Obituary   Frozen in Time
Release Date: 2005

 Ratings (331) Give your Rating

1.5 very poorits fkn snowing | April 17th 22

barely passable deathrash i guess rly not much to it

1 Bumps | Bump

3.0 goodTurnedInsideOut | August 23rd 12

Pretty sick record considering you'd expect it to suck because it's Obituary's come back release after about a
5-6 year hiatus but it's really strong and the track 'On The Floor' is about as awesome a metal song as any.

1 Bumps | Bump

3.5 greatGary STAFF | March 21st 24

The album had an awesome start with "Redneck Stomp", but it becomes quite boring towards the end.


4.0 excellentSMOKEDOPE | July 24th 23

crossover with random hatebreed parts ??. undeniable.


3.5 greatAffableMartyr | December 14th 24
2.5 averageNexCeleris | August 28th 24
2.0 poorPeddy29 | June 17th 24
2.5 averageSam292929 | June 5th 24
4.0 excellentinherentkev | April 20th 24
2.5 averageEXSCHISM | April 13th 24
3.0 goodmassively arsey over definitions and technicalities CONTRIBUTOR | February 1st 24
3.5 greatInveigh | November 5th 23
3.5 greatBigSausageSupriz | October 2nd 23
3.5 greatSkapalPes | September 9th 23
2.5 averagebattleinthenorth | September 7th 23
1.5 very poorsaantiii | July 11th 23
4.0 excellentFunJan | June 23rd 23
3.0 goodaightnow | May 25th 23
3.5 greatFrancois Demers | May 24th 23
3.0 goodLowellWolfe | May 6th 23
3.5 greatLogan | April 17th 23
3.5 greatMarkPrindleArchive | April 2nd 23
3.5 greatStrayson | March 11th 23
1.0 awfulbigguytoo9 | March 11th 23
3.5 greatOminousHaiku | March 2nd 23
4.5 superbMrIceTea | February 25th 23
4.0 excellentYankeeDudel | January 31st 23
1.5 very poorPhasma | January 30th 23
3.5 greatMathMetal09 | January 19th 23
3.5 greatElyGallego | January 14th 23
4.0 excellentMarxman | January 14th 23
3.0 goodJoneHK | January 13th 23
3.5 greatShwany | January 13th 23
3.5 greatheck | December 26th 22
3.0 goodLokitheTrickster | December 14th 22
3.5 greatrazedtotheground | December 10th 22
3.5 greatDirtyGoyim | November 30th 22
3.5 greatVanilla Scoop Rangler (don\'t come near me I have a gun) | November 26th 22
3.5 greatTboneP21 | November 12th 22
3.0 goodThis band is just a bunch of random noises. I hate it. | November 2nd 22
3.0 goodMichal4Srnka | October 27th 22
3.0 goodThe fact of the matter is we should drop everything and listen to Limp Bizkit right now | October 13th 22
3.5 greatsongstion | August 10th 22
3.0 goodElmo | August 4th 22
2.5 averagephylyps | July 16th 22
3.0 goodBren80 | July 13th 22
3.5 greatGorey13 | June 15th 22
3.0 goodThe Chronokrator | May 9th 22
3.0 goodcageofman | April 13th 22
5.0 classicGrundapants | March 13th 22
4.0 excellentmauRo13 | January 25th 22
3.0 goodMasterBel | December 29th 21
3.5 greatNagrarok | September 30th 21
4.5 superbArolde | September 5th 21
4.0 excellentblubbo | August 17th 21
3.5 great"Be Like Water" or broke like an oak | July 26th 21
4.0 excellentmassacreming | April 28th 21
4.0 excellenttimeitcorrectly | March 19th 21
4.5 superbElevator | February 4th 21
3.5 greatNoam Chomsky | January 3rd 21
3.0 goodpornogrindtheater | January 2nd 21
4.0 excellentTheNameless01 | December 30th 20
3.0 goodrage11111ro | December 27th 20
3.5 greatBenDeOldSchooler | December 15th 20
3.5 greatSixteenSaltines | October 3rd 20
4.5 superbAlexDomingues | October 3rd 20
3.5 greatSatelliteYears | October 3rd 20
3.5 greatMrmoon60 | September 12th 20
3.5 greatcolinhbarker | August 9th 20
3.5 greatgk1979 | June 14th 20
2.5 averageThranth | June 12th 20
3.5 greatPathMaster2297 | June 12th 20
3.0 goodRingsaga | May 29th 20
3.5 greatCuntrollDenied | May 20th 20
2.0 poorremi | May 17th 20
3.5 greatJuiceifer | April 28th 20
3.0 goodSuzyC | April 19th 20
4.0 excellentJeremiahBullfrog | April 14th 20
3.5 greatBurrrzuM | February 18th 20
3.0 goodblackholemariner | January 31st 20
4.0 excellentblackwingsofbutchery | December 30th 19
3.0 goodjimmy shit | December 18th 19
3.5 greatyatyatfleeto | December 12th 19
3.0 goodRobert Garland STAFF | December 9th 19
2.5 averagetorogao12 | December 1st 19
4.5 superbjfish226 | November 25th 19
2.0 poorJ.C. van Beekum | November 21st 19
5.0 classickodama | October 18th 19
4.0 excellentConfessed2005 | October 17th 19
3.0 goodCthulhuFhtagn | August 25th 19
3.5 greatreadjusted | August 21st 19
2.0 poorblou52 | April 24th 19
3.0 goodsohudrk | April 20th 19
2.0 poorBerryGarlicia | April 14th 19
3.5 greatwhiskysoakedleather | April 6th 19
3.0 goodInvocatura | March 20th 19
3.5 greatettspamacc | February 22nd 19
3.5 greatxfortinx | February 21st 19
3.5 greataccompliceofmydeath | February 12th 19
3.5 greatMatthias812 | January 23rd 19
3.0 goodSpluger | January 12th 19
3.5 greatMojoDojo | January 7th 19
3.0 goodDissonant | December 28th 18
3.0 goodSkelethor77 | December 26th 18
3.0 goodResident Metalhead Piranha | December 14th 18
3.0 goodzaruyache | November 26th 18
5.0 classicjacklondon1617 | November 24th 18
3.5 greatMohammed | November 2nd 18
3.5 greatBlackbirdA12 | September 22nd 18
3.5 greatRisodo | July 28th 18
3.5 greatRelinquish | July 5th 18
3.5 greatRumpelkombo | June 23rd 18
4.0 excellentLowpassportion | May 25th 18
4.0 excellentTJPeisker | May 1st 18
3.5 greatDer Geist, der stets verneint | March 25th 18
3.0 goodAcroh | February 24th 18
4.5 superbatomrock | January 31st 18
3.5 greatetivstitiaomnibvs | January 21st 18
3.0 goodFear | December 29th 17
3.5 greatcosmicentity | December 28th 17
3.5 greatElSomni | December 13th 17
3.0 goodStereochrome1 | December 7th 17
3.5 greatAlphaZoey2008 | December 3rd 17
3.5 greatBlackOutIXI | November 2nd 17
3.0 goodShroomZilla | October 14th 17
2.5 averagesolrage | September 26th 17
4.0 excellentAtomicWang | August 22nd 17
3.5 greatbeeroine87 | July 4th 17
4.0 excellentbobby72 | March 31st 17
2.5 averagemozzarellafashion | March 19th 17
3.0 goodFreitag | March 14th 17
3.0 goodn3xus6 | March 11th 17
3.5 greatckssr1 | February 20th 17
3.5 greatMaximumTheHormone | February 10th 17
3.0 goodHighwayman | February 5th 17
3.5 greatterriblekonrad | February 4th 17
2.5 averageMomsFusilli | January 5th 17
3.5 greatBrumas | December 19th 16
3.0 goodSaturnine | December 14th 16
3.0 goodNegSpec13 | December 4th 16
3.5 greatLeprosy123 | November 27th 16
3.5 greatGxTxK | October 23rd 16
3.5 greateloimayano | September 19th 16
2.5 averageProcrastinator | August 25th 16
3.0 goodGoricide | August 18th 16
2.5 averagebbgames | August 17th 16
3.5 greatgocsa666 | July 21st 16
3.5 greatdethkyat | July 12th 16
4.0 excellentNanash11 | July 11th 16
4.0 excellentkassianos | July 1st 16
2.5 averageSandwichBubble | May 3rd 16
2.5 averagedesecravity | April 27th 16
2.5 averagemetalhead2425 | March 17th 16
3.0 goodFathomlessHypocrisy | February 28th 16
4.5 superbAftertheascension | February 25th 16
4.0 excellentAsspaiN | November 4th 15
2.5 averageArchaic | October 25th 15
3.0 goodFaustus | October 23rd 15
3.0 goodJeejee | October 21st 15
3.5 greatmEyck97 | October 4th 15
3.0 goodMaximilian1997 | September 16th 15
3.5 greatHandyman003 | September 10th 15
2.5 averageomegaswitch33 | September 5th 15
3.5 greatAbraxas | August 16th 15
3.0 goodFozzie | August 8th 15
3.5 greatHellripper | July 24th 15
2.5 averageAndy H. B. | June 15th 15
2.5 averagechipperjones | June 6th 15
4.0 excellentPsych0naut | May 25th 15
3.0 goodSarcastrophy | April 9th 15
3.5 greattekkan | April 9th 15
4.0 excellentMortisanti | April 2nd 15
3.5 greatChaoticVortex | March 30th 15
3.0 goodSciroccu | March 25th 15
4.0 excellentvladoslayer | March 20th 15
2.0 poorAion | March 8th 15
3.5 greatInfinityofthoughts | February 24th 15
3.0 goodInTheMorgue | January 19th 15
3.0 goodKyleW | January 13th 15
4.0 excellentTheAristocrat96 | December 28th 14
2.5 averageMetaltronic | December 24th 14
4.0 excellentFlyheadMetal | December 7th 14
3.0 goodSebe | November 22nd 14
3.0 goodDave S. M. | November 11th 14
3.5 greatTroopsofdoom | November 9th 14
3.5 greatTitan | November 1st 14
4.0 excellenteldave74 | November 1st 14
3.5 greatSleepSunn91 | October 21st 14
4.0 excellentZombieParty | October 21st 14
2.5 averageVagitarianZombie | October 4th 14
3.5 greathelication | August 14th 14
3.5 greatMedicinelover | August 2nd 14
3.0 goodsvinariezas | August 2nd 14
3.5 greatxstaytrue18x | July 17th 14
3.5 greatKingdomOfTyrant | July 16th 14
3.5 greatSatanOfElohim | July 14th 14
2.0 poorCelestialVoyage | May 24th 14
3.0 goodFujay | April 20th 14
3.0 goodinsanedrexl1 | March 20th 14
3.5 greatDikkoZinner | March 18th 14
3.0 goodOmnicidalManiac | March 11th 14
4.0 excellentCrinn | March 11th 14
3.0 goodTheRubberbandMan | March 3rd 14
3.5 greatiSoton | February 25th 14
2.5 averageUkkoPerkele | January 23rd 14
3.5 greatjaksnow | January 17th 14
5.0 classicCaffeign | January 6th 14
4.5 superbCambridge | December 9th 13
4.0 excellentHaiti | December 1st 13
3.5 greatWeirman | November 22nd 13
4.0 excellentTokoloshe | November 13th 13
4.0 excellenttappingthevein | November 12th 13
3.5 greatOswaldo88 | October 12th 13
3.5 greatSmial | September 4th 13
4.0 excellentEvilSpells | August 15th 13
3.0 goodJeremy Wolfers | July 22nd 13
3.5 greathevnbsideu | July 11th 13
4.0 excellentUlshad | July 5th 13
2.5 averageDreamingWithTheDead | June 11th 13
3.5 greattarcus | June 10th 13
3.0 goodCarefulwithThataxe | May 16th 13
3.0 goodVanSchuldiner | March 20th 13
3.5 greatVakarian12 | March 19th 13
4.0 excellentthemadavenger | March 5th 13
2.5 averageDirtBagDan | February 13th 13
4.5 superballtimelow | December 19th 12
2.5 averageNagasakiBomber | December 5th 12
5.0 classicDevin Palladino | November 26th 12
4.0 excellentonlyhuman | October 27th 12
3.0 goodsrm90 | October 19th 12
3.5 greatChatterer | October 13th 12
4.0 excellentGigglesdemon | September 28th 12
4.0 excellentromka1972 | September 20th 12
3.0 goodslayerofthegods | September 19th 12
1.5 very poorJaneeet | September 9th 12
4.0 excellentrjchaidez | September 8th 12
4.5 superbminatruman | July 27th 12
4.0 excellentNoMeansYes | July 18th 12
3.5 greatjopower | June 28th 12
3.5 greatSystemunfolded | June 5th 12
2.5 averagemetal101 | May 22nd 12
4.5 superbbalaz3 | April 29th 12
4.0 excellentIronhead | April 20th 12
4.0 excellentBlackAndBlue | April 20th 12
4.0 excellentCrownProfit | April 20th 12
4.0 excellentLongshot797 | April 20th 12
4.0 excellentKillswitch96 | April 20th 12
4.5 superbSaberwing | April 20th 12
5.0 classicWapaneseNinja | April 20th 12
4.5 superbScottishmutt11 | April 20th 12
4.0 excellentSweetPea463 | April 20th 12
2.0 poorDotEight | February 23rd 12
3.5 greatDMEmery | February 22nd 12
3.5 greatTrephineArtist | February 3rd 12
3.0 goodVehemont | December 11th 11
3.0 goodemptyblackbox | November 6th 11
3.5 greatkeveagle007 | October 21st 11
3.5 greatMebalZahari | August 11th 11
2.5 averagetrue | August 4th 11
2.5 averageone_the_fallen | July 24th 11
4.0 excellentLikferd | July 17th 11
4.0 excellentmega7ruh | June 23rd 11
2.5 averageFeeltheFire | June 7th 11
3.5 greatsickinng12 | May 19th 11
3.5 greatGameOver | May 8th 11
3.5 greatCakeWithCream | May 8th 11
3.0 goodItwasthatwas | May 6th 11
4.0 excellentimpregnator | May 2nd 11
2.5 averageSleepingGiant | March 27th 11
3.0 goodAether | March 27th 11
3.0 goodJoelMegaD | March 6th 11
3.5 greatfrankie | February 25th 11
4.0 excellentYUJOS | February 7th 11
2.5 averageMunsuLight | January 5th 11
5.0 classicAssKlown | November 26th 10
5.0 classicOracleOfAnOutrage | November 24th 10
3.5 greatOceans | October 12th 10
4.0 excellent05McDonaldT | September 25th 10
3.5 greatoldschooldeath | September 16th 10
3.0 goodCryptRaider | August 16th 10
3.5 greatHoppipolla | June 8th 10
3.5 greatKILL | June 4th 10
5.0 classicdewscentedbehemoth | May 25th 10
2.5 averagemetaloloji | May 24th 10
3.0 goodEvisc | May 4th 10
3.5 greatFlatliner | April 25th 10
3.0 goodBeyondSanity | April 18th 10
2.0 poorHoenir | February 14th 10
2.0 poorSmevin | February 10th 10
4.0 excellentAwake88 | January 19th 10
3.0 goodaeuk | November 16th 09
4.5 superbanyoneremembertulio | November 5th 09
3.5 greatTheHamburgerman | October 21st 09
3.5 greatProdigalSon16 | October 16th 09
3.5 greatSet | September 12th 09
2.0 poorManRunsOverBus | September 5th 09
4.0 excellentjsanchez | August 19th 09
3.5 greatLifeCypher | July 8th 09
2.5 averageBornDeadBuriedAlive | July 8th 09
4.0 excellentburnedcorpse | June 30th 09
2.5 averageneedledeathpunk | June 15th 09
3.5 greatbret5555 | May 27th 09
3.0 goodtwijgje | February 21st 09
3.0 goodbigguy69 | February 12th 09
1.5 very poorBsmith7 | January 28th 09
3.5 greatWaldfleisch | January 17th 09
3.0 goodOmegaSwitch | November 28th 08
3.0 goodmorbid79 | November 22nd 08
4.0 excellentSlowlyWeRot | October 5th 08
3.5 greatSlaytan | September 7th 08
3.0 goodjuggaloearl | May 8th 08
2.5 averagesupra_speed | March 1st 08
4.0 excellentaresx | February 24th 08
4.0 excellentrobonguitar | February 14th 08
3.0 goodArlan89 | October 24th 07
3.5 greatjk2two | September 5th 07
3.0 goodJmaj14 | August 31st 07
4.5 superbtheclown | August 9th 07
4.0 excellentnecromouse
3.0 goodtxmetaldemon
2.5 averagePerpertualMockery
3.0 goodcombustion07
2.5 averagePureRockFury
4.0 excellentBlackest_Eyes
4.0 excellentpate
3.0 goodLurking_in_Silence
3.5 greatblackened07
3.5 greathatebreederx915
3.0 goodadiam
3.5 greathellonearth
3.5 greatlanchege

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