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Mr. Jiggy Fly 11-25-2004 09:16 PM

I think that euthanasia would cause lots of problems.
-insurance issues
-family members trying to intercede
-religous issues

among many other things. just my opinion tho.

ridethelightning 11-25-2004 09:16 PM

o ok funkn,
jiggy i dont know what you mean,.

coddingtown 11-25-2004 09:17 PM

Well my bill is going to state that they have to have a board of three doctors say that they are terminally ill, and a board of three psychologists say that they are sane

Mr. Jiggy Fly 11-25-2004 09:17 PM

Well, coddingtown, he had no gov. grant that he could do this. I agree with you, but look at it from a gov. stand point. he [I]was[/I] killing someone.

coddingtown 11-25-2004 09:18 PM

Oh I know that, but I personally think what he did was morally right

ridethelightning 11-25-2004 09:19 PM

good luck coddingtown.im worried about passing grade 9 though.

FUNKNBASS 11-25-2004 09:20 PM

He had the patients permission, in my mind thats all he really needed. They were all going through or about to go through an extensively long and painful death. Look up cancer patients, that shoulf be all the convincing you need.

Mr. Jiggy Fly 11-25-2004 09:20 PM

Perhaps. I think that if you do a number of thing such as gov. grants, insurance agreement, and family consent, you could do it. however, it should only be for very serious cases (i.e stage 4 cancer, etc)

coddingtown 11-25-2004 09:20 PM

Thank you sir. How many classes are you currently failing?

ridethelightning 11-25-2004 09:21 PM

dr death, thas a cool name.

Mr. Jiggy Fly 11-25-2004 09:21 PM

Would insurance cover this?

ridethelightning 11-25-2004 09:22 PM

none failing, but atleast 2 in the 60s. and its just the end of term 1.

coddingtown 11-25-2004 09:22 PM

[QUOTE=Mr. Jiggy Fly]Perhaps. I think that if you do a number of thing such as gov. grants, insurance agreement, and family consent, you could do it. however, it should only be for very serious cases (i.e stage 4 cancer, etc)[/QUOTE]
What do we need gov grants for? It costs a lot more to keep them alive. Insurance would have to reformat some of their policies, thats for sure. I dont think the person, if sane, should need family consent. And yeah, it would only be for the terminally ill

Mr. Jiggy Fly 11-25-2004 09:23 PM

Im worried about not getting all a's. I have an 87 in ap geography, and im not sure if i can bring it up.

coddingtown 11-25-2004 09:24 PM

I am trying not to get a C, but I think I am going to have to drop a class. FUNKN, are you still in high school?

Mr. Jiggy Fly 11-25-2004 09:24 PM

[QUOTE]What do we need gov grants for? It costs a lot more to keep them alive. Insurance would have to reformat some of their policies, thats for sure. I dont think the person, if sane, should need family consent. And yeah, it would only be for the terminally ill[/QUOTE]

Because you would be killing that person. im sure the gov. doesnt want to be affiliated with killing its own ciizens.

ridethelightning 11-25-2004 09:24 PM

but, i am super stoked now, today my band director asked the class if anyone was interested in trying out for the provincial honour band, my mom says if i make it, no matter what shell get me an amp.:D bad thing is its tuba, and i havent practiced for ages. but last years divisional honour band was easy, ill see the required stuff next week, and let you know furhter

FUNKNBASS 11-25-2004 09:25 PM

[QUOTE=coddingtown]I am trying not to get a C, but I think I am going to have to drop a class. FUNKN, are you still in high school?[/QUOTE]

No, I graduated last year

coddingtown 11-25-2004 09:25 PM

I thought you meant gov grants as in money. The government would have to be affiliated though, because it would create a whole new line of legalities

coddingtown 11-25-2004 09:26 PM

Are you attending college?

Mr. Jiggy Fly 11-25-2004 09:26 PM

So your 20, and you have a 6000 dollar bass...


ridethelightning 11-25-2004 09:26 PM

worried about not getting A's hahha, ill never see that day come. im worried to get in the 70s. or better. some classes like LA n social stuides where i can copy people i get 80s but **** like sciecne n math i get 70ss.

:amaze: 11-25-2004 09:27 PM

Hey everyone.

How big is a 19 inch TV?

Don't be dumb, and tell me the obvious. But like, I was thinking about getting it for my ex-girlfriend (we are still friends on good terms and stuff...) as a birthday present (she's moving into an apartment in like 2 weeks). But on my budget, the biggest one I could find was 19 inch ... is that even worth getting, or is it too small?



ridethelightning 11-25-2004 09:27 PM

whos 20? and got a 6000 bass?

FUNKNBASS 11-25-2004 09:27 PM

Actually I'm 19.

My parents payed half.

And yes I am cool.

Mr. Jiggy Fly 11-25-2004 09:27 PM

[QUOTE]I thought you meant gov grants as in money. The government would have to be affiliated though, because it would create a whole new line of legalities[/QUOTE]

^^Now you got it. It would be like making a new ammendment.

FUNKNBASS 11-25-2004 09:28 PM

[QUOTE=Luke19Boarder]Hey everyone.

How big is a 19 inch TV?

Don't be dumb, and tell me the obvious. But like, I was thinking about getting it for my ex-girlfriend (we are still friends on good terms and stuff...) as a birthday present (she's moving into an apartment in like 2 weeks). But on my budget, the biggest one I could find was 19 inch ... is that even worth getting, or is it too small?



Its the measure from the top left corner to the bottom right corner.

coddingtown 11-25-2004 09:28 PM

[QUOTE=FUNKNBASS]Actually I'm 19.

My parents payed half.

And yes I am cool.[/QUOTE]
:lol: :lol: :cool: :lol: :lol:

ridethelightning 11-25-2004 09:28 PM

luke, 19 is nothing special, its about most likely 4 inches wider than your moniter for computer. nothing special, id look into something different. is this the same girlfriend last week you broke up with/ on a break with?

Mr. Jiggy Fly 11-25-2004 09:28 PM

[QUOTE]Actually I'm 19.

My parents payed half.

And yes I am cool.[/QUOTE]

Graduation present?

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