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Since 1989, Trent Reznor has integrated industrial and mainstream rock into one tightly-wound,surprisinglymainstreamaffection,under his psuedonym, Nine Inch Nails. Throughout NIN's lengthy, nearly 30 year run,NINhas released eight albums, two liveDVDs, and has contributed various assortments of music to game and moviesoundtracks. However,despitethe public opinion,Nine Inch Nails is much of a solo project, with usually only Trent Reznor anda few otherproducersandcollaborators during therecording process.Throughout the late 80s, 90s, and early 2000s, Nine Inch Nails was infamous for having leng ...read more
Since 1989, Trent Reznor has integrated industrial and mainstream rock into one tightly-wound,surprisinglymainstreamaffection,under his psuedonym, Nine Inch Nails. Throughout NIN's lengthy, nearly 30 year run,NINhas released eight albums, two liveDVDs, and has contributed various assortments of music to game and moviesoundtracks. However,despitethe public opinion,Nine Inch Nails is much of a solo project, with usually only Trent Reznor anda few otherproducersandcollaborators during therecording process.Throughout the late 80s, 90s, and early 2000s, Nine Inch Nails was infamous for having lengthy gaps in-betweenalbumreleases,which Reznor credited to internal disputes, drug additiction, etc. Pretty Hate Machine, Nine InchNails'debutalbumin 1989, waswidely acclaimed by critics and underground audiences before breaking into themainstreamandproducingthree successful singles,'Head Like a Hole', 'Down in It', and 'Terrible Lie'. In 1992, after repeateddisputeswith hiscontractlabel, Reznor released a shortEP titled Broken that was much more heavy, industrial charged thantherelativelydanceablesynth rock of Pretty Hate Machine. The album was a commercial success, 'Wish' and 'Happiness inSlavery'beingmajor hits. 'Wish' won a Grammy for Best MetalPerformance.In 1994, NIN released their magnum opus The Downward Spiral. A lengthy concept album that wasangry,loud,andaggressivespawned them their most successful single 'Closer', but also 'March of the Pigs' and 'Hurt'. Thealbumiswidelyconsidered NIN'smost successful and best album. After a massive World Tour, Trent Reznor went throughtroubleswithdrugaddiction causing alengthy break between releases, with 1999 bringing The Fragile, a massive double-album whichis a fan-favorite. The album wasmuch more dense and based on soundscapes than the raw aggression of TheDownwardSpiral. The albumwas highly praised,receiving 'Album of the Year' by SPIN, and producing three successfulsingles in 'IntotheVoid', 'The Day the WorldWent Away', and'We're in This Together'.After yet another successful tour, Trent Reznor began to struggle with addiction, and it seemed NIN wouldbeending,before2005produced the commercial success 'With Teeth'. The album was much more poppy and radio-friendly, butdidnotgoover well withfans or critics. However, the album produced one of NIN's most successful singles in 'The Hand ThatFeeds'aswellas 'Every Dayis Exactly the Same' and 'Only'. The With Teeth tour was quite a success, with thebandseemingenergetic andaggressive for thefirst time in years.But not long after With Teeth's release in 2005, NIN began an online game surrounding the new album Year Zero.Afterleavingcluesfor fans to find, a massive Alternate Reality Game sprung up on the net, but controversy came alongwithitwhen USB driveswith newNIN tracks were hidden in bathrooms at a NIN concert. The tracks were uploadedbybloggers,but the RIAA sent ceaseand desistletters before Reznor stepped in. In 2007, Year Zero was released tocriticalacclaim,many people noting that Reznorseems refreshedand energetic. The album was a concept album focusing ontheworld oftomorrow, 2022, and the failinggovernment. It was muchless guitar based than With Teeth, being mostlyelectronicinnature. The album produced twomoderately successful singles in'Survivalism' and 'Capital G'. With a tour neverhittingtheU.S., 'Year Zero's sales stalled in theU.S., but the World Tour outside of theU.S. was quite successful. Muchmoreintimate,and a new stage set-up, the tour was asuccess. After a break-up with the recordlabel, Trent Reznorbeganrecording newmusic.But on March 2, 2008, Trent Reznor surprised fans with the release of a new album 'Ghosts I-IV'. The 36-trackinstrumentalreleasecontained four versions, 'Ghosts', that were completely instrumental. The album wasreleasedonNIN.com andAmazon.com in avariety of digital formats, with a digital PDF booklet that showcased credits andartwork.Dresden Dollsdrummer Brian Vigilone wascredited for the drums on the album. Physical release is set for April 8th,2008.Nine Inch Nails Live wild, impromptu, and (at times, unsafe), and have gained them notoriety for being one ofthewildestbandslive. They are a completely different aspect of NIN, with a rock-band presentation before Year Zero beingthenormal,and thetracks beinginterpreted with standard live instruments.Nine Inch Nails is one of the bands that is credited with bringing industrial music to the mainstream, and TrentReznorisoftencreditedas a musical genius-for good reason. NIN is an important venture in music, and Trent Reznor is oneofthemostvital artists in musicfor good reason. Easily, they are one of rock's greatest acts. « hide |
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