


by Bassplayer101 USER (2 Reviews)
October 26th, 2006 | 40 replies

Release Date: 2000 | Tracklist

Review Summary: ...

Around the time all the NU-Metal bands were appearing and copying each other, there was one band that appeared out of thin air. They called themselves Nothingface and the music they had to offer was very hard hitting and brutal. Each album they released got heavier and heavier and we finally ended up with Violence. As much as this album has been overlooked, many underground critics have said it was “Brutally Beautiful!” My first listen of the album put me in shock. It is so heavy and well written that it became my number one album of all time. The only problem I have with the cd is that the production on the bass is bad. The bass is really loud. I advise turning the subwoofer off on this listen. Also, the way the tracks have been place have some minor flow spots. It just doesn’t seem to naturally flow. Otherwise, this is an incredible album.

Track 1: Make Your own Bones

The first track starts off with an odd sort of breakdown and then the guitar kicks in to deliver a very good punch. It is a very loud beginning. Then, Matt Holt’s vocals come in and really starts the song off. His growl really makes this song work. The main standout item within this song is how much the chorus sounds different than the rest of the song. It has a change in the style of vocals and guitar work. The chorus lyrics are decent and have a verbal attack on someone.

“It's everything you know about, you say it's true
But still I know about your ways, so *** you
But still you've done it everything, well I’ve done it twice
But there’s something else that's coming
So hold your breath
Well I know that you're perfect, so raise your hands
And we know that you're nothing, show us again
But still I can't believe the pain that you caused
And still I know about your ways, so *** you”

It ends with Matt’s more singing voice. He has a very decent voice but it doesn’t sound as well on this album than it does their newer stuff such as Skeletons. Decent beginning. 3.5/5

Track 2: Bleeder

The beginning of this song has all the instruments come in at once. One thing to understand is how low the guitars are tuned. They play in Drop a tuning so the playing of the guitar sounds darker and heavier. That’s what this song generates. It has a chugging feel to it. It really pulls you through to the end. Also, this song has Matt Holt’s normal voice. Midway, the song has a breakdown and it gets very heavy. With a harsh growl, the song ends very well and abruptly. 4/5

Track 3: Same Solution

This is possibly the heaviest song on the album. It starts with a drum kick and then everyone blast in. This is a song that has the skits frantic style of Matt Holt, who uses both styles of vocals in most songs. The chorus gives a hint to the meaning of the song.

“Who's next? All right!
With the ***ing bruised knees in the black shirt
Screaming, all right
In the bloody back seat of my black hearse
Hanging, all right
On a ***ing meat hook in my basement
Who's next? All right!
It's everybody's time to die!”

I really think somebody was angry when they wrote this. It has an odd sort of breakdown and then goes into a style that makes your head bob up and down. This a perfect song to get in a Mosh pit to. Very, very brutal. 4/5

Track 4: For All the Sin

Possibly, one of the most emotional songs on the album. This track is also my personal favorite. It starts with some feedback and some static. Then, the blasting of instruments come in with Matt’s vocals. His singing really shines on this album and gives the true emotion of this song. The song basically is about a breakup and how it ended very badly. The chorus is very interesting because it has an acoustic guitar that plays through it. But, there are to different styles with the chorus. The first has acoustic guitar and the second has very loud guitar work through it. Very interesting to listen to it.

“Stay far away from you
I'm sick and tired of you too
But there's the way that you move?
Dressed up in lies
Beds in truth”

Near the end, a voiceover of a woman comes in screaming and saying stuff. After that, Matt starts screaming “You ***ing Did It Again!” Then it changes back into the louder version of the chorus. This song has an epic feeling to it. Incredible. 5/5

Track 5: Can’t Wait for Violence

This is a much overlooked song: even by me! The song blends together all of the styles Nothingface have to offer. It almost gets confusing after a while. It is a very heavy track that deals with the subject of “Violence” A very interesting song to listen to though; it is not one of my favorites. I don’t advise skipping it though. 3/5

Track 6: Dead Like Me

This is more alternative style of metal. It is still heavier than most songs though. It has a very basic approach to the style of songwriting the band uses. This is another song that the vocals are quite emotional and incredible sounding. The song gets very heavy at the end and switches to the growling style of vocals. A decent track. 3.5/5

Track 7: Blue Skin

This is one of the faster songs on the album and it never lets down the pace. Starts with a guitar and church bell and it starts get to fast after about 15 seconds. The guitar work has a “climbing” fell to it. The vocals by Matt are very well done to. The verses are growling and he then switches to his singing during the chorus. The chorus is very basic but it really delivers the heaviness of the song. His song has an almost anti-war thing going on. But, from the vocals, it could go either direction. Around halfway, a breakdown occurs and Matt starts to sing with a sad sort of voice. Then, it develops into a very heavy, screaming end. ***ing awesome. 5/5

Track 8: Filthy

This is another emotional song that possibly deals with breakup. It has a darker feel to it with some more basic guitar work. I love the chorus in the song because it has an odd style to it. They deliver it with a “He Said, She said” Very interesting to be honest and it is what makes this song stand out more.

“Now I know you'll ruin my life (he said)
is there no weapon to make this end? (You said)
I'm sorry I didn't help to pretend (she said)
Cause I know nothing in my life is chained forever
Now that you can find a way”

It gets incredibly heavy near the end and Matt screaming “Bitch, You ***ed It Up Again!” is a great way to end the song. 4/5

Track 9: Hidden Hands

This is not my favorite song but it has an awesome style to it. Complete skitsafrania to it actually. It switches the two styles it uses back and forth a lot. I enjoy songs like this because it gets heavy and then it gets soft and then repeats. An interesting listen. 3.5/5

Track 10: American Love

Another one of my top songs from the album. There is no intro to the vocals at all. Just a drum kick and the song starts. The vocals repeat through the song with minor changes but it is a very heavy song that doesn’t let up at all. It doesn’t feel very dark at all. It has an almost sort of feel good vibe to it. I don’t know how to explain it either. The vocals are interesting to listen to because it has a social attack on how the American people really act.

“I push myself in first
I'm here to wait for all the killing
I think I’m just in time
Gee-whiz I’d love to die like that
Everything, everyone
Behind our face we love to hate
We all just want see
See you get kicked in the face
It's ok we believed them
We all just shook our heads”

This song is a good opener to the two very brutal tracks that follow it. 4.5/5

Track 11: Everlasting Godstopper

First of all, I love the title of this song. It is very amusing. Anyways, this is another very brutal and heavy song. It attacks religion a lot.

“There's some that you've wronged
There's some that you set free
There's some that deny
There's some that fall on their knees

Today I set aside a friend
But still I wait for dead
Before this takes time from me
We can all just see
The first time that we're inside
You, you told me nothing
So I know you lied
We know it”

This song never lets up until the end where it has a very dark sound that comes in with a lot of feedback and Matt singing in a very soft voice. 4/5

Track 12: Piss and Vinegar

The end of the album. It is always interesting to see how a band ends their album. Will it be good or not? Nothingface really pulls it off with this track. It is a very brutal and heavy song about revenge. Now, what makes it so brutal? I will answer that. It NEVER gets soft, the vocals are very angry and Matt screams throughout the whole song. The guitar work is very loud and dark sounding. I can’t even begin to explain how this song switches styles. It is just a very heavy song that pisses you off some. Awesome song and the best way to end an album. 5/5
.................................................. .................................................. ......

A very angry album. Has incredible vocals and very dark and heavy guitar work. A very good album to listen to when you are angry. Has some emotion to it also.

The bass is way too loud. WAY TO LOUD. I almost blew my speakers out on the first listen. The vocals are very good but some production could have made them sound clearer.

Recommended Songs
For All the Sin
Blue Skin
American Love
Piss and Vinegar

Album Scoring: 4.5/5-It isn’t the best, but very damn close

user ratings (212)
other reviews of this album
Bwgrotha1s (4.5)

Comments:Add a Comment 
October 26th 2006


Album Rating: 5.0

Awesome review. I was thinking of reviewing this cd, but Im sure yours would have out did mine. The best Nu-Metal band ever!

November 22nd 2008


I agree

November 22nd 2008


Im sure yours would have outdone mine

Its this isn't it? forgive me if I'm wrong.

Haven't heard this album, is it better than Skeletons?This Message Edited On 11.22.08

November 22nd 2008


Album Rating: 2.5

skeletons is their best, try the album before this, audio guide to everyday atrocityThis Message Edited On 11.22.08

November 22nd 2008


Yeah I thought Skeletons might be, but I'll definitely check out the one you suggested.

January 8th 2009


Album Rating: 4.0

Good album. Nothingface is one of the most original nu-metal bands ever

February 8th 2009


Album Rating: 5.0

What was I thinking with my comment above hahaha. Albums needs a 'Great Review'!

February 8th 2009


Album Rating: 4.0

hey wizard, thanks for recomending me this band. it really is one of the best nu-metal bands.

May 23rd 2009


Years after the release, this album still is a classic. Nu-Metal in itself is a catastrophe. Band after band came up from the underground and all of a sudden sported contrived and poorly executed "la-la" singing. This is NOT one of those bands. Yes, they did sing more on this album than any before, but this is one of (and the only to me) to pull it off. Over and over I have come to see great bands (killswitch, unearth's first two albums, the ultra heartbreaking threat signal, etc.) fall victim. But when the vocalist finally breaks into song at the end of the first track, weather or not forced to do so, miraculously shows that a band can actually sing and show that they know what they are doing. It's a sad story to see this band go by the wayside.

I will hopefully listen to this album for years to come. And it is the only Nu-Metal album I listen to.

May 23rd 2009


This huge surge of watered down melo-death/metalcore type bands in the last 6 or 7 years manages to rank right up (or I guess down) there with the nu-metal fad in my books.
I’m pretty sure I’ve never heard any Nothingface but the only nu-metal albums I ever bother listening to these days are by the Deftones.

May 23rd 2009


Album Rating: 4.2

This is a good album (and so is Skeletons) and both are barely nu-metal.

May 23rd 2009


Album Rating: 2.5

..maybe I should try this again

May 23rd 2009


Album Rating: 4.2

You might as well since you have it.

December 12th 2009


Album Rating: 5.0

This to me is probably the best nu metal cd of all time because as the review indicates during the time of nu metal turning even more pussy than it already kinda was, these guys brought their own blend of heaviness and great melodies. The songwriting on this album is top notch, you can hear real emotion in this album, and every song is really good. I wouldn't even put these guys in their own category. Skeletons was good, but I could tell they were falling apart on that album. They will never top this album.

May 19th 2011


Album Rating: 4.0

A nu-metal album that manages to not suck?

May 19th 2011


its decent

November 21st 2011


Album Rating: 4.0

One of the best nu-metal albums for sure.

April 18th 2012


Brings me back to middle school.

August 9th 2012


Album Rating: 4.5

This album is great. Nu Metals is great.

August 9th 2012



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