
The Microphones
Mount Eerie



by Zebra USER (177 Reviews)
November 24th, 2005 | 156 replies

Release Date: 2003 | Tracklist

The Microphones have been around since the late 90's and have released a bunch of full length albums. Although I only own this and The Glow Pt.2 I have to say that this album pails in comparison. The Microphones are an excellent band that are overshadowed by bands such as Neutral Milk Hotel. If you enjoy bands such as Flying Saucer Attack, and Explosions In The Sky than the Microphones may surprise you. The Microphones are a difficult band to compare to others, but that is the best I can do.

First of all I would like to state that this is an album made for headphones. While Mount Eerie is a fine listen without headphones, it is far superior with headphones. When you listen to this you get lost in the music, it seems like you can't take your headphones off once you get into this. The only problem is that you will have to give this album a lot of time to grow on you. You can't get this album and expect a masterpiece on the first listen, it took me about a dozen listens to really get into Mount Eerie. Even though this takes a long time to get used to, it is definately worth it. However the Microphones are not for everyone, this music only appeals to a certain crowd of people and I have yet to meet someone who is a Microphones fan, so brace yourself. Mount Eerie isn't as experimental as The Glow Pt.2, but I would still consider this an experimental album. Lo-fi, experimental rock is what this album is all about. In case you don't know what lo-fi is, it is using no computer effects to change or alter the music. I am not a fan of lo-fi music, but the Microphones make it very appealing. Acoustic guitars, drums, bells, and horns are used to create an atmospheric, gentle, moody album. The Microphones never rock out, this is a very spacey, dreamy, gentle album. Sometimes there is nothing going on in the music except for a soft guitar strum. Mount Eerie has some rock moments, but for the most part there are no real rock out parts to these songs. This album has a bunch of dramatic, hypnotizing moments that just forbid you to take off your headphones. The Microphones do everything so well, this album is for those who want some soft, gentle music.

Mount Eerie is a dark, reflective, melancholy, adventure. This album is very effective if you are feeling depressed or sad. Mount Eerie is best when it is a damp, rainy winter day. This is a dreary album and there is nothing upbeat about it. Even though this may sound boring the Microphones keep things interesting. These songs start off slow and then they build into something beautiful. The epic seventeen minute long The Sun is glowing with drums, brass instruments, and acoustic guitars. This song is very hard to digest at first, it took me a very long time to really get into this tune. Mount Eerie is approxamently 40 minutes long, and with one song being seventeen minutes long it takes up just about half the albums length. The Sun speaks for the rest of the album, gloomy, dreary, reflective, and the song builds up greatly. Even though this may seem like a huge bore at first it really grows on you. The instrumentation is superb and the Microphones succeed when they create lengthy, soft, gentle tunes.There are a few downsides, and this album is far from perfect. Mount Eerie is not accessible. There really is no other way to put it, you can't just pick this up and listen to it whenever you please. On a bright sunny 70 degree day I can't pick this up and listen to it. It is just to soft and gentle at times and I can't listen to this unless I really have something to think about. The Microphones will bore a lot of people. Almost everyone I know can't even sit through the first five minutes of the first track. They call this music boring, or dull. While this can be true, that is just on the first listen, once again this album is a huge grower. Other than that, Mount Eerie is almost flawless.

Overall I would say that this album is simply brilliant if you like the genre. Fuzzy acoustic guitars, and drums beats, make up most of this album. Mount Eerie is dark, gloomy and reflective. The lo-fi and experimental sound of this album keep things eeire, and hypnotizing. The Microphones are not for everyone, if you are considering to buy this than you have been warned that Mount Eerie demands patience. Even though this can't match up to the excellence of The Glow Pt.2, Mount Eerie stands up well on it's own and is an overlooked and underated gem.

Overall Rating : 4/5 

Pros: Brilliant rainy day album - Fuzzy acoustic guitars - Gloomy, and reflective - Once it grows on you, you can't put it down

Cons: Not for everyone - Not accessible

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other reviews of this album
TomAndJerry (4.5)
Dark and brooding, deep and emotionally penetrating, odd and brilliant Mount Eerie is a sentimentall...

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Oh universe, I see your face looks just like mine....

Comments:Add a Comment 
November 24th 2005


Seems interesting.

November 25th 2005


The Microphones are cool, i have a couple songs by them and my mate keeps teeling me that i'd love the rest of their stuff. i havnt heard anything from this album but i will look into it after reading this. Nice review

June 7th 2006


I downloaded this the other day, and it seems good so far actually. It's growing on me quite fast.

July 13th 2006


Album Rating: 5.0

It's my opinion that Mount Eerie is one of the greatest albums ever.

December 1st 2006


this is definetly a great album, and i can definetly agree that its not too accessible. i put
it on in my car when me and my friend were driving around, and before even the sun
was over he got bored and changed it to neil young.This Message Edited On 12.01.06

La Revolucion
April 23rd 2007


This is a fantastic album. I like The Glow Pt. 2 a little bit more, though.

January 12th 2008


Album Rating: 4.5

I just ordered this and got it along with the glow pt 2. Both amazing cds, but the layout for this cd is immense. it looks absolutely beautiful.

October 13th 2008


Album Rating: 4.0

Universe (last track) is the best song on this album. It's a pretty awesome listen, but the Glow pt. 2 is miles better right now

O.J. Simpson
May 9th 2010


Album Rating: 4.5

i'd honestly neg this review if i had the chance to.

April 5th 2011


Album Rating: 5.0

I just got this, and I love it.

November 15th 2011


Album Rating: 4.0

This, The Glow and It was Hot... are pretty damn awesome

November 20th 2011


Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off

No kidding O.J. That first paragraph is a train wreck.

November 27th 2011


This album is flawless.

Electric City
January 17th 2012


Album Rating: 4.5

this shit is fucking great

January 18th 2012


Oh the joyful darkness this album provides!

June 20th 2012


this album is to folk as Feedbacker is to metal.

July 8th 2012


Album Rating: 4.0

"The Sun" is clown shoes until the last minute or so. Then it makes sense.

July 8th 2012


Album Rating: 4.0

I have not but now I am curious

July 8th 2012


hello fellow sputnikmusic users how are you guys today?

July 8th 2012


of which word silentpotato??? i know what you mean about the undies though

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