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i am the robots 11-23-2007 08:00 PM

[QUOTE=WarCommand;15585441]With a jewish avatar such as that, you don't deserve heils.[/QUOTE]

TTEOTD's former vocalist WAS a Jew, I guess you have a point.

Tyler 11-23-2007 08:00 PM

You should probably just go away before you embarrass yourself.

WarCommand 11-23-2007 08:15 PM

[QUOTE=Cocaine;15585470]You should probably just go away before you embarrass yourself.[/QUOTE]

You fear my superiority.

Angmar 11-23-2007 08:18 PM

WarCommand do you like Nokturnal Mortum?

Nostalgia 11-23-2007 08:18 PM

Hey guys, WarCommand is obviously someone's alt, so just stop taking him seriously. I can tell you he's neither Dargon or Toten, 'cause they could do [I]much [/I]better.

WarCommand 11-23-2007 08:20 PM

[QUOTE=Angmar;15585529]WarCommand do you like Nokturnal Mortum?[/QUOTE]

No. They may have NS lyrics, but who cares if the music is complete crap?

No folk/symphonic ****.

That is not Black Metal.

Angmar 11-23-2007 08:21 PM

[QUOTE=Nostalgia;15585530]Hey guys, WarCommand is obviously someone's alt, so just stop taking him seriously. I can tell you he's neither Dargon or Toten, 'cause they could do [I]much [/I]better.[/QUOTE]

Hehe, sorry I was just having fun, I'll stop now.

WarCommand 11-23-2007 08:22 PM

[QUOTE=Nostalgia;15585530]Hey guys, WarCommand is obviously someone's alt, so just stop taking him seriously. I can tell you he's neither Dargon or Toten, 'cause they could do [I]much [/I]better.[/QUOTE]

What does that mean?

i am the robots 11-23-2007 08:25 PM

Something to do with lol you're not the first to come here boy.

Nostalgia 11-23-2007 08:25 PM

Can you not understand English, you ****ing Hebrew.

WarCommand 11-23-2007 08:27 PM

[QUOTE=i am the robots;15585546]Something to do with lol you're not the first to come here boy.[/QUOTE]

So, I'm not the first of the superior race here.


Angmar 11-23-2007 08:28 PM

Someone run an IP scan on this guy, I'm dying to find out who he is.

Nostalgia 11-23-2007 08:29 PM

Come on, this guy's generic as hell. The ever so popular two words shoved together username, accompanied by the infamously generic Hitler avatar.


WarCommand 11-23-2007 08:31 PM

I may be generic, but at least I'm white.

Riva 11-23-2007 08:32 PM

Vanilla white!

Nostalgia 11-23-2007 08:32 PM

I'd like to see pics. If not, you're as black as night to me, my friend. As black as night.

Angmar 11-23-2007 08:33 PM

[QUOTE=Nostalgia;15585586]I'd like to see pics. If not, you're as black as night to me, my friend. As black as night.[/QUOTE]


WarCommand 11-23-2007 08:35 PM

[QUOTE=Nostalgia;15585586]I'd like to see pics. If not, you're as black as night to me, my friend. As black as night.[/QUOTE]

Typical Jewish response.

Nostalgia 11-23-2007 08:36 PM

Go back to Uganda.

Riva 11-23-2007 08:38 PM

The weird thing is that War and Command are both fairly generic terms. You can't really link them to Hitler exclusively. Like, you could have at least have picked Kreigbefehl.

Silenius 11-23-2007 08:39 PM

[QUOTE=RiceMonster;15583386]What kind of **** are you guys playing? My band's just a three piece right now; drums/bass/guitar. We want to get another member when we find the right person, preferably keyboards.[/QUOTE]

More old school metal like old Death, Iron Maiden, and some newer stuff like Ensiferum.

Nostalgia 11-23-2007 08:39 PM

Dude, yeah. Take a German 1 and 2 class.

WarCommand 11-23-2007 08:43 PM

[QUOTE=Riva;15585602]The weird thing is that War and Command are both fairly generic terms. You can't really link them to Hitler exclusively. Like, you could have at least have picked Kreigbefehl.[/QUOTE]

I can't say I'm from Germany though.

I took the name from a song of a band from my homeland Canada.

Silenius 11-23-2007 08:43 PM


There's an umlaut.

WarCommand cracks me up, more Canadians itt.

Riva 11-23-2007 08:47 PM

It's FatalEnergy, chaps, the Californian-but-actually-German guy.

Nostalgia 11-23-2007 08:47 PM

I knew he had to of been someone else, and it makes sense it was Fatal Energy. They type with that same sarcastic tone.

Silenius 11-23-2007 08:51 PM

Haha, oh man...

WarCommand 11-23-2007 08:52 PM

[QUOTE=Riva;15585627]It's FatalEnergy, chaps, the Californian-but-actually-German guy.[/QUOTE]

Actually, I'm from England.

Dimmu Burger 11-23-2007 08:53 PM

Has Dargon been around lately?

Silenius 11-23-2007 08:53 PM

Yeah Riva described me in that sentence. :lol:

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