Dizzy Wright
Not many 21-year old rappers can say that they’ve been rapping for over a decade. The Las Vegas-based rapper began rappingat just 8
yearsoldwith the group “DaFuture” with his brother and very close friend – his mother wrote his raps at the time. “MyMom was like Joe
Jackson,”saysWright, “She was a concert promoter so I was exposed to the music industry early – we evendid youth reporting at major awards
showslike theBET Awards.”At 17-years old with several years of experience Dizzy decidedto take his rap career seriously. Formerly known as
Dizzy D Flashy,Dizzy was awinn ...read more
Not many 21-year old rappers can say that they’ve been rapping for over a decade. The Las Vegas-based rapper began rappingat just 8
yearsoldwith the group “DaFuture” with his brother and very close friend – his mother wrote his raps at the time. “MyMom was like Joe
Jackson,”saysWright, “She was a concert promoter so I was exposed to the music industry early – we evendid youth reporting at major awards
showslike theBET Awards.”At 17-years old with several years of experience Dizzy decidedto take his rap career seriously. Formerly known as
Dizzy D Flashy,Dizzy was awinner on BET’s “Wild Out Wednesdays,” winnerof the Sheikh Music “Rip the Mic” Competition and released 5
mixtapes, which leadhim to rackup over 1-million views onYouTube. Wright wants for people to learn something when they listen to his music by
discussing situationsthat hisfans canrelate to. “The internet allowed me to see what my music did to people – I like being able to see the
response. When you rap,youhavea voice and this is how I balance my thoughts,” says Wright.In November 2011, Wright signed to Funk Volume
afterbeing discovered at theSheikh Music “Rip the Mic” Competition in 2010. Impressed byhis smooth flow, confident stage presenceand energy
that won over the crowd,Funk Volume knew he was a special talent and would be valuableaddition to the team. Onthe heels of his latest mixtape
“Soul Searchin’ NextLevel,” Wright will release “Smoke Out Conversations” on April20th, and saysthe tape was inspired by Don Miguel Ruiz’s
widespread book, “TheFour Agreements.” “I live the four agreements …. Thefirstagreement is be impeccable with your word. People will learn
something from thisalbum.” « hide |