previous album is the closer to this sound, and it's more accessible. If you dig one you'll probably like them all.

Personally my highlights at the moment are:

Sentimentale: Montecristo, La Notte, Belvedere; this one's really solid overall though

Jugend: Nostalghia, Fracture, Resig-nation

I can't stress enough how psyched I am for Belvedere

December 11th 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

Beaut review, pos'd. Seems like you know these guys well. Only just stumbled across these guys about a week ago and I adore their first 2 albums, Sleepwalk In Rome is running through my head 24/7 lately. Definitely keen to check this out

December 11th 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

Thankies. I don't know them as much as I'd like actually. I've lived with the assumption that Dopoguerra was their only truly great album, but the announcement of SJ changed everything and I've been digging the entire discography for a month.

Sleepwalk's ending is breathtaking, I didn't expect them to top it but with this album(s) they reached new heights imo, albeit less "obvious" ones

December 11th 2016


Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off

This is my first experience with the band too. So you guys recommend their earlier works? Same sound? I mean it's been what, 8 years or something between releases?

December 11th 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

Yeah but I believe the work started soon after the release of the previous album. That one is the closer to this sound, but it's less ethereal in a sense (less spaced out, clearer vocals, catchier overall). The core of their sound is always the same though, just with different influences. For example on the debut there's some metal riffing and double bass that goes pretty damn hard at times, check the song Stalingrad Theme if you want to be surprised.

I'd say go chrono honestly, it's only three full-lengths (all on Spotify) and you get to see the evolution

December 11th 2016


Album Rating: 4.5

been in love with this band's whole discography for the past couple weeks, it's great to see them getting more attention here with this album. excellent review.

December 11th 2016


Digging this for sure.

December 11th 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

Sweet, glad people are digging

December 12th 2016


Great work. I like some of their older stuff, so it sounds like I definitely need to check this out.

December 12th 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

Thanks, go for it but I wouldn't expect some instant gratification

January 11th 2017


Album Rating: 4.0

Well I've checked out their older stuff and it's equally as brilliant. I have a new favourite band! Haven't stopped listening to their discography over the last month.

I'd also highly recommend the CD book from Prophecy Records. Gorgeous artwork throughout.

January 11th 2017


Album Rating: 4.0

Nice man, I've stopped listening to them for a while but that's okay, I really binged on them in the past months haha. My favorite Klimt album is Dopoguerra, but Sentimentale is very close and perhaps better "objectively". My favorite track is either Sleepwalk in Rome or Belvedere. I'm a bit bummed that I recently missed a live show near me, but eh what can I do

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