Oso Oso
Sore Thumb



by jesper STAFF
March 21st, 2022 | 35 replies

Release Date: 2022 | Tracklist

Review Summary: i wish this album were better

I could talk about Oso Oso’s 2019 masterpiece Basking in the Glow for a very, very long time. However, as this is not a review for that record, I’ll just say the following: if you haven’t walked outside on a sunny day with Basking in the Glow sparkling in your headphones, you’re missing out (on life). Either way, you can imagine my excitement when the semi-one man band surrounding Jade Lilitri surprise released Sore Thumb the other day: surely, more summery goodness was about to grace my week/month/year. However, while opening cuts ‘computer exploder’ and ‘nothing to do’ sounded nice, they didn’t quite make me feel all warm and fuzzy.. was Oso Oso about to disappoint, for the very first time in their career?

Not quite. Sadly, Sore Thumb shouldn’t sound the way it does. This final version of the album was tracked in early 2021 by Lilitri and his cousin Tavish Maloney, with plans to further flesh out the songs and record them more properly that summer. Before that could happen, Maloney tragically passed away at the age of 24, leaving behind Sore Thumb: a collection of demos; an album; a raw look into the minds of two excellent songwriters: whatever you want to call it. As such, the songs aren’t quite as sharp or well-rounded as on previous Oso Oso albums, making the record one that thrives off moments rather than songs. One such moment comes in the form of ‘father tracy’s chorus: a quintessential Oso Oso vocal melody glides over crunchy guitars, fully capable of sending shivers down my spine as it cashes in on the typically nostalgic vibes of the band’s past work. Moreover, it showcases a return to Lilitri’s character-based songwriting habits of 2017’s The Yunahon Mixtape (which is an album, not a mixtape, duh), as the song tells the bizarre story of a drunken pastor. “Father Tracy / That man loves his work / They said he’s out of his bird”. Try and get that line out of your head, I dare you.

Other excellent moments can be found on the low-key sparkly goodness of ‘describe you’ and closing cut ‘carousel’ featuring magical vocal performances by both Lilitri and Maloney. Yet, one of Sore Thumb’s main strengths can be found in its very weaknesses. Approaching the album as a collection of semi-unfinished tracks does it a world of favours; it transforms the project into a colouring book of sorts. It’s not hard to imagine how the verses of ‘sunnyside’ would have been produced to shimmering perfection had Mike Sapone not solely been involved with the mixing; it’s fun to consider how ‘give a fork’s melodies might have come to fruition in an alternate timeline. Most intriguing, however, is the inclusion of the track ‘nothing says love like hydration’. Written as a gift of sorts for Lilitri’s father after he helped the musician through a hangover, it’s uncharacteristically goofy. Its simplistic power pop chords making way for a shouted chorus of “Nothing says love like a Gatorade / Nothing says love like hydration” isn’t particularly good, but its backstory is loveable, its inclusion heartbreaking. It’s a painful window into the existence of Sore Thumb, and while I wish it could have been cut during the later recording sessions that never happened, the record that arrived on streaming platforms could not have done without it.

Perhaps that’s the most painful thing about Sore Thumb. Where Basking in the Glow was a personal record about finding light in desperation, this album carries the weight of having been created mere moments before all that newfound bliss would be annihilated. It’s a time capsule that is as precious as it is bleak. I wish Sore Thumb didn’t have to be the album it turned out to be. RIP Tavish Maloney.

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Staff Reviewer
March 21st 2022


Album Rating: 4.0

fuck death, also check basking in the glow bc that's a 5

March 21st 2022


I totally missed this, nice review! I enjoyed Basking in the Glow a fair bit so will probably give this a spin.

Edit: feedback taken

March 21st 2022


Album Rating: 4.0

nothin says love like hydration may be my favorite here lol song is unreal amounts of fun

albums definitely a lot better than i thought itd be after the lead off. still easily my least oso but at least i like it a decent amount. rlly great review btw

March 21st 2022


I'm nervous this album will make me sad in general and quality-wise lol, gonna try to listen today tho

Really tragic tho, RIP Tav

Staff Reviewer
March 21st 2022


Album Rating: 4.0

thx guys, and nice shout boney, fixed!

i definitely think you'll be able to enjoy moments of this slex, i rly can't get enough of father tracy's chorus lol

March 21st 2022


The opener is so good, I just love this dude

March 21st 2022


Album Rating: 4.5

Didn't love Basking in the Glow as much as most people, most of this record was what I was hoping for after Yunahon. Nothing To Do, Fly on the Wall and Describe You are my favourites and reminiscent of moments on both Yunahon and Real Stories. Raw like Real Stories but with a glistening, sparkly lining that made Yunahon so good.

Also, while I don't doubt that Mike Sapone had a huge hand in making these songs sound the way they do, massive props to Billy Mannino at Two Worlds Recording as well, love everything he touches.

RIP Tavish.

Staff Reviewer
March 21st 2022


Album Rating: 4.0

yeah this is indeed somewhere in between true stories and yunahon vibe-wise. and welcome to sput jadari!

March 21st 2022


Thought this was very generic. Hate the vocalist

March 21st 2022


Album Rating: 3.5

That’s cool!

Anyways super hype about this album, haven’t paid attention to any of the singles tbh but glad i waited. Gonna jam soon

Staff Reviewer
March 21st 2022


Album Rating: 4.0

that's a shame gyro, thx for giving it a shot tho!

hope you dig it con, it was a surprise release so there weren't many singles to pay attention to haha (tho they dropped the worst song on here a few weeks ago w/out announcing the record)

March 21st 2022


Album Rating: 3.5

I’m into this.

March 22nd 2022


Album Rating: 3.5

That’s the single I was thinking of then Jesper!

Contributing Reviewer
March 22nd 2022


"I could talk about Oso Oso’s 2019 masterpiece Basking in the Glow for a very, very long time."

and yet that album still has no review hmm

Staff Reviewer
March 22nd 2022


Album Rating: 4.0

tru story someone: i was going to review it for my #100 but i felt like i couldn't properly delve into why i love it sm without discussing my 2019 state of existence in detail and doing that would just make me too sad lol

March 22nd 2022


Prob need another listen or two to confirm but my gut instinct is this is better than Basking (I am squarely a Yunahon guy though)

March 23rd 2022


Album Rating: 3.0

I like this a little bit more with every listen but somehow it always ends up becoming background music

March 23rd 2022


Album Rating: 4.0

wow, very impressed, this was a great on first listen

March 23rd 2022


Hated this

March 25th 2022


Album Rating: 1.5 | Sound Off

Why are we giving this a 4??? This shit blows lol. Loved their last record so much and it was my AOTY in 2019.

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