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Starting out as a semi-successful thrash metal act underthe name Turbid, The band soon moved to Dallas, Texas(afterPhilAnselmo's advice). The band
then released themini-album "Under the Eight" to underground criticalacclaim, but after manybandmembers left andbroughtin more Texas members
and a more diversesound. This can easily be found in the band'ssecondrelease(and first full-length), "Orogeny", with styles thatrange from Black,
Death, Grind, and even Post-Metal. Thebandhasappeared ontours with Knights of the Abyss,and Goatwhore. In 2015, after a two-year hiatus, the
bandcame roaring back with"Eyes Alive", anaturalprogression and improvement of the sound the bandestablished on "Orogeny".
Similar Bands: Mastodon, Goatwhore, Cult of Luna, Opeth, Gojira Contributors: AlphaZoey2008, Handyman003, ThePalestMexican, Beauers, ThePalestMexican,