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adb 01-29-2011 04:59 PM

blockhead moving to WA or CA would be lol w/ his accent

Angmar 01-29-2011 05:00 PM

I haven't gotten carded for tobacco in forever, I remember when I bought my first cigar on my 18th birthday I didn't even get carded, which is funny because I was in my hometown which is tiny and usually strict about that stuff.

blockhead 01-29-2011 05:01 PM

i think marijuana should be legal, but it isn't as harmless as people make it out to be. i know plenty of people that are psychologically addicted and it has a negative impact on their lives just like any other drug. i used to smoke every day prob 4-6 times a day and if i didn't smoke i always had really vivid nightmares, it was strange. i'm not condemning any one that uses weed in any way, i still smoke whenever it's offered to me, i'm just saying i disagree with the whole "weed is harmless" mantra

adb 01-29-2011 05:02 PM

this guy I know who reminds me of steve got depressed from smoking it

NEEDTOPOST 01-29-2011 05:03 PM

[QUOTE=Angmar;18379492]even my 26 year old friend who has a full beard and looks his age gets carded at restaurants and stuff.[/QUOTE]

at my restaurant we're told to card anyone who looks 30 and under, i think that's fairly typical

only losers actually do it, of course

christsimpson 01-29-2011 05:03 PM

how old do you have to be to smoke tobacco/use snus/snuff/dip over there

NEEDTOPOST 01-29-2011 05:04 PM

18 y

adb 01-29-2011 05:06 PM

huh where do you work hsg

NEEDTOPOST 01-29-2011 05:07 PM

a restaurant

blockhead 01-29-2011 05:08 PM

[QUOTE=adb;18379504]blockhead moving to WA or CA would be lol w/ his accent[/QUOTE]

haha yeah it would. i have lived in texas and south carolina all my life though what do you expect? i have never even been any further west than texas.

south carolina is fucking awful. majority of people there are rednecks, not much to do cause it's a lot of small towns, lots and lots of christians. the only cool thing about it is that there are lots of woods. i spent a lot of time in the woods/railroads tracks by my house smoking pot and tripping acid as a young blockhead.

worst place i have ever been in my life was honduras though. half there country has AIDS. that is a fact not a hyperbole. I went when i still went to youth group at my church when i was like 15. i didn't really believe in god/care i just went cause i had friends that went there and it was mostly just hanging out and screwing around on the trips.

the trip to honduras wasn't like that at all. it was fucking hard work. we went to this village that didn't have electricity or running water, it was literally in the jungle with a bunch of primitive boneheads. we were helping them build houses and we had to make cement blocks and then carry them up steep inclines. we had to wear long pants and shirts even though it was over 100 degrees every day because they would have been "offended" otherwise. me and two of my friends got caught smoking cigs and the people that worked for the church threatened to make our parents pay for us to fly back to america. we also were forced to do more work than anyone else and separated from everyone else and not allowed to have any fun. i never went to church again

adb 01-29-2011 05:09 PM

[QUOTE=NEEDTOPOST;18379526]a restaurant[/QUOTE]

a chain or local place?

Angmar 01-29-2011 05:09 PM

The general law for carding is like that I think, like if they look 30 or younger you have to card them, not that it's followed strictly but yeah.

Also I agree about legalizing pot but yeah like any other substance you can develop of an addiction to it, I don't smoke often and on the days I do it's like I smoke at one time and then just take a 3 hour hiatus from life and it's all over with.

NEEDTOPOST 01-29-2011 05:10 PM


a chain or local place?[/QUOTE]


fancy american dining

adb 01-29-2011 05:11 PM


fancy american dining[/QUOTE]

o dam r u a waiter

Say hello to Heaven 01-29-2011 05:12 PM

[QUOTE=blockhead;18379509]i think marijuana should be legal, but it isn't as harmless as people make it out to be. i know plenty of people that are psychologically addicted and it has a negative impact on their lives just like any other drug. i used to smoke every day prob 4-6 times a day and if i didn't smoke i always had really vivid nightmares, it was strange. i'm not condemning any one that uses weed in any way, i still smoke whenever it's offered to me, i'm just saying i disagree with the whole "weed is harmless" mantra[/QUOTE]

Agree. It's not really like hard drugs harmful but it can have negative affects besides psychological addiction. It affects your personality and kinda changes who you are almost when your smoking every day. not to mention its awful on your lungs and you become so laid back about it that you eventually get caught. /has happened to me twice. But It's not really that bad.

NEEDTOPOST 01-29-2011 05:13 PM

[QUOTE=adb;18379539]o dam r u a waiter[/QUOTE]


made $180 cash last night

leaving again in about 5 min

Say hello to Heaven 01-29-2011 05:14 PM

[QUOTE=Angmar;18379502]Yeah weed laws are super relaxed here, people smoke in public on certain occasions (like in the parks on New Years, Hempfest, music festivals ect) and nobody gets in trouble, there were only like 40 legal cases related to Marijuana in Seattle last year so as long as you aren't like an obvious dealer or something you never get in trouble.[/QUOTE]

You might have been one of the people bashing on Classic Rock in the You Know What Sucks thread, but have you ever been to any Jimi Hendrix related landmarks there? I would love to visit Seatle. Home of Grunge. I bet there's a ton of stuff to see there in the musical landmark category.

I need a job. tired of putting full time student under my occupation

Angmar 01-29-2011 05:17 PM

I wasn't taking part in that lol. But the biggest thing about the music scene we have here for tourists and stuff is the EMP(experience music project). It's essentially a giant interactive museum with tons of classic rock artifacts and like a big exhibit all dedicated to Hendrix and stuff hah.

It's a fucked up looking building though.


blockhead 01-29-2011 05:18 PM

i don't think anyone here actually [I]hates[/I] classic rock. it's just that a lot of people here were into that when they were in their early teens and have expanded their taste since then. some classic rock is good, but i never listen to it any more. i'm just so sick of it and the fans are REALLY obnoxious. only band that could be considered classic rock i still like a lot is sabbath.

[QUOTE=Angmar;18379553]I wasn't taking part in that lol. But the biggest thing about the music scene we have here for tourists and stuff is the EMP(experience music project). It's essentially a giant interactive museum with tons of classic rock artifacts and like a big exhibit all dedicated to Hendrix and stuff hah.[/QUOTE]

I saw that when it came to dallas when i was 14 or so

Say hello to Heaven 01-29-2011 05:19 PM

Haha. nice. I'm not sure where it is but before I die I want a picture of me next to the display where they made a plaster cast of his penis. And I want to visit Jim Morrison's Gravesite. All on my bucket list.

Angmar 01-29-2011 05:19 PM

[QUOTE=blockhead;18379555]i don't think anyone here actually [I]hates[/I] classic rock. it's just that a lot of people here were into that when they were in their early teens and have expanded their taste since then. some classic rock is good, but i never listen to it any more. i'm just so sick of it and the fans are REALLY obnoxious. only band that could be considered classic rock i still like a lot is sabbath.[/QUOTE]

This is me basically.

adb 01-29-2011 05:19 PM

talking about music irl is depressing

only people I talk to it w/ are girl adb and my bro

illmitch 01-29-2011 05:20 PM

[QUOTE=Angmar;18379553]I wasn't taking part in that lol. But the biggest thing about the music scene we have here for tourists and stuff is the EMP(experience music project). It's essentially a giant interactive museum with tons of classic rock artifacts and like a big exhibit all dedicated to Hendrix and stuff hah.

It's a fucked up looking building though.


that is one of the ugliest buildings i have ever seen

Say hello to Heaven 01-29-2011 05:22 PM

I used to be obsessed with The Doors. and before that was Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin. That's how I got into music. but I understand. It's all these people that say all modern music sucks that make CR fans look bad. haha. It's like welcome to 2011 fu*kers. things change. And there's a lot of good bands in the modern day.

^^HAha. Looks like a mix between the Mcdonalds playground and a band instrument.

Angmar 01-29-2011 05:22 PM

[QUOTE=illmitch;18379560]that is one of the ugliest buildings i have ever seen[/QUOTE]

Yeah I kinda hate it lol, it was designed by that famous architect Frank Gehry, he's done a bunch of weird buildings like the Dancing House in Prague and the Guggenheim Museum in Spain.

witchxrapist 01-29-2011 05:22 PM

dude its so TRIPPY

blockhead 01-29-2011 05:23 PM

music phases for me were

pop-punk, grunge (6th-7th grade)
classic rock (7th-9th)
punk (8th-9th)
thrash metal (10th)
punk, hardcore end of tenth til now

my first phase of being into punk was just the really basic bands like sex pistols clash and ramones. at the end of tenth grade i started getting into choking victim, operation ivy, black flag, circle jerks etc and it has expanded from there.

edit this is obviously an oversimplification but yeah

Say hello to Heaven 01-29-2011 05:25 PM

[QUOTE=adb;18379559]talking about music irl is depressing

only people I talk to it w/ are girl adb and my bro[/QUOTE]

Dig. Most people don't know shi* or it's just not fun. That's why I post here!! haha. I miss this forum in it's older days. i guess when it was still MX or even after that.

How old are you Blockhead?

Angmar 01-29-2011 05:25 PM

I have a good circle of friends I can talk to music about, it's pretty cool.

blockhead 01-29-2011 05:26 PM

i think it's gotten better honestly. this forum in particular has pretty much changed into the metal forum. i think it's the logical progression from what it used to be. and yeah curse words aren't censored here dude

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