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Dimmu Burger 07-29-2007 06:53 PM

My first death metal cd was Suffocation - Human Waste. It was quite an experience.

Shred Danson 07-29-2007 06:55 PM

Human Waste and Effigy for the Forgotten FTW. Souls to Deny is OK, and the new CD is just fu[size=2]c[/size]king horrible. I was real dissapointed.


Poofy 666 07-29-2007 07:01 PM

Despise the Sun is pretty good too. i didnt really like souls to deny at all.

My first death metal song was Scavenger of Human Sorrow. My first album that I bought was Nile's AOTW when I was 13 lawl.

Shred Danson 07-29-2007 07:03 PM

[QUOTE]My first album that I bought was Nile's AOTW when I was 13 lawl.[/QUOTE]

Oooh, harsh. :p

I like some Nile, but most of it just bores me and I can't get over Karl Sander's nerdiness. Moreso than Trey Azgathoth (sp?feck)'s geekiness.

Angmar 07-29-2007 07:05 PM

Amongst the Catacombs is the Nile album I really enjoy, his solo stuff is cool.

Dimmu Burger 07-29-2007 07:05 PM

[QUOTE=ICB;15048348]Human Waste and Effigy for the Forgotten FTW. Souls to Deny is OK, and the new CD is just fu[size=2]c[/size]king horrible. I was real dissapointed.


yeah i'm not too fond of the new cd either.

I also got Mortician's Hacked Up For Barbecue and Chainsaw Dismemberment and Nile's Black Seeds of Vengeance and Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka. It wasn't a bad start.

Angmar 07-29-2007 07:07 PM

My first real DM album was Epitaph lulz.

Dargon 07-29-2007 07:08 PM

[QUOTE=Dimmu Burger;15048379]yeah i'm not too fond of the new cd either.

I also got Mortician's Hacked Up For Barbecue and Chainsaw Dismemberment and Nile's Black Seeds of Vengeance and Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka. It wasn't a bad start.[/QUOTE]
mortician is... bouncecore. nile is nudeth.

[quote]My first real DM album was Epitaph lulz.[/quote]
not death metal

Angmar 07-29-2007 07:09 PM

fake death metal=/=death metal you don't like

Poofy 666 07-29-2007 07:09 PM

[QUOTE=ICB;15048365]Oooh, harsh. :p

I like some Nile, but most of it just bores me and I can't get over Karl Sander's nerdiness. Moreso than Trey Azgathoth (sp?feck)'s geekiness.[/QUOTE]


After about 6 months of liking nile they started to wear off. I don't really like them at all any more.

Dimmu Burger 07-29-2007 07:13 PM

[QUOTE=Poofy 666;15048394][COLOR="Lime"]After about 6 months of liking nile they started to wear off. I don't really like them at all any more.[/QUOTE]

I feel kinda the same way. I do want to check out the new album though, just in case.

Poofy 666 07-29-2007 07:15 PM

i dont feel like wasting my time and hard drive memory for such a mediocre band anymore.

Dargon 07-29-2007 07:16 PM

[QUOTE=stevo2112;15048393]fake death metal=/=death metal you don't like[/QUOTE]
no, Epitaph is closer to neoclassical shred than death metal.

TBH I used to listen to some tracks off Onset of Putrefaction from time to time, it's just that you have to approach it expecting to hear neoclassical shred. If you expect to hear anything related to death metal then it's just a bunch of wanking, worthless infantile safe friendly cozy Disney product.

Shred Danson 07-29-2007 07:21 PM

Neoclassical shredeth metal :p

Angmar 07-29-2007 07:23 PM

OK whatever doesn't matter, anyway, I'm Dloading the new Obituary, anyone else heard it yet?

Poofy 666 07-29-2007 07:24 PM

Necrophagist needs to learn to use their talent to write actual songs instead of piecing together incoherent arpeggio riffs and pinch harmonics.

Look back a few pages for new Obituary discussion.

LifeInABox 07-29-2007 07:27 PM

[QUOTE=Dimmu Burger;15048341]My first death metal cd was Suffocation - Human Waste. It was quite an experience.[/QUOTE]

I love that album

masscows 07-29-2007 07:28 PM

Onset of Putrefaction is a good album. Epitaph has its moments.

Dimmu Burger 07-29-2007 07:29 PM

[QUOTE=masscows;15048443]Onset of Putrefaction is a good album. Epitaph has its moments.[/QUOTE]

i also enjoy Onset Of Putrefaction. I don't enjoy Epitaph as much though.

Shred Danson 07-29-2007 07:35 PM

I love Epitaph as much as Onset.

I marked out when they played "Only Ash Remains" when my band played with them @ the summer slaughter. It was only a 3-piece cause their guitarist was having problems getting in the country but it still ruled. Marco Minneman is a madman on the drums. Best live drum solo I've seen

LifeInABox 07-29-2007 07:37 PM

SS was great. Did they play through Epitaph for ya?

Shred Danson 07-29-2007 07:40 PM

Yeah they played through the whole album. I think they played one new song too, I can't remember.

I remember Decapitated was awesome, though they were sloppy. But they were drunk so that's expected :p They didn't play anything from Winds of Creation though :(

Poofy 666 07-29-2007 07:43 PM

Marco's solo was crazy, he dropped his stick while he was twirling it around though haha.

They very rarely play anything from Winds :(

Angmar 07-29-2007 07:44 PM

When my cousin saw them, one of his friends ran into a band member and asked them to play some stuff from Winds and he was all "OK man no problem" and they never did :upset:

Shred Danson 07-29-2007 07:48 PM

[QUOTE]Marco's solo was crazy, he dropped his stick while he was twirling it around though haha.[/QUOTE]

Damn. He played it flawless in Atlanta, from what I could tell. Definitely an amazing drummer.

TojesDolan 07-29-2007 07:50 PM

[QUOTE=Dargon;15048413]no, Epitaph is closer to neoclassical shred than death metal.

TBH I used to listen to some tracks off Onset of Putrefaction from time to time, it's just that you have to approach it expecting to hear neoclassical shred. If you expect to hear anything related to death metal then it's just a bunch of wanking, worthless infantile safe friendly cozy Disney product.[/QUOTE]
Because we all know that arpeggio = neoclassical

Poofy 666 07-29-2007 07:51 PM

He recovered quickly though. It was still crazy as hell haha.

NP: Nirvana 2002 - The Awakening Of...

LifeInABox 07-29-2007 07:51 PM

[QUOTE=Poofy 666;15048479]Marco's solo was crazy, he dropped his stick while he was twirling it around though haha.

They very rarely play anything from Winds :([/QUOTE]

He did that 3 times at mine. They played nothing from WoC either, and I got to meet Necro, Cattle Decapitation, Beneath The MAssacre, As BLood Runs Black, and some of The Facelss.

Dimmu Burger 07-29-2007 07:51 PM

[QUOTE=Hbp;15048528]He did that 3 times at mine. They played nothing from WoC either, and I got to meet Necro, Cattle Decapitation, Beneath The MAssacre, As BLood Runs Black, and some of The Facelss.[/QUOTE]

I'm jealous!:mad:

Shred Danson 07-29-2007 07:56 PM

Necro? wtf

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