| | Ratings (122) |
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3.5 great | Pete | October 8th 08 | No one can accuse this of being progressive music. Not even original music. Hardly even discernable from other bands of this type. However, they know their trade - seldom will you find music this unrelenting and brutal. Often stays in expected slam death mid-tempo, with occasional blasts, none of the instruments really impress with virtuosity - they don't exactly dissappoint either, but do a good job obliterating eardrums with brutality - save the vocalist, who takes the word "guttural" to new lows. Absolutely sickening, like a mutated frog someone stepped on. And I mean that in the best possible way. Extra, extra credit for brutality.
4 Bumps | Bump |
2.5 average | Arditi | June 28th 19 | More raw than "The Anomalies of Artificial Origin", this album is by the book slam but in a different vein than their later release. Where anomalies has a prominent monotone bass sound, and vocals that differ from other slam bands, this record instead has a more chaotic, less original sound barely discernable from any other 2000's slam band.
Bump |
3.0 good | Jared Floryan | September 23rd 14 | If you plan to kill a buttload of time, In the End of Human Existence ends up being one of those unimportant albums you listen to just for the hell of it. With crunchy riffage, asininely comfortable gutturals, and drumming quick enough to impregnate the neighbor's dead cat, Abominable Putridity aren't relying on fancy tricks and techniques here.
Bump |
1.5 very poor | Avarice climbing on a vertebral ladder. | May 30th 14 | The absolute epitome of brutality over substance, which in this case actually works to the
detriment of how heavy the result is. While it can be lauded that these Russian fellows
attempted a full balls to the wall approach, trying to create a cacophonous mix of
headbanging goodness, it falls flat in the end due to its simplicity. The heaviness of music
can only stretch so far within the confines of incredibly simplified instrumentation and an
overly banal vocal approach. Chug, chug, burp, chug, chug, burp, rinse and repeat for 26
Bump |
3.0 good | sirtannerthepure | May 23rd 11 | This band, pre-vocal change, has come to destroy on stage with unrelenting slam riffs bridged with blast beats breeded with an unholy harmony of sound. It is unoriginal because it has impregnated the mind with the filthy seeds of slam.
Bump |
1.5 very poor | gfgfg11 | September 7th 23 |
3.5 great | Shwany | January 13th 23 |
2.5 average | Brabiz | December 15th 21 |
5.0 classic | RoxSta | November 26th 21 |
4.0 excellent | SinNanna | February 25th 20 |
3.5 great | Loch | January 20th 18 |
3.0 good | Pon EMERITUS | April 23rd 17 |
4.0 excellent | mRA | October 20th 16 |
2.5 average | ckssr1 | March 18th 16 |
4.0 excellent | "Tab" | March 2nd 15 |
4.0 excellent | Korpcun | June 15th 14 |
3.0 good | Fujay | April 20th 14 |
2.0 poor | alarm | April 18th 14 |
5.0 classic | Xitiael | October 13th 13 |
1.5 very poor | Edlund | September 20th 12 |
3.5 great | pixmpy | July 17th 12 |
3.0 good | YUJOS | April 26th 12 |
2.5 average | HiLion | October 21st 11 |
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Give Your Opinion on In the End of Human Existence