Brutal Truth   End Time
Release Date: 2011

 Ratings (89) Give your Rating

4.5 superbWizard | November 19th 11

I mean, if you don't like this album, your taste in grind (and music) sucks.

3 Bumps | Bump

0.0 get your ass back here billy | May 6th 13

The one Brutal Truth that merits some amount of integrity throughout the core of the album (since Need To Control), and it is impetuously marred by a ridiculous 15 minute ending track filled with random assortments of blast beats and guitar screeches that, respectively, minute-by-minute, tear what amount of enjoyment that could've been had from this album down to the ground.

2 Bumps | Bump

2.0 poorFabiusPictor202 | March 2nd 21

lost their edge


3.5 greatsvinariezas | November 30th 24
2.5 averageEXSCHISM | September 15th 24
3.0 goodgregorgojira | April 5th 24
3.5 greatOxide King | October 7th 23
3.5 greatLogan | July 11th 23
2.0 poorsneakers | May 20th 23
2.0 poorballsohard22 | May 6th 23
3.5 greatFunJan | March 28th 23
3.5 greatvdop | February 13th 23
3.0 goodDistributor of 4s, Consoomer of Riffs | December 20th 22
3.0 goodaaronrgw | August 11th 22
3.0 goodRisodo | August 10th 22
3.5 greatCuinhell | April 2nd 22
3.0 goodWaiting around to die | March 14th 22
2.5 averageLvxfra | October 24th 21
2.5 averageRancidShrines94 | September 21st 21
2.0 poorBrock619 | June 27th 21
3.0 goodOobaloo | May 16th 21
3.0 goodbigguytoo9 | March 2nd 21
3.0 goodMatthias812 | January 8th 21
4.0 excellentrage11111ro | December 28th 20
3.5 greatremi | November 4th 20
3.0 goodbeefolynch | October 15th 20
3.5 greatcolinhbarker | August 11th 20
3.5 greatbobby72 | July 24th 20
4.0 excellentAlexDomingues | June 20th 20
2.5 averageChaoticVortex | December 15th 19
3.0 goodjfish226 | November 25th 19
4.0 excellentConfessed2005 | October 17th 19
2.5 averageBlackOutIXI | October 7th 19
2.0 poorSpazzspace | August 1st 17
2.5 averagebbgames | July 7th 17
3.0 goodMarehelm | May 14th 17
2.5 averagedesecravity | June 25th 16
2.0 pooruser user | April 21st 16
3.5 greatTeddy23 | February 25th 16
2.0 poorchillin420 | December 25th 15
2.0 poorAbraxas | November 13th 15
3.5 greatportableheadd | October 27th 15
2.5 averageStarlessCore | September 17th 15
3.5 greatArtax36 | August 19th 15
2.0 poorjearoslawve | April 30th 15
2.0 poorSnacktimeguy | April 2nd 15
3.0 goodDonsclore | March 18th 15
4.0 excellentKorpcun | January 30th 15
2.0 poorconraddson | January 20th 15
2.5 averageDoctorDoom | December 31st 14
3.5 greatFlyheadMetal | December 10th 14
3.0 goodpostmetalhipster | December 2nd 14
4.0 excellentVoxMonster | September 24th 14
3.5 greatSkapalPes | August 28th 14
3.0 gooddeadplanets | July 14th 14
4.5 superbafatottarigxcx | June 27th 14
2.5 averageFujay | April 20th 14
4.5 superbAmebix | March 29th 14
3.5 greatthemadavenger | December 20th 13
2.5 averageWeirman | November 21st 13
2.5 averageSmial | September 11th 13
2.5 averageJeremy Wolfers | July 23rd 13
4.5 superbAcrosstheshield13 | December 31st 12
2.5 averagetak3n0prisoner5 | October 18th 12
2.5 averagemangamusicfan | September 24th 12
3.0 goodVagitarianZombie | June 26th 12
4.0 excellentShaad | May 19th 12
3.5 greatPagaard | April 30th 12
3.0 goodaeuk | April 21st 12
4.5 superbrunningintocalamity | April 17th 12
4.0 excellentSunn177 | February 29th 12
3.0 goodsmashedneck | February 18th 12
2.5 averageAndy H. B. | February 17th 12
3.0 goodantigenocide | February 5th 12
3.5 greatXulOnerom | January 10th 12
3.0 goodTheReptilianBrain | December 30th 11
3.5 greatTicondaroga | December 15th 11
1.0 awfulnatebearclaw | November 10th 11
3.5 greatev0ken | November 2nd 11
3.5 greatColliiiin | October 26th 11
2.0 poorDoubtGin | October 25th 11
4.5 superbhifmaczo | October 16th 11
2.5 averageGhostOvPerdition | October 14th 11
2.5 averageBreeg | October 9th 11
3.5 greatendtyme | September 30th 11
4.0 excellentEclecticist | September 27th 11
2.0 poornarcosis80 | September 26th 11
3.0 goodTorii | September 21st 11
3.5 greatBlackmetalsausage | September 21st 11
1.5 very pooralsid | September 9th 11

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