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1.0 awful | Agorachromia | April 17th 23 | This is genuinely one of the most earsplitting albums I have ever had the displeasure to listen to.
1 Bumps | Bump |
2.0 poor | Luna | September 20th 23 | Not nearly as terrible as I was expecting it to be, but not good either. Every now and then it sounds like they're genuinely trying, but it's hard to escape some cringe lyrics or absolutely grating musical choices.
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2.5 average | thosemadsounds | May 27th 23 | if the entire record were as good and as infectious as Funeral Grey, Self-Sabotage, and Brainwashed, it would be more like a 4.5. everything else is filler-at-best and atrocious-at-worst, sadly.
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0.0 | Martinthompson | May 21st 23 | I'm grateful that Gary McKinnon, a cryptocurrency recovery expert, was able to recover the bitcoin I lost when I unintentionally transferred funds via my Website to the incorrect wallet. Just a few weeks after transmitting $101,000 worth of Bitcoins to the wrong wallet address. I at first thought I had swiped away everything. But just as I was about to lose it, an associate of mine suggested Gary McKinnon, a hacking group that was able to locate and recover my cryptos. I genuinely appreciate the excellent service provided by this company because they are so helpful and dependable. If you were victimized by scammers and lost cryptocurrency, you may easily contact Gary McKinnon by email at: garymcKinnon@technologist.com, Also through WhatsApp:+1(507) 217-9172.rThank you,rMartin
Bump |
1.5 very poor | EXSCHISM | May 6th 23 | Funeral Grey & a number of these tracks sound like songs pop artists have rejected
& then been tossed through a vague "pretentious fake scene kid" filter. If Ritual was
retooled as a Billie Eilish track, it could be decent, instrumentally that & moments here
save it from a straight shooter 1/5.
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2.5 average | ajcollins15 | April 20th 23 | Is there a lot of hate for the Texas-based band that is unwarranted; yes. Is there is a lot of overhyping for the band too; yes. The band?s newest album continues to show its unique(ish) blend of rock/punk and electronics. However, they continue to come up with both some interesting and found-sounding styles, like the opener ?St*rfucker? and ?Ritual?. However, there are quite a few derivative-sounding alternative/pop rock instrumentals that really died 15 years ago. I have always thought the band had a lot of interesting ideas here and there laced with extremely boring ideas for the rest of the release. In many ways, they are a watered-down Enter Shikari, without coming from the metalcore scene. Still, I will listen because maybe they can pull it off with power and energy.
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1.0 awful | chilledpunkrock | April 19th 23 | I'm already not huge on this genre to begin with but even I know bad when I hear it. This gave mad ear fatigue only a minute in and I'm genuinely baffled by how it sounds. Zero remains of what could be a human sounding band here.
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2.0 poor | Matty CONTRIBUTOR | April 15th 23 | I'm getting the sense that this band is trying to be the most unlikable scene band in modern times. Everything about this is pretentious as hell and God, the vocals are so grating this time around.
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1.0 awful | El Olam | February 11th 24 |
2.0 poor | shioaz | September 21st 23 |
2.0 poor | rjb0499 | September 15th 23 |
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