Figured this needed a review. Album art isn't working for some reason.
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its alright
good that its a free download
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"good that its a free download"
Amen to that.
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surfing the void sucked
i nearly bothered with this but nah
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It's a lot better than Surfing The Void imho.
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i dislike surfing too
myths was great though
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Solid review Tyraelxy. Have a pos. Your basics are in place; I'd honestly just recommend your working on improving the flow and transition between sentences. Try to expand your vocabulary a bit and use more interesting language (very vague advice, I know). Do look up staff/contrib reviews to get a better feel of how flair can be used; it's a skill worth having.
And finally, try talking to the mods to see what they can do about the album art. If I'm not mistaken, Deviant and Observer have album-art-fixing powers too.
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English is only my fourth language so meh... I actually do read contrib/staff reviews constantly, but
when I try to write something like that it just comes out really boring and lame. I can't really seem
to get my reviews right... Thanks anyway man, you're actually the only one that is giving me advice to
improve my writing lol.
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they were pussies for making the company decide at first
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Spot on, doubt. But since the record company financed the album I don't think they really had a
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Nice review, but why are none of the album covers working? Can't get my Abe Vigoda review up
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Thanks, and I have the same problem when I try to upload the cover for this album. Maybe check the forums...
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why are none of the album covers working? Can't get my Abe Vigoda review up
If you upload the review AND information on the album at the same time the site doesn't like that, and spits it right back out at you until the mods can fix it.
Good God Tyraelxy - your fourth?! My third (French) is a LONG way away from the quality of writing you post up here. That being said, what are your other three languages?
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Well my native language is dutch, second is french(thanks to school), third is german(we go on
vacations to Austria a lot, and also from school). English is really only from tv and the internet, we
had it at school but it was like 1 hour a week, didn't learn anything decent in that class =).
Here in Belgium they want us to know as many languages as possible lol.
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Ah, I uploaded my review and then realised it had no tracklisting or album cover so then tried to add those... must be what messed it up and resulted in the review not being posted on the main page. Thanks Irving, guess I'll just have to wait.
Pretty sure everyone in the low countries knows at least two languages!
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Low countries?
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Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. A bit of France and Germany I think too.
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Dude you remind me of the user Vanderb0b; there's no end to that man's linguistic talents. He's also a really cool dude.
Anyway, if this is your fourth language then I tip my hat off to you sir. You'd be surprised how many English as-a-first-languagers can't write half as well as you can.
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@city you mean the Benelux then?
@Irving Pfft I don't really view it as linguistic talent, since I was forced to learn them, but thanks
anyway xD
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I've been learning French for two and a half years, and my eyes still glaze over each time someone starts speaking to me in la belle langue. I can appreciate how hard it can be to pick up a new language - whether you're forced to do it or not lol =)
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