| | Ratings (22) |
Give your Rating |
4.0 excellent | dagashi | June 25th 08 | Emotional powerhouse. Stunning vocals, uncanny mixture of many different musical genres, including industrial and gaelic folk.
1 Bumps | Bump |
4.0 excellent | hellpickle | August 18th 10 | Love the sad feel of the album. Probably their best work in my opinion, really pulls you in when you listen to it.
Bump |
3.0 good | Greem | March 23rd 24 |
3.0 good | cb123 | November 16th 10 |
3.5 great | Glomp | April 14th 10 |
4.5 superb | gybe | November 17th 08 |
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Give Your Opinion on Black Coats and Bandages