Bee Gees   Odessa
Release Date: 1969

 Ratings (48) Give your Rating

5.0 classicjayceerocker | May 11th 10

This is The Bee Gees Sgt Peppers album, a slice of 60's Orchestral brit pop Majesty

2 Bumps | Bump

4.5 superbDenis | January 30th 21

Holy shit, this is so slept on, top-notch Baroque Pop here.

1 Bumps | Bump

1.5 very poorRobbit | May 5th 16

Believe it or not, I have been a Bee Gees fan since I was first dazzled by their disco era records at the age of 9. I even had a poster
of them with colored markers that my Mom gave me as a present. Did I just admit that? Okay, In other words, the following review is not
simply a case of ME hating on the Brothers Gibb. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have always admired their talent and have
enjoyed music from many different phases of their career.

This was possibly the very first time I'd every listened to their concept album ODESSA, which was a mythological shipwreck. In writing
this ambitious album, the Bee Gees were attempting to broaden their stylistic horizons and possibly compose the masterpiece that eluded
them during their earlier pop days. Sadly, we learn that the REAL shipwreck is this very album! The concept isn't all that coherent to a
casual listener and their musical ambitions are a bit overreaching with this collection of songs. Sorry Barry, Robin, & Maurice...


4.0 excellentLodger | March 22nd 24
4.0 excellentTuccdog45 | August 17th 23
4.0 excellentJosh | June 22nd 23
3.5 greatKrillBoi | April 27th 23
4.0 excellentPehenlopes | March 1st 23
3.5 greatNagrarok | July 15th 22
5.0 classicasudoforga | July 13th 22
3.0 goodBlueSwan | October 1st 21
4.0 excellentalicejane | August 24th 21
4.5 superbWav0fmutilation | August 6th 21
4.0 excellentJuiceifer | February 29th 20
4.5 superbronnie389 | February 6th 20
4.0 excellentConfessed2005 | July 21st 19
3.5 greatehbuh | May 1st 19
3.0 goodLowellWolfe | January 13th 19
4.0 excellentJoeTex | November 13th 18
3.5 greatAlex Stephenson | April 22nd 18
3.5 greatDikkoZinner | October 18th 17
4.0 excellentmongobongo | May 12th 17
3.0 goodjtswope | April 4th 17
3.5 greatSandwichBubble | February 12th 17
4.0 excellentghostpatrol | November 7th 16
4.0 excellentDayB4UCame | August 24th 16
5.0 classicCaliggyJack | July 30th 16
3.5 greatboleyn2 | July 10th 16
4.0 excellentYourHumbleHost | April 24th 16
3.5 greatFriday13th | April 8th 16
3.5 greatAnthracks | February 24th 16
4.0 excellentleothelion | October 16th 15
4.0 excellentafangman92 | March 29th 15
4.0 excellentJP Patino Izquierdo | February 18th 15
3.5 greatanobsoletevernacular | February 15th 15
3.5 greatLostchord | May 12th 14
5.0 classicMuisc4Life26 | March 28th 14
5.0 classicPokermask | February 8th 14
3.5 greatZackSh33 | November 12th 13
3.0 goodaguzman | May 12th 13
4.5 superbgelud | April 8th 13
4.0 excellentMiniatureHorse | November 30th 12
2.5 averageazsantosk | October 1st 12
3.5 greatmifzal | April 30th 12
3.0 goodLeeHarveyOsmond | March 26th 12
4.5 superbBAGofCDS | February 8th 12
3.5 greatjacobson0826 | October 21st 11
5.0 classicwolfninjakpjoker | May 21st 10

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