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Maurice was an American metal/post-hardcore band from Louisville, Kentucky, active between 1983 and 1986. They opened for Samhain on their first tour, this being the only time Maurice played outside of their home city. The band only recorded one demo in 1985, for Glenn Danzig no less, which has been made publicly available in 2011. They would eventually split, with guitarist David Pajo and drummer Britt Walford becoming founding members of legendary math/post-rock band Slint, while vocalist Sean A. Garrison and bassist Mike Bucayo would form crossover/thrash band Kinghorse. https://papam.bandcamp.com/album/the-first-shall-be-last
Similar Bands: Slint, Squirrel Bait, Confessor, Danzig, Black Sabbath, Metallica, Black Flag, Void, Die Kruezen, Swans Contributors: GhandhiLion, parksungjoon, BMDrummer,