


by Poet USER (49 Reviews)
January 2nd, 2012 | 84 replies

Release Date: 2011 | Tracklist

Review Summary: "Ever seen the Lord smile?" After listening to this there is nothing else to do but smile.

For fifteen years Nightwish has entertained audiences throughout the world with their brand of music. With this longevity came changes of band members and musical direction. Their debut Angels Fall First saw a raw combination of folk and power metal music with operatic vocals. Oceanborn and Wishmaster polished up all of Angels Fall First’s faults and in turn made the band create two of the best power metal records ever recorded. On the verge of a near split in 2001, Tuomas Holopainen decided to change the direction of the band. With newly added bassist/vocalist Marco Hietala, the music switched from pure power metal into more of symphonic metal with Century Child. Once in 2004 brought the band to new mainstream heights and resulted in the first real foray into pop to add to the already existing elements. After a highly publicized and covered break up in 2005 with former vocalist Tarja Turnen, the band recruited singer Anette Olzen and started anew with Dark Passion Play. That album took symphonic metal to a place it had hardly ever reached and indulged the genre with it’s over the top and bombastic nature.

Now we are here in 2011 and the band has not only been recording new material for an album, but filming a movie as well. Being called a pseudo movie soundtrack of the same name, Imaginaerum takes every single aspect of music that Tuomas Holopainen has written these past fifteen years and crams all into one album. We get the folk artist that the band was originally supposed to be. We get the power metal that turned them into legends of the genre. We get the symphonic material, that while has always been apart of the music, has both alienated and garnered fans. Add all of those qualities to some new ambitious one, and the music world is shown an album on a scale that some may not realize in grandiosity.

“Taikatalvi” is the perfect way to start off an album of this caliber. Combining original Nightwish with the current one, the song uses Marco’s incredible soft vocals with Tuomas’ arrangements to create one of the strongest tracks; add the song being sung in native Suomi and the band may have just inadvertently made one of their most heartfelt songs. Imaginaerum is not limited to “Taikatalvi” when it comes to the slower paced songs. “Turn Loose the Mermaids” returns to 1996-1997 Nightwish with a band whose vulnerability and rawness helped propel them into what they became today. However, this song needed to just be the five piece band and not use the entire orchestra because for once, the orchestra turned a song that works so well on its own for the first couple minute into an over the top bombast that should not have been. “The Crow, The Owl, and The Dove” makes a strong case to be the second best track on this album. Marco and Anette’s duet it nothing short of remarkable and the poppy folk feel to the song makes it one of the band’s most accessible songs. Every aspect of this song works.

Unfortunately Nightwish has been perceived as a band that has “sold out” over the past eight or so years. This term has irritated me more than anything when critics speak of the band. While Once and Dark Passion Play were somewhat filled with “pop” metal songs, Imaginaerum has one song, “Storytime” that can fill this category. If anything Imaginaerum tries to attempt a return to the power metal of old Nightwish. “Ghost River” is a power metal song, nothing else. Emmpu dusts off his ESP guitar and gives a riff that belongs on Oceanborn or Wishmaster, not a 2011 Nightwish album. The orchestral elements of the song essentially are the rhythm guitar; take them out, throw a real guitar in and it’s a straightforward power metal song. “I Want My Tears Back” also feels like a throwback with Troy Donockley’s gorgeous playing of the uilleann pipes. Add the middle solo between Troy, Emppu, and Tuomas and we have a musical cross between Stargazers, Moondance, and Sacrament of Wildnerness all in one song.

Finally there are the “epics” of the album. Yes there are more than one epic on this album. First off is the appropriately titled “Scaretale.” There are not enough adjectives to describe this monster of a tune. If you took Danny Elfman’s music and combined it with Enter Sandman’s lyrics interpreted by Tuomas with some sprinkle of Pantara riffage and a circus leader that looks and sounds like a viking, you would get a little bit of what makes “Scaretale.” It is one of those quirky and fun songs that Nightwish have previously lacked while maintaining the Nightwish sound. “Rest Calm” is quite interesting. There are the obvious influences of doom metal bands My Dying Bride and Paradise Lost, but the song has such a gorgeous and melodic chorus that adds another dimension to the song. For those who have said the song does not get out of hand at the end, they clearly do not hear the amount of musical layers the end goes through. There is so much clashing going on musically in the final minute.

One song on this album reinsures my beliefs of Nightwish being the best band in the world: the Walt Whitman inspired Song of Myself. The song starts off mostly like every other song on the album with strings and overuse of the choir but shines when Anette starts singing. The first two parts of the song From a Dusty Bookshelf and All That Great Heart Lying Still may end up going down as the band’s greatest musical achievement. From the verses, to the sing along chorus, and the amazing musical bliss that is the violins during the chorus, Tuomas outdid himself once more. For being a thirteen minute song though, the song kind of dwindles down around the seven minute mark. However, the six minute poem written by Tuomas (and not a recital of the Whitman one) and spoken by various people is quite remarkable once one can sit down and really listen to the words being said.

Imaginaerum is nothing short of epic and over the top. Tuomas has combined every aspect that he has written and been inspired by over the past fifteen years. Add some new influences
like the jazzy song (which I still can’t decide if I like) “Slow, Love, Slow” plus the maturation of Anette’s vocals, and the band has easily created their most ambitious album. There will be complainers saying the band still sucks because they don’t have Tarja or they aren’t writing any inspirational songs and are boring, but those people are so far away from the truth. While Imaginaerum is set to be an album to support the film, it is able to stand alone. This is undoubtedly a Nightwish album and for 75 minutes Jukka, Emppu, Anette, Marco, and Tuomas took me to a place filled with fantasy, harlequins, roller coasters, mermaids, and self.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
January 2nd 2012


Album Rating: 4.5

Number 40 and my final review on this site. I've had fun writing here for close to four and a half years. Definitely not my best written review but when you write this over the course of a month things are gonna be a little shaky.

January 2nd 2012


Album Rating: 5.0

Well, apart from the Paradise Lost/Mdb influences in Rest Calm (srsly, where are they? :P), and you complaining about complainers (who cares about them?) this is a monster review. Excellent job.

January 2nd 2012


Good final review man, are you leaving the site or something?

January 2nd 2012


There it is! Also, your comment about this being your final review made me kind of sad, because I do enjoy reading your stuff =[ Anyways, really great review, as per usual.

January 2nd 2012


Good review Poet and you've said it before already that it will be your last on this site. My question though is: Why will this be your last?

January 3rd 2012


Album Rating: 4.5

I definitely won't eave the site because I couldn't if I tried. It's my final review because I never

have time to review anymore because of work and school (only wrote 1 review last year and that made me

sad). So I figured I would end with a nice number in 40 and end with the band I started with to begin

with here.

I guess I could pull a Chan and come out of retirement if something big comes out this year that needs


January 3rd 2012


Haha, maybe pull a Chan and come back as a mod ;)

January 3rd 2012


Number 40 and my final review on this site. I've had fun writing here for close to four and a
half years.


January 10th 2012


Ah no, now I need to find someone new to stalk. I've been occasionally checking in on your ratings/reviews through the last few years. You've introduced me to some good bands (eg Lost Horizon, Equilibrium) and encouraged me to keep at some music that just wasn't clicking for me until it did (Kamelot's latest, and Blind Guardian in general).

As for this review... well done. I like how you've obviously been doing some extracurricular reading. The fanboy inside never quite goes away, does it? ;) (Same here--even though I wasn't listening to Nightwish at all this last year, I still found myself checking on their studio diaries).

May 8th 2014


Listening to some live songs from Nightwish on YouTube atm. Damn, Floor nails it! Anette doesn't stand a chance against her performance. She's even tough competition for Tarja imo.

May 11th 2014


Floor >>>> Tarja and Anette. They should re-record all albums with Floor.

May 11th 2014


Agreed, it'll give me a reason to care about Nightwish.

May 11th 2014


Exactly, couldn't agree more.

May 11th 2014


If they don't just listen to After Forever's Decipher, easy.

May 11th 2014


Have only listened to a few songs of After Forever so far. But I think Floor is the perfect cast for Nightwish to unleash the band's true potential.

May 11th 2014


She is without a doubt, although I find the band in general quite dull, not just the old singers.

May 11th 2014


I'm not a big fan of the band too but as you said Floor at least gives me a reason to enjoy the music to a certain degree. Her charisma and voice at live performances are great.

May 11th 2014


If the band made more songs like The Poet and the Pendulum, The Islander, Sleeping Sun and Gethsemane I would love this band. So many song they just get lazy with dull, 'rocking' riffs or just a lack of songwriting ability to keep me intrested.

May 11th 2014


Album Rating: 2.5

Mmm The Poet and the Pendulum is perfect. This album wasn't anywhere near as good as Dark Passion Play for me sadly and the emotional weight on that was touching at times

May 11th 2014


I'm not that deep into their discography to know many songs by name. Floor just evoked my interest in this band. It's probably nothing more than a temporary obsession with her but I have to admit that she's got talent as a singer. I'm really curious whether they'll record a new album with her.

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