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I_WEAR_RED_PANTS 01-24-2009 12:30 AM

my sister was in a car crash the day before big day out (nothin serious done to her but the car is ****ed) and she hurt her back so we watched a couple of the ting tings first songs then we went and sat in the grand stand and watched cog

Aaron 01-24-2009 12:44 AM

I'm playing wii, then N64, the more wii, then 360, then dreamcast and that's my night. woo!

gaslight 01-24-2009 12:46 AM

You're a madman.

Is the CFHD profile pic an original photo of yours?

Aaron 01-24-2009 01:48 AM


gaslight 01-24-2009 01:52 AM

Heavy. I'm trying to picture what kind of artwork you guys would have if you end up wanting to have me make up some real albums for you. I reckon some kind of weird cool packaging would suit it best.

Meatplow 01-24-2009 01:54 AM

i can imagine aarons CD pressings will be mastered in glorious lossy 128 kbps bitrate for artistic purposes

Aaron 01-24-2009 02:05 AM

haha. 320 and red-book compliant :)

Meatplow 01-24-2009 02:07 AM

if you burn direct from an editing program such as audition it'll be lossless I believe

then someone can do a .flac rip

Aaron 01-24-2009 02:09 AM

Yeah, that's the plan with my stuff from now on.

gaslight 01-24-2009 03:53 AM

Last I was aware, there's no such thing as lossless MP3.

A completely lossless format for audio isn't that desirable, because there's a whole spectrum of inaudible frequencies that take up space on recordings and they're better off gotten rid of.

If you burn using a fancy lossless codec, can all stereos and so on still handle it?

blueyxd 01-24-2009 04:43 AM

[QUOTE=gaslight;17052086]Playing in any bands these days Bluey?[/QUOTE]
Not yet. I know a couple of people to jam with now, but my guitar has out of action for nearly a month now and I've just been too busy to do anything about it :(.

[quote]A completely lossless format for audio isn't that desirable[/quote]
You'd be surprised. And you'd probably notice the difference between the original WAV, especially with 128 k on even half-decent equipment.. I suggest you look up "ABX testing" and try it on some on your own songs.

WAV is lossless, it's not fancy or anything. Just like when you burn mp3 as audio, the losslessly formats are converted back to WAV format when burning. Difference is, the lossless has everything that was in the original recording but the mp3 has these empty spots where audio used to be.

gaslight 01-24-2009 05:13 AM

I know WAV is lossless, it's just a huge format and a lot of the audio that is lost is lost deliberately because not all of it is necessary for the sound in the end.

I'll explore some of it though, it's important to try and squeeze out every drop of sound quality you can when you don't have access to a truly high quality studio.

big80smullet 01-24-2009 05:14 AM

AARON: [url]www.myspace.com/skcihnalyd[/url]

this is a mate of mines stuff. you might like it. you might not as well

horseypie 01-24-2009 05:26 AM

[QUOTE=I_WEAR_RED_PANTS;17052264]my sister was in a car crash the day before big day out (nothin serious done to her but the car is ****ed) and she hurt her back so we watched a couple of the ting tings first songs then we went and sat in the grand stand and watched cog[/QUOTE]

damn bad luck about your sis mate. was cog good? im so cut i still havent seen them but it was so worth seeing the ting tings

big80smullet 01-24-2009 05:42 AM

ting tings suck tbh

ultralols: [url]http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=FYFVXgObatg[/url]

blueyxd 01-24-2009 05:55 AM

Hahaha, awesome agility. I like how he manages to land on his feet after the last move.

gaslight 01-24-2009 06:00 AM

Yeah honestly I don't get the Ting Tings. Cute girl but whatever.

horseypie 01-24-2009 06:04 AM

they were so much fun live. and yeah shes a babe

damn this chick im seeing just messaged me before while shes out at the pub drinking and she didnt reply to my last message. i dunno whether to msg her someting later or just leave it and see if i get something at like 2 this morning lol

blueyxd 01-24-2009 06:18 AM

She's probably having fun and hasn't checked her phone

horseypie 01-24-2009 06:34 AM

how dare she have fun

****in hell

I_WEAR_RED_PANTS 01-24-2009 06:41 AM

cog was pretty good, 3rd time i'd seen them. (1st with new album material)

the ting tings while i watched them were good too.

went on a pub crawl tonight to the 5 in my area, had 2 different drinks at each pub and didn't have the same drink twice.

and it got more expensive as the night went on.

and my phone is broken.

and women aren't allowed to have fun.

only allowed to use the kitchen, clean and have sex with men.

gaslight 01-24-2009 06:47 AM


Man this thread is a boy's club.

horseypie 01-24-2009 06:48 AM

haha awesome...i wanna go on a pubcrawl through newcastle sometime

i never really hear of any though or organise any

lol massive sausage fest up in here though
letst go recruit girls in the city...an MX street team lol

gaslight 01-24-2009 06:53 AM


I'm watching Alien Vs Predator: Requiem. Predators are epic.

horseypie 01-24-2009 06:58 AM

ive never seen the predator movies i dont think. at least the whole way through

im listening to blue sky black death and realising how awesome their instrumental stuff is. but im gunna head to bed at the end of this song

gnight mx xoxo

I_WEAR_RED_PANTS 01-24-2009 07:05 AM

haha this wasn't really a pub crawl through newcastle.

it was just the kurri area hahaha

some old guy ripped me off because i was wearing blue shoes.

blueyxd 01-24-2009 07:25 AM

What ever happened to our resident female, Mal?

gaslight 01-24-2009 07:26 AM

I think it was just Evan.

Should we make a list of missing people who used to post here?


Meatplow 01-24-2009 07:45 AM

i wasn't around for any of them :(

Yatty was voted the worst poster on the forums at one time or another?

gaslight 01-24-2009 07:47 AM

Possible. I don't think he was the worst poster ever on MX but he was a very strange case, I think he had an MX get together at his house one time.

big80smullet 01-24-2009 08:10 AM

Im pretty sure he was a sexual deviant tbh. he once invited me to denmark :/ and yeah he had a pissup at his house. i think only one person went though

Mal was real.

i have lots of alts but thats definetly not one of them. Ive got a couple new ones that noones figured out yet.

also lol:

Meatplow 01-24-2009 08:21 AM

lol bottom

Eddie: Ah... half past one.
Richie: Where have you been?
Eddie: I've been to a car swapping party.
Richie: A car swapping party.
Eddie: Yeah, it's great. All the men stand round in a circle and throw
their wives in the middle. Then you pick the one you want, and
she escorts you to your car.
Richie: Eddie, you're not married.
Eddie: I know, that's why I came home on the bus. It's parked outside.

gaslight 01-24-2009 08:34 AM

Haha Ev if your alts don't post in here I don't know about them.

What do you guys think is a reasonable price for a CD of around 40 minutes in length?

blueyxd 01-24-2009 08:41 AM

Depends whether you want to be heard or make money.

big80smullet 01-24-2009 08:51 AM

tenner. id pay a tenner for an EP if i knew they were good and theyd get the money

Listening to boards of canada and enjoying immensely. cheers for sending me them haz

Meatplow 01-24-2009 09:33 AM

[QUOTE=big80smullet;17052741]tenner. id pay a tenner for an EP if i knew they were good and theyd get the money

Listening to boards of canada and enjoying immensely. cheers for sending me them haz[/QUOTE]

yeah i must have listened to music has the right to children a hundred times over the past few months

big80smullet 01-24-2009 09:41 AM

i was listening to geogaddi but ill try that one tomorrow

gaslight 01-24-2009 09:59 AM

Interesting, what about a full length album Evan?

big80smullet 01-24-2009 10:00 AM

meh tenner.

some ****head is trying to lecture me on how to speak english in a limp bizkit thread

gaslight 01-24-2009 10:04 AM

Haha brutal. Cheers for your help though.

For a four person band that's $2.50 each member per album they sell, before thinking about the cost of making the album and posting it. Sick sad world.

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