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Conceived during the late '80s when death metal did everything it could to gain credibility as a substantialniche, Entombed instantly championed the eerie variation of brutal heavy metal, giving it credibility beforequickly abandoning the style in the early '90s. In their post-death metal years, the band retained the nichegenre's most alluring attributes as they ventured into uncharted territory, ultimately becoming acontroversial, yet undoubtedly innovative, group unable to stop evolving. Throughout the '90s, their albumsillustrated a visionary group who didn't even themselves seem sure of th ...read more
Conceived during the late '80s when death metal did everything it could to gain credibility as a substantialniche, Entombed instantly championed the eerie variation of brutal heavy metal, giving it credibility beforequickly abandoning the style in the early '90s. In their post-death metal years, the band retained the nichegenre's most alluring attributes as they ventured into uncharted territory, ultimately becoming acontroversial, yet undoubtedly innovative, group unable to stop evolving. Throughout the '90s, their albumsillustrated a visionary group who didn't even themselves seem sure of their ultimate destination. This blinddrive toward instinctual growth garnered Entombed substantial critical acclaim and an increased fan base, yetit also drew almost as much criticism, as the group abandoned a particular style just as they had mastered it,alienating their more stubborn fans. Still, whether or not fans chose to accept the band's continual evolution,there was little denying Entombed's role as an inventive and pioneering band operating in a notoriously close-minded genre.Before the Swedish group was Entombed, group members Alex Hellid (guitar) and Nicke Andersson (drums)anchored the band Nihilist, with L.G. Petrov (vocals) and Uffe Cederlund (guitar) in and out of the band for aperiod of two years. Not even into their twenties yet, the group members recorded a series of demo tapes thatwere well-circulated around the burgeoning late-'80s death metal underground, inspiring plenty of hype. AfterHellid and Andersson broke up Nihilist, despite the acclaim, they soon re-formed a few months later asEntombed with Petrov and Cederlund as full-time members. « hide |
Similar Bands: Entombed A.D., Nihilist, Carnage, Dismember, Grave Contributors: coneren, nylonhair, Oswaldo88, adr, KILL, Voivod, leviathan82, Willie, ASberg, Apocalyptic Raids, CArnage333, circleofdeadchildren, ToSmokMuzyki, KingdomOfTyrant, SinNanna, Malenchanted, Eclecticist, KILL, Voivod, DieDead, Insurrection,