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Rats 05-23-2005 10:10 PM

yeah stop doing the inward screams, they do the same thing to me

denboy 05-24-2005 09:45 AM

[QUOTE=Merkaba-1]Theoretically...and by "dont use your voice" you also mean things not neccesarily about music...such as talking loudly in a bar, ball game, etc.[/QUOTE]

Yeah exactly..
Good good, thanks for the answers :).. Just needed to know if I had the right idea about how it hurts your voice

zippcraz1one 05-24-2005 06:25 PM

i hate to keep bothering you...

but is there any thing i can do to make my range stop growing?
i have tried to stop singing...
but thats too hard...

i just dont want to wake up one day and have 5 octaves...

here's what happend... most of what i remember anyway

ok 4 or 3 months ago i had trouble hiting and holding an A3...
so one nite i didnt stop... till i got E4, after that i couldn't talk...
my voice hurt.. and i didn't stop there.. i would do it every day..
no matter how hard it was, my range started growing after that...

i dont want it to get any higher than G4...
but with my luck.. by next month, ill prolly be able to hit and hold a C5...
maybe i was just born with it i dont know.....

the most scary thing about it is i held a note for 19 sec's today.
i could have held it longer but it scared me..

thank you for all the help merkaba..
i will try to get a sample up...

panthersfan16 05-29-2005 01:39 PM


Merkaba 05-29-2005 09:25 PM

[QUOTE=zippcraz1one]i hate to keep bothering you...

but is there any thing i can do to make my range stop growing?
i have tried to stop singing...
but thats too hard...

i just dont want to wake up one day and have 5 octaves...

here's what happend... most of what i remember anyway

ok 4 or 3 months ago i had trouble hiting and holding an A3...
so one nite i didnt stop... till i got E4, after that i couldn't talk...
my voice hurt.. and i didn't stop there.. i would do it every day..
no matter how hard it was, my range started growing after that...

i dont want it to get any higher than G4...
but with my luck.. by next month, ill prolly be able to hit and hold a C5...
maybe i was just born with it i dont know.....

the most scary thing about it is i held a note for 19 sec's today.
i could have held it longer but it scared me..

thank you for all the help merkaba..
i will try to get a sample up...[/QUOTE]

Well you were trying to reach a note ...or make your range grow in the first place right? so what if you have a big range as long as its not affecting your quality...right? I'd love to hear a sample though.

zippcraz1one 05-30-2005 06:01 AM

[QUOTE=Merkaba-1]Well you were trying to reach a note ...or make your range grow in the first place right? so what if you have a big range as long as its not affecting your quality...right? I'd love to hear a sample though.[/QUOTE]

yes i tried to make my range grow and it worked i wouldnt recomend
doing what i did cuz i blew my voice out a few time's!!!
as far quality goes, im working on that...
i wish i had found this site when i started singing...

my friend and i will be recording today.. so i will have some up today...

i'll do some scream's too see if you can help me with that if you have time.. :thumb:
i don't know if your ear's will like my voice tho lol

zippcraz1one 06-01-2005 07:58 AM

ok.. i recorded some sample i wasn't warmed up but one is falsetto...
and one is true voice i think.....

here's my voice. i didn't have time to warm up. so i couldn't get my whole
range, but. next time if you truly want to hear it all i can record it friday
cuz, il have more time then..


hope this work's

Kosta 06-03-2005 06:40 AM

Hey Merkaba..

How do I raspen my voice [I]more[/I]? I know I should use my soft pallet, which I do, but, does it get more raspy if I push more from the gut?

Also, I've been practicing some breathing techniques for this past month now. And I noticed how I feel the air in my sides when I breathe it in, and how of course, my stomache swells. But I don't feel like I can hold more breath than before, help?

Phototropic 06-03-2005 07:01 AM

Hey, to someone who can help

I f[B][I][/B][/I]ucking love John Garcia's voice....and would like to pull off a similar style

Any advice?!

Or am I just being daft :)

(I'm referring to his Kyuss times e.g Flip The Phrase, Freedom Run etc)

Kosta 06-03-2005 07:03 AM

[QUOTE=deadinlove]Hey, to someone who can help

I f[B][I][/B][/I]ucking love John Garcia's voice....and would like to pull off a similar style

Any advice?!

Or am I just being daft :)

(I'm referring to his Kyuss times e.g Flip The Phrase, Freedom Run etc)[/QUOTE]

Pay attention to his reply to my question, I guess. The dude raspens his voice a lot, something you need your soft pallet for. Let air pass through the back of your throat.

I love Kyuss.

Phototropic 06-03-2005 07:07 AM

Jeez dude I missed your post

Hooray :)

I'll look out

Do you think it has something to with his accent as well?!

I love Fatso Forgetso and Flip The Phrase, he sounds immense on those songs :thumb:

Kosta 06-03-2005 07:12 AM

[QUOTE=deadinlove]Jeez dude I missed your post

Hooray :)

I'll look out

Do you think it has something to with his accent as well?!

I love Fatso Forgetso and Flip The Phrase, he sounds immense on those songs :thumb:[/QUOTE]

I have no idea, as I'm not a great vocalist - my vocal ability is just limited to extreme vocals (screams, grunts). I just posted what I know. But it could very well be his accent.

Garcia's amazing in "I'm Not", though. How he does the chorus, over Josh's guitar kicks ***.

Phototropic 06-03-2005 07:14 AM

Yeah it might be :)

He sounds a bit of a hick...although when you hear him live talking to the crowd , he has a normal voice, although really really deep

Gah :( I'm jealous

Kosta 06-03-2005 07:16 AM

[QUOTE=deadinlove]Yeah it might be :)

He sounds a bit of a hick...although when you hear him live talking to the crowd , he has a normal voice, although really really deep

Gah :( I'm jealous[/QUOTE]

Actually, he doesn't have a strong accent in Demon Cleaner, he sounds very clean on that song, so I don't know.. I guess you should just wait for Merkaba to post.

Phototropic 06-03-2005 07:18 AM

Right oh, nice talking to ya :thumb:

Kyuss > everyone

Merkaba 06-03-2005 10:42 PM

[QUOTE=deadinlove]Hey, to someone who can help

I f[B][I][/B][/I]ucking love John Garcia's voice....and would like to pull off a similar style

Any advice?!

Or am I just being daft :)

(I'm referring to his Kyuss times e.g Flip The Phrase, Freedom Run etc)[/QUOTE]

Can you post a sample? Dont make this stuff harder than it is. There's not much you can do with the cords. Now trying to match another mans tone exactly can often lead to tension in the throat area....thus damage to some degree...or just shltty sounding vocals.

[QUOTE=Kosta]Hey Merkaba..

How do I raspen my voice [I]more[/I]? I know I should use my soft pallet, which I do, but, does it get more raspy if I push more from the gut?

Also, I've been practicing some breathing techniques for this past month now. And I noticed how I feel the air in my sides when I breathe it in, and how of course, my stomache swells. But I don't feel like I can hold more breath than before, help?[/QUOTE]
Yea, eventually you need to go ahead and learn to push a lot. To sound "competitive"...Lots of guys are killing the soundwaves and not killing their voices...many are. Just try to follow proper technique..and turn it up a little at a time. And dont equate it with extra throat squeezing. This is the key. Just be sure to reamain relaxed up top. And be sure to go for singing the note first. Be careful...but yes...eventually you have to push harder for more rasp.

zippcraz1one 06-04-2005 09:42 AM

i just hit a chest voice note with falsetto..
is that good or bad?
could my cord's get so long that they fall out of my throat? :lol:
and. what is a node and how can i tell if i have one?

my adam's apple, dosnt move as much when i talk as it used..
is that good or bad?

i had posted some sample's i don't know if you saw them or not..

just some stuff, i wanted to ask to see if i should continue the same
or change some thing's....

Kosta 06-04-2005 11:03 AM

[QUOTE=Merkaba-1]Can you post a sample? Dont make this stuff harder than it is. There's not much you can do with the cords. Now trying to match another mans tone exactly can often lead to tension in the throat area....thus damage to some degree...or just shltty sounding vocals.

Yea, eventually you need to go ahead and learn to push a lot. To sound "competitive"...Lots of guys are killing the soundwaves and not killing their voices...many are. Just try to follow proper technique..and turn it up a little at a time. And dont equate it with extra throat squeezing. This is the key. Just be sure to reamain relaxed up top. And be sure to go for singing the note first. Be careful...but yes...eventually you have to push harder for more rasp.[/QUOTE]

So how do I push?

And why doesn't it feel like I can hold more breath with my gut? 'cause I can't. I can only hold as much breath with my gut, as I do when I use my upper lungs. And I know I do it properly.

Peg Dizzler 06-04-2005 06:38 PM

Zippcrazone1, I listened to your recordings. The falsetto was pretty sweet, I think you went pretty high. Not bad at all!
The other one titled "me singing", I don't think you were hitting the right notes. Because, you sung "do re me fa so la ti do" but the notes you were hitting, it definitely wasn't a full octave. Maybe if you have a guitar or keyboard, you could figure out your range and try singing along with it.
I thought you had a pretty good tone though, it was interesting. Cool stuff.

zippcraz1one 06-04-2005 07:27 PM

[QUOTE=CDoasis]Zippcrazone1, I listened to your recordings. The falsetto was pretty sweet, I think you went pretty high. Not bad at all!
The other one titled "me singing", I don't think you were hitting the right notes. Because, you sung "do re me fa so la ti do" but the notes you were hitting, it definitely wasn't a full octave. Maybe if you have a guitar or keyboard, you could figure out your range and try singing along with it.
I thought you had a pretty good tone though, it was interesting. Cool stuff.[/QUOTE]

thank's dude i can go higher than that with falsetto...
i just didnt have time and the note's i was singing i think where from
D3 maybe E3 to C4 so yeah it wasn't an octave...
i just started singing, but sunday i will record some more and...
it will be all my range....

Peg Dizzler 06-04-2005 09:06 PM

Yeah, you might have a range of 2 or 3 octaves, I'd have to wait and hear it.

Merkaba 06-05-2005 03:25 PM

[QUOTE=Kosta]So how do I push?

And why doesn't it feel like I can hold more breath with my gut? 'cause I can't. I can only hold as much breath with my gut, as I do when I use my upper lungs. And I know I do it properly.[/QUOTE]
Youre only using your lungs for the air. The diaphragm is what pushes the lungs and makes them release the air. The thing is that if you dont use it, you will more than likely squeeze your stomach, and then your throat off in an attempt to get the adequate pressure felt behind the cords...which is a no no. Practice taking a quick deep breath and doing long ZZ's

Kosta 06-06-2005 06:13 AM

[QUOTE=Merkaba-1]Youre only using your lungs for the air. The diaphragm is what pushes the lungs and makes them release the air. The thing is that if you dont use it, you will more than likely squeeze your stomach, and then your throat off in an attempt to get the adequate pressure felt behind the cords...which is a no no. Practice taking a quick deep breath and doing long ZZ's[/QUOTE]

Pfft, of course. I forgot the diaphragm is just for the regulation of the air.

Makes practicing ZZ's teach me how to push using my diaphragm? 'cause that's the main problem, I can't push.

So basically....how do I learn how to push? Doing those ZZs? Or...?

zippcraz1one 06-06-2005 09:56 AM

new sample
ok the falsetto is up to G5/A5

but the other one is help i dont know what the **** it was cuz..
it suck's but at the end, i think i hit that falsetto note full voice.
please tell me i didnt.. it get's bad i know but please wait for...
the high note's at the end cuz i dont know if there falsetto or what...
maybe you can tell me....


Krao 06-06-2005 10:15 AM

Hey again.

When I scream I tend to tense my neck and hold my head, not upright but a little bit leaning forward. My guess is it's helping me hold my larynx down a little, aswell as it feels easier to get more rasp. Do you think this is bad? I know you talk alot about relaxing your throat and keeping it open, but I don't think I'm have much tension in my throat.. just the neck. If a do my screams with a upright head I can make it sound almost the same, but I fall out of it more and it's harder to get a good rasp on higher notes.

AcidQueen 06-09-2005 06:12 PM

When I sing, my adam's apple moves up as my pitch goes up. Appearantly this is a no-no. What can I do to fix this? I think I am breathing right; my stomach moves out as I breathe in, yet it still feels as if all of my power is coming from my throat muscles.

Merkaba 06-09-2005 11:32 PM

[QUOTE=zippcraz1one]ok the falsetto is up to G5/A5

but the other one is help i dont know what the **** it was cuz..
it suck's but at the end, i think i hit that falsetto note full voice.
please tell me i didnt.. it get's bad i know but please wait for...
the high note's at the end cuz i dont know if there falsetto or what...
maybe you can tell me....

Definitely falsetto. Plus...If it was full voice that would make you a soprano. hehe.

If you could learn to support your falsetto you could probably add more notes. I can hear that. How to do this is hard to teach though. Other than trying to sing both head and falsetto at the same time...I dont know of any other way to describe it.

[QUOTE=AcidQueen]When I sing, my adam's apple moves up as my pitch goes up. Appearantly this is a no-no. What can I do to fix this? I think I am breathing right; my stomach moves out as I breathe in, yet it still feels as if all of my power is coming from my throat muscles.[/QUOTE]
It will move a bit. But compare it to when you swallow. You dont want it mimmicking this type of rise or squeeze. We cant really tell on here..you might be doing it properly and just feeling the intense vocal muscles. A good gauge is how long can you hold your non rasped notes? should be a while

zippcraz1one 06-10-2005 12:15 AM

what is head voice?

thank's merkaba. by any chance if you heard the other one called me singing.
am i singing from my gut?

btw.. i have been trying to get one of my whole
range but i never get it done i will some time soon tho....

AcidQueen 06-10-2005 09:05 PM

[QUOTE=Merkaba-1]t will move a bit. But compare it to when you swallow. You dont want it mimmicking this type of rise or squeeze. We cant really tell on here..you might be doing it properly and just feeling the intense vocal muscles. A good gauge is how long can you hold your non rasped notes? should be a while[/QUOTE]
It actually does move up as much as when I swallow. I can only hold out a note for maybe ten seconds. My throat gets very tired after singing one or two songs. Is this from lack of practice or wrong technique?

Merkaba 06-11-2005 12:15 AM

[QUOTE=AcidQueen]It actually does move up as much as when I swallow. I can only hold out a note for maybe ten seconds. My throat gets very tired after singing one or two songs. Is this from lack of practice or wrong technique?[/QUOTE]

Wrong technique...check out my voicehelp hotline if you havent and work on the isolation thread. It seems impossible but over time you should be able to go up without your apple moving much at all...you might have to find the muscles that it takes to hold it in place...which most people cant isolate from the vocal cords muscles because of emotional tendencies...and also by seeing other people scream and moving their mouths...facial expressions and things like that get copied since birth and some of the tendencies that go along with those expressions get buried deep in your muscle memory.
[QUOTE=zippcraz1one]what is head voice?

thank's merkaba. by any chance if you heard the other one called me singing.
am i singing from my gut?

btw.. i have been trying to get one of my whole
range but i never get it done i will some time soon tho....[/QUOTE]

Head voice is called head because of the fact that when you sing a note the vibrations resonate in your head...and if you go from chest to head you can feel the point of resonation moving up into your head...and when you go on up to falsetto you will lose that feeling of vibration. You should try it and see if you can feel it. If you do a chest note(lower note) you can feel your chest kinda vibrating a bit and as you slide up to a head note(or the top of your true voice range, really) you can feel your head vibrate more and your chest will not. As far as singing from your gut in that sample I would say that it seemed that you were holding back a bit ...so I couldnt really tell. I mean singing from the gut is what youre gonna have to do to sing any note, but when you start driving the voice harder and pushing its good to keep your throat open and the pressure coming from your diaphragm. Its just a term thrown around to make sure youre not clamping off the throat. But you cant really produce a decent note without using the diaphragm. Practice holding the zzz sound and working to get your time up. You should take a deep breath first like youre surprised(thanks Kristina), this increases your chance of taking a proper breath.

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