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Permanent Solution 03-09-2005 01:23 PM

I critted the epic...and I didn't even have a song up :(

A_Perfect_Sonnet 03-09-2005 01:23 PM

It was the Inferno one.

Spectrum 03-09-2005 01:26 PM

Yeah, that was the one. The thing with the Dante quote. I posted part two recently and it was entirely ignored, which is why I'm complaining.

Hell, part 2 was nowhere near as good as part 1, and it needed work, which is why I posted it.

Hey, if you guys post anything, tell me so I can crit it right away and beat the rush.

Spectrum 03-09-2005 01:27 PM

[QUOTE=A_Perfect_Sonnet]Spectrum, I didn't give you a crit, but that epic thing you did a like a week ago was sexy. I kept meaning to but never got around to it. All I have to say is it was the best thing I've read in months.[/QUOTE]

Why, thank you very much. My bassist read the lyrics and called it "better than life".

I'm working on the music for it as we speak. I've got a lot of parts I, II, and IV thought out. Part III is proving to be very difficult, though.

Permanent Solution 03-09-2005 01:28 PM

I stopped putting stuff in here because it lowers my intelligence to read the crits I get usually.

Spectrum 03-09-2005 01:33 PM

[QUOTE=zeppelinfan2k3]I stopped putting stuff in here because it lowers my intelligence to read the crits I get usually.[/QUOTE]

Hmm... good point.

And the "how to do a crit" thread is now down past page three, lost in the recesses of good and bad poetry...

Y'know, sometimes someone posts something and really surprises you. This n00b named Jonathan (somewhere aroudn 69 total posts) posted a work called "My Reflections" that totally blew me away. It was sincerely amazing, and was totally loaded with imagery and deep metaphor, and had a lot of oopmh to it.

Then there are the times that someone crits one of yours and they find stuff you didn't even think of. One time I posted a song and someone liked how it alternated between a dreamy state and a harsher "reality" state. Hell, I wrote the thing and didn't even catch that kinda stuff.

Permanent Solution 03-09-2005 01:37 PM

All of my depth is intentional :p

Spectrum 03-09-2005 01:40 PM

[QUOTE=zeppelinfan2k3]All of my depth is intentional :p[/QUOTE]
/Anime style, drawn out pauses and bad mouth-syncing

I guess... I guess, that you are just better than me. At everything. I...


/runs off

random spectator: Jeez, when did this thing turn so friggin' Shouju?

Permanent Solution 03-09-2005 01:43 PM

Meh, you tell me.


theredwonder 03-09-2005 07:39 PM

I apologise for never getting round to critting your song Spectrum. I've not had a lot of time on my hands recently and it [I]is[/I] an epic.

A_Perfect_Sonnet 03-09-2005 08:49 PM

[I]You're[/I] an epic.


Witty Username 03-09-2005 08:52 PM

I actually critiqued some songs last night. :grin:

Spectrum 03-09-2005 10:05 PM

[QUOTE=zeppelinfan2k3]Meh, you tell me.


I meant my own actions, but meh.

Wow. Half of those responses were utter crap, half of them were fantastic, and the other half were totally uninformed.

Spectrum 03-09-2005 10:28 PM

[QUOTE=theredwonder]I apologise for never getting round to critting your song Spectrum. I've not had a lot of time on my hands recently and it [I]is[/I] an epic.[/QUOTE]
Well, yeah. It just kinda came out as... long. Really long. It couldn't be helped.

[quote=APS][i]You're[/i] an epic.[/quote]
You're a strange one, APS.

We are also very proud of our own Witty Usertitle for critting some last night. Way to go, sport.

Permanent Solution 03-09-2005 11:57 PM

[QUOTE=SpectrumGuitarist]I meant my own actions, but meh.

Wow. Half of those responses were utter crap, half of them were fantastic, and the other half were totally uninformed.[/QUOTE]
Three halves eh? :D

Keep in mind this was during the better era to boot :-/

Spectrum 03-10-2005 10:49 AM

[QUOTE=zeppelinfan2k3]Three halves eh? :D

Keep in mind this was during the better era to boot :-/[/QUOTE]
It was an intentional oxymoronic statement. I love those. Most of the crap responses were uninformed, though some weren't, and even some of the good ones were, too. Thus the nature of the statement.

Good God, this was during the [i]good[/i] era? Why has S&L been such a huge target for sucking all these years?

Permanent Solution 03-10-2005 12:01 PM

[QUOTE=SpectrumGuitarist]It was an intentional oxymoronic statement. I love those. Most of the crap responses were uninformed, though some weren't, and even some of the good ones were, too. Thus the nature of the statement.

Good God, this was during the [i]good[/i] era? Why has S&L been such a huge target for sucking all these years?[/QUOTE]
Meh, basically all the regs gave the good crits and all the others were non-regs. It's still like that, but there were more regs, and so there were more good crits...basically it comes down to the 15 yearolds who come on here and think they're really funny, or who come on and think they're the next Dylan. Either way they're wrong so it goes badly.

Spectrum 03-10-2005 01:30 PM

I'd rather be the next Jon Anderson or Neil Peart than the next Dylan, but I knwo what you mean. So many n00bs...

Oh well. It is what it is. Why don't we post another "How to do a Crit" thread and hope it's not ignored this time.

Or we could post a thing in here, this being the stickied community thread. Then we could leave links to the post whnenver someone leaves a crappy crit. Heheh. Evil.

Spectrum 03-10-2005 01:56 PM

Don't feel bad, Witty Usertitle. We still love you. And besides, this would make wonderful rap/hip-hop lyrics, and...

I think I'll stop unintentionally insulting you now and go to class.

A_Perfect_Sonnet 03-10-2005 03:31 PM


theredwonder 03-10-2005 05:41 PM


CSD & the Soul Machines 03-10-2005 09:51 PM

Here's a question

What is your favorite/most influential song (or songs) lyrics-wise.

A_Perfect_Sonnet 03-10-2005 09:52 PM

I think we've done this, but I really like Wild Horses by The Rolling Stones

IOWNU200 03-10-2005 09:58 PM

Ah, just back from our first big show ever. My entire eighth grade class was there. No one told me you became a God once you play. Needless to say, it went pretty well. So I just feel like sharing my excitement

CSD & the Soul Machines 03-10-2005 10:05 PM

It may have been done, but what else would you rather be doing? Huh? C'mon!

A_Perfect_Sonnet 03-10-2005 10:07 PM

Doing 2 girls at the same time.

mshort813 03-10-2005 10:13 PM

[QUOTE=IOWNU200]Ah, just back from our first big show ever. My entire eighth grade class was there. No one told me you became a God once you play. Needless to say, it went pretty well. So I just feel like sharing my excitement[/QUOTE]
That's awesome.
I would have a band right now, but my bassist hooked up with my drummers girlfriend and everyone was like, "WTF!" So my drummer got pissed and quit the band and my bassist didn't know the drummer left so he left and then it was just me and the other guitarist and then the guitarist quit the band so then it was just me and then I tried to start a another band with my friend becasue he has a synthesizer but apparently my bassist and guitarist already did that yeah and I wish I could tell who is viewing S&L right now at the bottom of the main S&L page.

morrissey 03-10-2005 10:23 PM

That was a very long sentence. I am viewing S&L right now.

There is a light that Never Goes Out is my song choice.

I am listening to Citizen Erased by Muse.

That will be all.

theredwonder 03-11-2005 07:09 AM

I'm listening to The Moon and Antarctica by Modest Mouse.

I'm not sure my most influental song lyrics wise, perhaps Bowl of Oranges.

I put a [url=http://www.musicianforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=313125]song[/url] up but it's nearly off the first page and i've received no crits, can someone crit it and i'll get back to you after the weekend since i'm going on a road trip.

Me and some friends are going to stay on my boat for a couple of days and get very drunk/stoned. It will be good.

Spectrum 03-11-2005 08:17 AM

Very influential song for me would be Rush - 2112. That and Yes' "Tales From Ropographic Oceans" album have been very inspiring in my sprawling/rambling compositions (see the Epic for details), and have given me a fair share of ideas on how it ought to be done, or at least how it has been done right before.

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