Joe Satriani's touring band members...
Joe Satriani - Guitars
Jeff Campitelli - Drums
Matt Bissonette - Bass
Galen Henson - Additional Guitar
This is my review of Joe Satriani's latest album with an intriguing title - Is there love in space?
Personally, i have to say, i couldn't compare this one to any of the joe's previous albums. Don't get me wrong, it's still Joe, but it's fresh. It really puzzles me how this man is able to come up with different stuff every single time around.
1. Gnaah (3:33)
The song starts out with an eerie whammy pedal riff (have to say there's a lot of whammy pedal on this album, probably more so than on the previous ones). The little bridge shredding by joe around 1:37 is just ridiculous - i'm sure the fans of Joe's skill will really appreciate that part.
2. Up in Flames (4:33)
This tune is based on a heavy distorted riff that reminded me of some of the songs from Strange Beautiful Music. The lead is also reminiscent of the lead from Mystical Potato Head Groove thing. Overall, the song flows nicely with a bluesy-rock fusion.
3. Hands in the Air (4:27)
Another tune that starts out with a heavy distorted riff. Not sure whether the guitars are tuned down or a 7string is used, because it does sound a little lower (something similar to Mind storm from SBM). The solo about half way through the tune changes things up somewhat, but then back to the original riff/lead. The "chorus" part that's played by the 2 guitars in unison is pretty simple, although not very innovative (still kinda catchy though)
4. Lifestyle (4:34)
This is one of the rare tunes where there's actual lyrics. I, personally, don't like this song too much. Yes, it's got that bluesy feel to it, but the lyrics just seem too "Grade 6" for a song like this. "And you never make sense because you're too busy having a blast; I know we have no future cause you just can't remember the past, whooaaa"... Oh cmon, for a guy who did songs like Flying in a Blue Dream, Satch Boogie, Raspberry Jam Delta-V, etc, etc to sing this kinda stuff is a little "strange". Still, I think the solo is really good - best part of the song
5. Is there Love in Space(4:50)
I have to say the title track is not my favourite on the album. However, dude to it's unorthodox key, it does make you listen to it more than a few times before you actually "get it". It's not a fast song by no means (at least the first half), even though i wouldn't call it a ballad. Second half does pick up quite a bit, filled with Joe's signature "cry-baby" wah tone. Favourite part of the song has to be the outro - very mellow, yet blistering fast.
6. If i could fly (6:31)
Hands down the favourite song on the album, and one of the favourite Satch songs of all times. Starts out with a simple clean strumming riff, the picks up with joe's lead. Just like most other satch songs, this one is not just a long guitar solo - there's easily recognizable patterns to the song, plus it's really catchy. At times, it's impossible to not knodd your head when you listen to this one. Pure brilliance!
7. The Souls of Distortion (4:58)
2nd favourite song on the album. And yes, it does have tones of distortion on it. The song is filled with really cool fusions of wah and distortion that make for some cool intonations in main riffs. 1/3 way through the song breaks into a solo, which changes things up a bit, but still has a great feel to it. The guitar tone is what really made this song sound awesome for me
8. Just Look Up (4:50)
The only pure ballad on the CD. Very reminiscent of the songs like Home, Cryin', and Until we Say Goodbye. Joe's guitar sounds good on this one, backed up by a mellow acoustic tone. Overall, a nice, relaxed chilling tune (sounds like Mixolydian mode, but i may be wrong)
9. I like the Rain (4:58)
The second on the album that actually has lyrics in it. Again, not a fan of joe's lyrics, but those of you who liked "Big Bad Moon", will definitely enjoy this one. In terms of song structure and riffs, the 2 songs are very reminiscent of each other, even the solos (no harmonica this time around though :( )
10. Searching (10:07)
A real marathon of a song. IMO you could take out the whole middle part and just totally cut it out. THe tune starts out with a joe's lead and quickly turns into an amazing whammy riff that's quite likely impossible to play. Right afterwards however, the song just turns into a long and boring solo. Not to underrate Joe's skill, this whole part could've easily been left out. The outro is pretty much the same as the beginning, and yes, the brilliant whammy riff is there - the only bright side to the song
11. Bamboo (5:45)
The song starts out with a clean picking riff. Later the song turns into a jazzy solo played over an interesting bass line. Cool song overall
Overall, give the album a 4/5. Can't wait till joe comes to town.
Realy hope that man just keeps making albums for years to come
For some reason the thread for "surfing with the alien" was down, so i wanted to say a quick think about satriani... He is unbeleivable. i have probably listened to that album through like 100 times.. and this album- is there love in space, i have only heard " i like the rain" - this guy is great!!
Ya Satriani is amazing any guitar player should listen to him.. I personally like Day at the beach because of the both hand finger tapping also another good song is echo... anhyway i liked what i heard of the new stuff and it is amazing how the man can keep coming up with fresh ideas :thumb:
11. Bamboo (5:45)
The song starts out with a clean picking riff. Later the song turns into a jazzy solo played over an interesting bass line. Cool song overall
a) A believe the intro is tapped
b) How is the solo jazzy?
c) That 'bass line' is played by guitar.
Overall, pretty good review. Though I think 'Bamboo' deserves 5/5. Possibly in the top 10 for my favourite songs of all time.
Not even anywhere as good SWTA or the one i can't recall at this moment with Rubina's Blue Sky Happiness on it. BTW, my mate's guitar teacher is in this amazing local band and he can play Surfing With the Alien and Satch Boogie, which I think is **** cool.
PS. what are your 3 fave Satch songs, just out of interset?
Fav satch songs... hmmm
With the amount of awesome material this guy has written, it's hard to pick 3, but i'm gonna go with
Raspberry Jam Delta v
Flying in a Blue Dream
Starry Night
I'd agree, If I Could Fly is hands-down on another level. Rather different from the rest of the album, too. I don't really think this album's as memorable when compared to his other stuff... just that song and Gnaahh (because of the shredding part) stick in my head. Searching wasn't that bad though... but the highlight of it was that whammy riff.
Joe really can't write lyrics or sing, but saying he should only do instrumentals for that reason (like a lot of people do) seems ridiculous. It's his music.
As for my favorites, I'd say If I Could Fly, Love Thing and The Journey.
about a month ago i went with my friend to HMV to check some stuff. Then wo bumped to this cd. he recommend (begged) me to buy this cd then burn a copy for him afterwards even if i have no idea how joe satriani sounds like. so i bought the thing
and listened to it the night before i went to sleep.
personally this cd surpassed my expectations its great! its fu.cking excellent i dont resent the fact that this cd is cost me 30 cdn $ which is pretty expensive for a cd.
i like it
I'm surprised everybody seems to hail this as another godlike offering from the great Satriani, because to me, he's starting to sound really, really tired and out of new ideas. You think all this is different from before? Ah...yeah, mate, the guitar tones may be pretty different(and usually are pretty crappy-sounding as well, compared to, say, anything off Crystal Planet), but the songs generally are not catchy, melodic, or interesting by usual Satch(or maybe by this point I should say "classic Satch") standards. There are two exceptions to this: "If I Could Fly," and "Searching." Both of these songs are classic Satch, and I've heard him describe the former as trying to capture the feeling of a backyard party show, and it really works there. But the rest? Ehhh....please. You just don't have enough melodies or chord progressions left in you, Satch! I think you should plop all your guitars into some other tunings or experiment with other genres or, play your version of a Celtic song, or do a jazz minor blues number, where you can still solo like a bitch, but it'll sound DIFFERENT. The techno thing was a good idea...why not become more proficient at writing techno songs? I'd like to hear that during a high school dance, instead of ****ty hip-hop. Come on. Gnaah has no melody, and your fretboard fireworks can't save your songs anymore cause we all know that you're good. Up In Flames is more of your I-IV-V blues that doesn't even have a creative riff, or anything, that even YOU should be tired of by now. You ruin a good opening riff with Hands in the Air with a weird-***, totally un-catchy symphony section with NO headbanging potential. Your ballad this time is still really nice, and still doesn't do it any better than you've done before. Either call it a day or break out from your Surfing with the Alien formula. You just don't make 'em like you used to.
[QUOTE=Ripper22]I'm surprised everybody seems to hail this as another godlike offering from the great Satriani, because to me, he's starting to sound really, really tired and out of new ideas. You think all this is different from before? Ah...yeah, mate, the guitar tones may be pretty different(and usually are pretty crappy-sounding as well, compared to, say, anything off Crystal Planet), but the songs generally are not catchy, melodic, or interesting by usual Satch(or maybe by this point I should say "classic Satch") standards. There are two exceptions to this: "If I Could Fly," and "Searching." Both of these songs are classic Satch, and I've heard him describe the former as trying to capture the feeling of a backyard party show, and it really works there. But the rest? Ehhh....please. You just don't have enough melodies or chord progressions left in you, Satch! I think you should plop all your guitars into some other tunings or experiment with other genres or, play your version of a Celtic song, or do a jazz minor blues number, where you can still solo like a bitch, but it'll sound DIFFERENT. The techno thing was a good idea...why not become more proficient at writing techno songs? I'd like to hear that during a high school dance, instead of ****ty hip-hop. Come on. Gnaah has no melody, and your fretboard fireworks can't save your songs anymore cause we all know that you're good. Up In Flames is more of your I-IV-V blues that doesn't even have a creative riff, or anything, that even YOU should be tired of by now. You ruin a good opening riff with Hands in the Air with a weird-***, totally un-catchy symphony section with NO headbanging potential. Your ballad this time is still really nice, and still doesn't do it any better than you've done before. Either call it a day or break out from your Surfing with the Alien formula. You just don't make 'em like you used to.[/QUOTE]
You seem like a person who likes to hear himself talk
Wanna see u come up with something even close... that would be the day =/
[QUOTE=Vlad_The_Moose]You seem like a person who likes to hear himself talk
Wanna see u come up with something even close... that would be the day =/[/QUOTE]
Oh, well. That kinda hurt, but you're somewhat right about that particular post. I was in a terrible mood, and I sometimes get a little pretentious when I have a strong opinion that I feel is not widely shared. Sorry.
And I love Satch, so, sorry man. He's still badass, even if I feel that this isn't his best album. You're right.
Holy crap, I just reread that post. I was in a REAL bad mood, I guess.
I actually agree with Ripper22's original comments. I thought Satriani's last two albums sounded tired and uninspired. For me, he's just repeating the same stuff that he's done so much better on earlier CDs.
i'd like to point out that although this album isn't anywhere near Surfing With The Alien or The Extremist, this is still a noteworthy work. "Lifestyle" isn't so bad you know although the lyrics are a bit basic of course. Joe is probabaly trying to come up with something he doesn't do always and that is to sing. "If I Could Fly" is also my favorite track and "GNAAAH" had too much wahh for it's own good; it got up to the solo part though.
agreed fizz. not his best but still a great album. "I Like the Rain" is a good song, but im not a huge fan of satch's vocals. my favorite song though is "Searching". its one of those songs that truely takes you on a trip. i dont know how he has the stamina to keep those notes on the chorus-ish riff. this is the song i let my friends hear and they have the exact same reaction. " =o " anyway, great album.
I personally love this album, as seems to be the general opinion and my own, this isn't his most groundbreaking work, but I enjoyed all the songs on this album but the final two tracks are just masterpieces of modern guitar. The tapping riff of bamboo and solo and whammy riff off searching show both technical mastery and musical undersanding. Searching is one of my favourite ever satriani tracks. Definitely underrated.
the pedal (whammy) riff on searching, all thought amazing and catchy, it is also extremely easy to play, I am not saying it is not good it is personally my favorite thing he has done, but I can play it and I am not that good.