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xMalcolmXx 08-06-2009 01:46 PM


Stevie 08-06-2009 02:02 PM

profanatica - enemy of virtue

xMalcolmXx 08-06-2009 02:06 PM


sooooooo godaamanmamnamnamnamman goooooooooooooooddddd

Anthracks 08-06-2009 02:26 PM

carcariass - e-xtinction

sounds like something you faggots would wank over

Meatplow 08-06-2009 03:25 PM


negrodamus 08-06-2009 05:15 PM

[img] http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_A8WGPEfwF24/SbC7zRgrzbI/AAAAAAAAAH0/4NVZwb7shds/s320/batillus_ep_cover.jpg[/img]

Jaundice 08-06-2009 05:17 PM


Jaundice 08-06-2009 07:12 PM


DBlitz 08-06-2009 07:20 PM


sooooooo godaamanmamnamnamnamman goooooooooooooooddddd[/QUOTE]

apple pie 08-06-2009 07:21 PM

Reckoner by Radiohead.

Jaundice 08-06-2009 07:23 PM

[QUOTE=apple pie;17417276]Reckoner by Radiohead.[/QUOTE]Fail, js.

Nepenthe 08-06-2009 07:35 PM

nobody ****in cares

directed at anyone who frequently posts in this thread

Jaundice 08-06-2009 07:51 PM


negrodamus 08-06-2009 07:56 PM

[QUOTE=Nepenthe;17417309]nobody ****in cares

directed at anyone who frequently posts in this thread[/QUOTE]

Hey! I post in this thread frequently!

What's the big idea, punk?

rasputin 08-06-2009 07:57 PM

have a nice life

negrodamus 08-06-2009 08:03 PM

[img] http://www.brainticket.com/shopbt/images/cat/doomraiser%20-%20erasing%20the.jpg[/img]

edit: omg

nevertoolate 08-06-2009 09:03 PM


RetiredAt21 08-06-2009 09:04 PM

Haymaker - [I]It Only Gets Worse[/I]

Bleak 08-06-2009 09:26 PM


rasputin 08-06-2009 09:31 PM

waiting for

rasputin 08-06-2009 09:32 PM

the page turn

rasputin 08-06-2009 09:33 PM


feav233 08-06-2009 09:38 PM

Passage in Time - Quo Vadis

Meatplow 08-06-2009 10:12 PM


TricksterGRex 08-06-2009 10:14 PM


Jaundice 08-06-2009 10:21 PM



Meatplow 08-06-2009 10:35 PM

did u get that album link alex

Jaundice 08-06-2009 10:39 PM

yeah , thanks bra

i'll check it out as soon as you can tell me what year it came out in and a little background info about the artist

Meatplow 08-06-2009 10:43 PM



Jaundice 08-06-2009 10:55 PM

Ah, thanks bro :)

[QUOTE]But when someone says ”I want the listener to figure this out for himself, and hear what he wants to hear/see what he wants to see”, I can only reply: ”**** you!” Why would someone need “art” to ”think for himself”?[/QUOTE]I've been waiting so long for some one to say this.

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