Goodbye To The Machine



by tvol USER (1 Reviews)
April 14th, 2009 | 35 replies

Release Date: 2009 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Definitely not the Hurt of old... nothing more than an average mainstream rock album.

I love Hurt. I’ve seen them four times, each time more amazing than the last. I’ve met them on several occasions. I have autographs. Signatures. Drumsticks. Picks. Every album released.

I wish I didn’t have this one.

Gone are the dark days of Vol. 1 and 2. Goodbye to the Machine departs from any metalesque performance that the band had turned in before. Since Vol. 2, the band has replaced 50% of itself, introducing a new drummer and new bassist. This resulted in a total change of sound, from one of the best bands nobody had heard of to what is basically a boring solo album that disappoints at every turn.

Now, that’s not so say its impossible to enjoy this album. I know several people who rave over it. But if you’re looking for anything resembling Rapture, Overdose, Falls Apart, House Carpenter, Summers Lost, Ten Ton Brick, or Thank You For Listening, look elsewhere because it isn’t here.

What is here, however, is a boringly average rock record. The drumming is stale (there isn’t a single passage that grabs your attention). The guitar is wholly disappointing, as the only time it demands attention is a 3-second lick at the end of "Well" that seemingly comes out of nowhere. The bass has some good presence, but nowhere in the record will you find yourself grooving to it. Overall, the band lacks any real dynamic throughout the album, instead playing at the same level throughout each song, with no progressive feel that the band was built on.

Perhaps the most disappointing part of the album is J. Loren’s performance. I was ready to exalt him as one of the best frontmen in music until GttM. It is obvious that he had control over the writing process, and perhaps the departure of half the band allowed him to tighten the grip over the band’s creative process (it was always his band, however) to the point that he basically wrote a vocal-centric solo album. There is some emotion, but it’s not the kind that grips you and pushes you to the edge like Vol. 1 and 2. The violin is essentially absent, and the places it shows up leave something to be desired. Its almost as if the band ran out of inspiration. From past records, J. Loren has dated some messed up heroin addicts who apparently kill babies. That’s some good stuff to write about. There was no reason to go mainstream and write the songs that everyone else is writing.

There are some good points. "Fighting Tao" is a tight rock song. "Got Jealous" is on the right side of tolerable. "Pandora" could fit comfortably on any of the other records. There is a good base to work from. Unfortunately, the record features the played out, 5-years-too-late political anti-war rock of "Wars." We get Seether’s Shaun Morgan mixed over J. on "World Ain’t Right" (if I wanted to listen to a Seether song, I’d listen to a Seether album. But I wasn’t. On purpose.). We get "1331", whose concept is good but delivery is cheesy at best.

Sadly, the record can be summed up with the secret track, “We’re All Going to Die.” The track itself is kinda catchy, and makes you hum along. You WILL be singing this song the first time you hear it. Like a naked bum screaming in the street, it will catch your attention and make you laugh, although ultimately you wish it would just go away. It points out everything that Hurt did wrong on this record. I don’t want catchy and funny. I don’t want the same political statement every good-gone-crap band (ahem, Green Day) has been making for years. I want a dark, progressive, emotional album like the band has been churning out so well for years. Instead, we get Goodbye to the Machine, which in the end, is a disappointment considering the bands potential, no matter what spin a fanboy puts on it.

*Edit- Raised to a 2.5. Album is average in every sense, and should be rated as such.

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Blswylde (5)
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Comments:Add a Comment 
April 14th 2009


Album Rating: 4.0

Thanks for your opinion. It's been noted. A member of the Prog Rock Police will be notified of your heresy and will deal with the situation accordingly.

April 14th 2009


Album Rating: 4.5

The lyrics to 1331 are some of the best he's written - the concept to that song is sad as hell.

"Instead, we get Goodbye to the Machine, which in the end, is a disappointment considering the bands potential, no matter what spin a fanboy puts on it."

Fanboy reporting in: this is not disappointing whatsoever, no matter the pretentious spin that I have put on it.This Message Edited On 04.14.09

April 14th 2009


Good review. I downloaded this album to see what all the hype is about this band and I couldn't get past the first three songs. You summed it up when you stated it's "a boringly average rock record".

My only beef is the songs, possible if you could put them in quotes? I was reading and had to scroll up to see it were songs you were mentioning (not huge of an effort, but annoying nonetheless)

Other than that, I got the jist of the sound and why it was not a good record. Pos'd

April 14th 2009


I give you three weeks before you start liking the new sound and raise the album to a 4. It happens to all of us.

April 14th 2009


and if you think is mainstream rock i have quite a few bands to recommend to you.

thank you for your input however.

April 14th 2009


Album Rating: 2.5

i've had this album for over a month now (arrgh mateys). i hasn't grown on me. if anything, i've gotten more disappointed with it.

April 15th 2009


Album Rating: 4.0

sad cause this album is awesome

April 15th 2009


This album is beyond awesome...its beautiful

April 15th 2009


Shitty band to begin with. I liked Rapture (the video) but that was it.

April 15th 2009


this is definitely not shitty. You just don't get the music/band. Haven't got this and probably will not be getting this in the near future, but I am spinning Vol.1 in my library, it's pretty good.

April 15th 2009


Album Rating: 4.0

eh, the album was still amazing

i like this album because it sounds pretty consistant, with pretty solid songwriting.

and how could you ever exalt Wince as one of the greatest frontmen? He's far from it, his singing was never extraordinary, but I think his best vocals appear on this album.

April 16th 2009


Album Rating: 2.5


wait.... you haven't listened to it, and won't be listening to it, but judging by an album i clearly praise you think this one is good? i think i pretty clearly get the music/band, since up until this album i was as big of a fanboy as they come... its just not that good. i really wish i could say it was the best album of the year, but in all honestly, its nothing more than a giant disappointment. i still plan on going to one of their shows in the next month, but i really hope they skip over this one and play old stuff, which is fucking fantastic.

April 16th 2009


@ Tvol

my comment was not intended to you, it was intended to Apostle7. It's okay, I totally respect your opinion and since I have yet to listen to this then I might feel the same way.

April 16th 2009


Album Rating: 4.5

I still have not yet found this album in stores. Best Buy disappoints me and so does Borders. I'm a big fan of hurt and I need this album. I've heard a lot of the songs already and I think they're awesome. Hurt is not your ordinary rock band.

April 16th 2009


Album Rating: 4.0

definitely, amazing band. Payne you should at least download the album until you can buy the actual cd.

This Message Edited On 04.16.09

April 16th 2009


Album Rating: 4.5

I think they might have this at Walmart of all places lol. I'll look for it tomorrow after college.

April 17th 2009


first off, the fact that you even referred to them being any part of metal is wrong. it shows just how stupid the general public is. And if you really appreciated hurt as much as you say you would understand this record. all this review has going for it is good wording. But to read it you are wrong in every aspect.
This is what hurt really is, they've said it themselves. I understand that this is your opinion, but it also shows how ignorant you are.

April 17th 2009


Album Rating: 2.5

i'm not at all saying they were a metal band, but they most definitely had some metal tendencies (see loded, summers lost, ten ton brick, unkind, rapture, and to some extent overdose, which was the heaviest song of the night the one concert they played it). my biggest complaint is that this album is full of second and third tier hurt songs, and there isn't any song that is on par with the excellence of vol. 1 and 2.

April 20th 2009


They are hard rock at the heaviest. it's been said from j loren's own mouth they're nothing to do with metal. and it pretty much just proves that most people have no idea what metal is or how to recognize it. look up the aborted, acacia strain those are metal.

April 23rd 2009


I will listen to this album, but none of these songs can hold their own against classics like Danse Russe, Talking to God, or House Carpenter.

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