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witchxrapist 05-24-2011 06:17 AM

it now makes sense why you hate good music LMAO

publicastration 05-24-2011 06:34 AM


witchxrapist 05-24-2011 06:43 AM

idk, i forgot to upload perversor though i should get around to that

you should check 'em out, really nasty blackened death

witchxrapist 05-24-2011 06:54 AM

check me blog guise

witchxrapist 05-24-2011 02:15 PM


Don't give a fuck bout the haters, shit's brutal. :cool:

Deth 05-24-2011 03:10 PM

that's gross mappy

adb 05-24-2011 04:54 PM

[QUOTE=Angmar;18519866]this is nothing new

I remember I showed Brent an Arghoslent song once and he said it was super wanky or something.[/QUOTE]

yea I did because it was just wah pedal and whammy bar everywhere

I will never understand how you guys fail to realize that the solos in your music are actually wanky

Jackie Gleason 05-24-2011 05:09 PM

don't think arghoslent have many if any solos with wah pedal and whammy bar wank

adb 05-24-2011 05:15 PM

was either that or other stuff Ive been linked to

only song I've liked that you guys have shown me is nine steps by decapitated

Jackie Gleason 05-24-2011 05:18 PM

do u like their other songs

adb 05-24-2011 05:23 PM

these 1's


Deth 05-24-2011 06:07 PM

wait are solos not allowed to be wanky

and are we supposed to care

I'm confused

MalleusMaleficarum 05-24-2011 06:08 PM

a good solo is a good solo is a good solo

doubt adb has ever heard one

rasputin 05-24-2011 08:39 PM

i do not realise all the solos i listen to are wanky

this is because my opinions on all music are inferior

this is a clear line of logic, if anybody is wondering

rasputin 05-24-2011 11:57 PM

does anybody else think sonne adam sounds exactly like necros christos

coz i got that vibe

xMalcolmXx 05-25-2011 01:26 AM

i feel like spheres of madness would be a cool intro song if i was a pro wrestler

witchxrapist 05-25-2011 09:48 AM


witchxrapist 05-27-2011 10:13 AM

You guys grab that Perversor EP yet?

Upping their full length nao.

Haz 05-27-2011 11:34 AM

I rarely think of songs in terms of if I was a pro-wrestler

xMalcolmXx 05-27-2011 11:38 AM

its just good music to walk into madison square garden in front of 50,000 screaming white people too

not necessarily pro wrestling, but thats about the only time i could see myself in that situation. monster trucks also works.

witchxrapist 05-27-2011 02:07 PM

Ahahaha, I like how this conversation picked back up.

CerebralParadox 05-28-2011 02:36 AM

new putridity is holy shit brutal


Deth 05-28-2011 10:17 AM

why do you post in here

witchxrapist 05-28-2011 10:47 AM

Jason u check dat Perversor jams?

edit: cannibal corpse called, they want their album art back

Deth 05-28-2011 11:10 AM

nah I'll look into them

witchxrapist 05-28-2011 11:11 AM

got their shits on my blog, check it

i gotta get their release i dont already have

edit: theyre the one from chile

Deth 05-28-2011 11:14 AM

got it from a torrrent already SORRY BRO

witchxrapist 05-28-2011 11:16 AM

Torrents are so 1995.

Deth 05-28-2011 11:18 AM

vv thrashy feeling

reminds me of destruktor or something, I like it

witchxrapist 05-28-2011 11:19 AM

Mad grimey son.

CerebralParadox 05-28-2011 01:36 PM

[QUOTE=Deth;18524146]why do you post in here[/QUOTE]

death metal thread

I like:

some melodic

and combination of any of those together

tech brutal is my favorite

Deth 05-28-2011 01:38 PM

post album cover
everyone ridicules it
you say something dumb
everyone mocks you for 4 pages
you sulk away beaten and battered

witchxrapist 05-28-2011 01:40 PM

More like:
Come to thread
Don't know what anybody is talking about
Lack social skills
Post something else in hopes of changing subject
Come off as an ass because of lack of social skills, which leads to a lack of understanding towards others' tastes
Get ridiculed
Accuse others of being 'retards', because having different tastes in subjective matters reflects intelligence
More ridicule
ADB sulks away

CerebralParadox 05-28-2011 01:53 PM

you two are the only ones who never ignore my posts

at least mappy likes a few decent bands

MalleusMaleficarum 05-28-2011 01:55 PM

we get it you dont like death metal

FatalEnergy 05-28-2011 07:37 PM

Just joined this band. Should be cool.


Deth 05-28-2011 07:57 PM

giving some post van druden asphyx a chance

Stevie 05-29-2011 02:34 AM

[QUOTE=Deth;18524518]giving some post van druden asphyx a chance[/QUOTE]

s/t has some great songs

witchxrapist 05-29-2011 04:12 AM

[QUOTE=CerebralParadox;18524323]you two are the only ones who never ignore my posts

at least mappy likes a few decent bands[/QUOTE]

See it's actually the other way around, at least [I]you[/I] like a few decent bands. :cool:

witchxrapist 05-29-2011 07:28 AM

I bet brutal tech boy doesn't even know Disavowed and Pyaemia.

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