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Antestor is a Norwegian dark metal band and one of Norway's earliest Christian extreme metal groups. Antestor is the only Christian band to have an album released by Cacophonous Records, which has also released records by bands such as Dimmu Borgir, Sigh, and Blood Storm. Antestor, together with Horde, are the only two Christian black metal groups that have had a record deal with a secular label. Antestor dubbed the style of their early work as
Similar Bands: Vaakevandring, Horde, Crimson Moonlight, Grave Declaration, Slechtvalk Contributors: nylonhair, MetalSoliloquy, gutturalmaster, ziroth, morrissey, BallsToTheWall, ToSmokMuzyki, heck, americanohno, MetalSoliloquy, livewire, DarkNoctus, Envy3,