Styx   Brave New World
Release Date: 1999

 Ratings (46) Give your Rating

2.5 averageMitch | May 14th 24

at least the artwork is pretty to look at


1.0 awfulgimme a kiss | September 26th 23

absolute fucking crap that goes on for way too long


2.0 poorAffableMartyr | May 31st 24
3.0 goodYankeeDudel | February 20th 24
3.0 goodPehenlopes | January 13th 24
2.5 averagedlbk03 | December 7th 22
2.0 poorCrazywill | April 21st 22
1.0 awfulritchierich1 | April 15th 22
2.5 averageOswaldo88 | September 2nd 21
2.5 averageDarkSabbath | August 29th 21
2.0 poorElevator | February 1st 21
2.5 averageLowellWolfe | August 9th 20
3.5 greatBarry000 | July 29th 20
3.0 goodSowing STAFF | June 7th 20
2.5 averageigi78 | November 25th 19
3.5 greatsjeleliv | August 5th 19
2.5 averageZeddSquared | April 14th 19
1.5 very poorDJAnton94 | April 2nd 19
2.5 averageElSomni | October 13th 18
2.5 averageAlex Stephenson | August 4th 18
2.0 poorpiratejokern | July 19th 18
1.5 very poorEternalSchism | August 22nd 17
1.0 awfulBlackFugazi | August 11th 17
2.0 poorBrendan Schroer STAFF | June 9th 17
2.5 averageDayB4UCame | August 23rd 16
3.5 greatXinlo | July 21st 16
2.0 poorStereochrome1 | April 15th 16
2.5 averagemmerillat | March 20th 16
3.0 goodjelzel23 | March 9th 16
2.5 averageSuperb | November 9th 15
1.0 awfulIAmWarhol | October 27th 15
2.0 poorleothelion | October 15th 15
2.5 averageOver2000Ratings | June 2nd 15
1.5 very poorJordanHageman13 | August 23rd 14
3.0 goodrosinski | July 23rd 14
1.5 very poorJudsonTrenholm | December 21st 13
2.0 poorBaskerville989 | November 13th 13
4.0 excellentRevolution666 | September 11th 12
2.5 averageCru | July 7th 12
3.5 greatdanperezsputnik | May 10th 12
3.0 goodExtremeSpeakers | November 16th 11
3.0 goodHunter25 | September 4th 11
1.0 awfulAttyTude | July 31st 11
3.0 goodrockpoptops | May 10th 11
1.5 very poorHomeslice | March 12th 11
2.0 poorLakes. | January 27th 10

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