Album Rating: 3.0
Pos. Last paragraph makes a ton of sense. Although this made for decent enough background music, it didn't transport me anywhere of note.
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You say it’s an immaculate ambient album devoid of context but it's evidently not devoid of context at all, so you kinda contradict yourself. Its pretty clear this ambient work was indeed made to accompany a therapeutic psychedelic session. Imho, that's absolutely cool af. There's a wild, new, and possibly life-saving frontier happening in the world of psychedelic therapies, so to see art being tailored specifically for that is pretty dang neat!
With that said, my days of being a head are long behind me, and I'm lucky to get a full-blown trip in even once a year at this point, so this will likely take the back-burner. Buuut, if anything, this album has reminded me that I might be overdue for a good ol' humbling, so thx for reviewing ;]
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Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off
Good to see this reviewed. Also this was a good one, pos'd.
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Album Rating: 3.5
@evok I meant that sentence to say ‘immaculate if it were devoid of context’ so I might edit that to make it more clear
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I listened to this when I couldn't sleep after taking a lot of mdma and hot damn it was perrrrfect. I had some great fractal visions with my eyes shut and it just worked so well with this music.
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[Insert Jon Hopkins University Hospital joke].
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Album Rating: 2.5
Wow nice coincidence, I just added this randomly to my playlist a couple of days ago.
Thanks for the rev!
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Album Rating: 4.0
not nearly as high as i would like to be to fully enjoy this but this is still incredibly solid ambient
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Album Rating: 4.0
the cover looks like a cat butthole tho and i don't like thaT
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Album Rating: 4.0
also wish this was longer tbh : )
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Well this is a nice looking front page
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Album Rating: 3.5
3.5 for now. Need to relisten under the influence to see if it deserves any higher (*_*)
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Album Rating: 2.5 | Sound Off
that preachiness is what really killed this for me. I loved Immunity and I liked Singularity but this just was so dull to listen to
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I liked this album. I like the hypothesis of this review but I don't necessarily agree with it. I don't think ambient needs to be entirely void of an artist's inherited purpose for it to be successful. I don't think that's true of any art or music. Instead, I think that Hopkins is quite clear about what this should be and that's the realm with which I would judge it.
Guided therapy as an art is interesting and I don't think that being chained down by this idea that ambience is emotionally ambivalent does the works justice and I doubt that this is ever really the purpose of ambience. It's not an argument that I think holds water.
Also, I don't think it necessarily needs to be used in conjunction with psychedelic drugs even if the album title suggests it. Personally, I don't like the label when it comes to describing any genre or sound of music (See psychedelic rock). I'm generally sober besides casual drinking, so I listened to this album entirely sober and felt it through therapy rather than narcotics or a non-sober state.
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Album Rating: 3.5
"Also, I don't think it necessarily needs to be used in conjunction with psychedelic drugs even if the album title suggests it."
Yeah, it's rather the other way around, that the word "psychedelic" should be understood - psychedelic drugs are drugs to be used for the purpose of psychedelics, that is, psyche-delos, soul-exposure - for unwrapping your soul, I guess? Psychedelic drugs are one of the ways to accomplish this. And hypnosis through psychedelic music, is another one.
(That said, combining doesn't hurt. Especially if your soul is too shy.)
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Album Rating: 4.0
album exposed me to Ram Dass when I needed it so I'm grateful for that
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For real. Maybe some folks need that push but others can get that kick without any assisting drug.
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$10 and 12 hours of free time sure makes it a lot easier though ;]
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Album Rating: 4.0
"that preachiness is what really killed this for me."
i wouldn't call it preachiness, but it's definitely a controlled and guided listen. think that's entirely the point considering psychedelic therapy is supposed to be in that type of environment
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Album Rating: 3.5
"You say it’s an immaculate ambient album devoid of context but it's evidently not devoid of context at all, so you kinda contradict yourself. Its pretty clear this ambient work was indeed made to accompany a therapeutic psychedelic session. Imho, that's absolutely cool af. There's a wild, new, and possibly life-saving frontier happening in the world of psychedelic therapies, so to see art being tailored specifically for that is pretty dang neat!"
Was about to write something similar to this as a response to the review but you said it perfectly. Cheers.
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