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witchxrapist 11-30-2011 09:42 AM

i just finished apprenticing half of the professors at yale

they are now all masters of blakkk majikkk

NEEDTOPOST 11-30-2011 09:44 AM

let me know when u finish crying like a baby

MalleusMaleficarum 11-30-2011 09:46 AM

I went to Yale for a bit; professors all smelled like mahogany though so I transferred to Princeton

witchxrapist 11-30-2011 09:46 AM

Keep nursing that ego bro.

MalleusMaleficarum 11-30-2011 09:47 AM

mmmm eggo waffels

witchxrapist 11-30-2011 09:47 AM

fuck off dairy and eggs

NEEDTOPOST 11-30-2011 09:48 AM

i ate raw baby antelope this weekend

witchxrapist 11-30-2011 09:49 AM

i made a generic romantic advance on a girl who doesn't want anything to do with me and whined about it on a forum this weekend

Glitterati 11-30-2011 09:50 AM

dairy and eggs are so good

NEEDTOPOST 11-30-2011 09:50 AM

ioi such a baby

witchxrapist 11-30-2011 09:50 AM

sick post adb

MalleusMaleficarum 11-30-2011 09:51 AM

veganism is so bush league

witchxrapist 11-30-2011 09:51 AM

nigga i'm busch league


NEEDTOPOST 11-30-2011 09:52 AM

there goes witchxrapist talking about adb outta the blue again

Glitterati 11-30-2011 09:52 AM

how can a vegan be so fat

like, how many tofu burgers do you stuff down every day

MalleusMaleficarum 11-30-2011 09:53 AM


witchxrapist 11-30-2011 09:54 AM

1. you're fatter than me
2. you obviously don't understand what carbs are
3. stop coming at me bro, you're annoying

get at me when your arms have tone bro
[QUOTE=NEEDTOPOST;18726101]there goes witchxrapist talking about adb outta the blue again[/QUOTE]

there goes nate not understanding a simple comparison again

Glitterati 11-30-2011 09:54 AM


ah of course

NEEDTOPOST 11-30-2011 09:54 AM

ioi check it out, witchxrapist is really serious about this

MalleusMaleficarum 11-30-2011 09:55 AM

did you expect him not to take it serious?


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