09-07 New Opera Diabolicus Song
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OPERA DIABOLICUS is the brainchild of composer David Grimoire and lyricist Adrian de Crow. The idea sprung to life when the two of them met randomly at a stage play of Umberto Eco’s book The Name of the Rose at a theatre in Gothenburg the year 2006. Both of them were very intrigued by the story and they ended up talking about how interesting it would be to make a theatrical
and dark metal musical based on that kind of a story. The conversation between them that took place in Gothenburg that bleak December night planted the seed that soon should grow to be the concept of OPERA DIABOLICUS - The concept of combining the dark elements of music and theatre in alliance with musical excellency.
Similar Bands: Ghost (SWE), Notre Dame, Therion, Wormfood, Sons of Seasons Contributors: nylonhair, Willie, gallus90,