Charli XCX   Brat and it's the same but there's three more…
Release Date: 2024

 Ratings (71) Give your Rating

5.0 classicFaraudo | June 17th 24

Do I need to 5 this version as well? Alright then.

7 Bumps | Bump

1.5 very poorThis band is just a bunch of random noises. I hate it. | June 21st 24

Do I need to 1.5 this version as well? Alright then.

6 Bumps | Bump

4.5 superbAmericanFlagAsh | June 20th 24

Just here showing off my brand new lower back tattoo

4 Bumps | Bump

5.0 classicMalcontent | June 21st 24

If it had The girl, so confusing version with lorde this would be a 6/5

2 Bumps | Bump

4.5 superbBillyBrill | July 30th 24

Okay yeah I guess it deserves its own rating it really is that good. Everybody say thank you Charli for carrying club culture AND gay culture on her back this year


4.5 superbfrenchxxd | November 28th 24
3.5 greattheoceanfloor | October 30th 24
4.5 superbleohasse | October 24th 24
4.5 superbguamman64 | October 18th 24
4.5 superbshoeslavandula | October 17th 24
4.0 excellentItsTheSquirrel | October 15th 24
4.5 superbbluejasmine | October 14th 24
4.5 superbJacksimus | October 12th 24
3.5 greatRight-clicker mentality | September 12th 24
4.0 excellentmauRo13 | August 29th 24
3.5 greatkarlulol | August 22nd 24
4.0 excellentB1gNumpty | August 17th 24
4.0 excellentPhate72 | August 11th 24
4.0 excellentplatttt | July 30th 24
4.0 excellentMojito | July 23rd 24
4.0 excellentK3nsei69 | July 22nd 24
4.5 superbRisodo | July 20th 24
5.0 classicComatorium. | July 18th 24
4.5 superbTenebraeInvictus | July 12th 24
5.0 classicTom R. CONTRIBUTOR | July 9th 24
4.0 excellentWav0fmutilation | July 8th 24
2.0 poorNishe | July 4th 24
4.0 excellentSquiggly | July 4th 24
3.5 greattmagistrelli | June 28th 24
3.0 goodPantopanto | June 28th 24
4.0 excellentMonotoneCulprit | June 24th 24
4.5 superbSixteenSaltines | June 21st 24
5.0 classicjlsg | June 20th 24
3.5 greatTb1114 | June 20th 24
4.0 excellentautosacrifice | June 20th 24
2.0 poorAluktodolo | June 19th 24
4.5 superbSmurkinGherkin | June 19th 24
4.0 excellentDavidPrincipe29 | June 19th 24
4.0 excellentbmelt CONTRIBUTOR | June 18th 24
5.0 classicWillFromAmerica | June 18th 24
2.0 poorZakusz | June 18th 24
5.0 classicDakota West Foss STAFF | June 18th 24
2.5 averageDolving999 | June 17th 24
2.5 averageTo me, Green Day in and of themselves are almost a cringe proposition in and of themselves | June 17th 24
4.0 excellentbellovddd | June 17th 24
4.5 superbwinterworm | June 17th 24
5.0 classicPsycoHyzack | June 16th 24
5.0 classicautopilotoff | June 16th 24
3.0 goodzaruyache | June 15th 24
4.0 excellentEXSCHISM | June 15th 24
4.5 superbbigguytoo9 | June 14th 24
4.5 superbDjang0 | June 14th 24
4.5 superbaaronrkc | June 14th 24
4.5 superbCrunchyOreo | June 14th 24
4.0 excellentYou say proto-this, I say post-that, lets call the whole thing skronk | June 13th 24
2.5 averageMayYouRise | June 13th 24
4.5 superbchwe | June 13th 24
4.5 superbRedstag4 | June 12th 24
2.0 poorRuneii | June 12th 24
2.0 poorShamus248 CONTRIBUTOR | June 12th 24
3.0 goodelephantREVOLUTION | June 12th 24
5.0 classicTempertemperature | June 11th 24
4.5 superbMatty CONTRIBUTOR | June 11th 24
5.0 classicBrandonMZ | June 11th 24
5.0 classicalamo | June 11th 24
5.0 classicFRESHShaZaM | June 11th 24
3.5 greatffs | June 11th 24
4.5 superbgryndstone | June 11th 24
4.5 superbterriblekonrad | June 10th 24
4.5 superbhamid95 | June 10th 24
5.0 classiccaninecommander | June 10th 24

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