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EvoCell 09-28-2010 09:54 AM

Hey all, newbie to the Forums

I'm a novice at guitars, however, when I've been bored or cant think of anything else to do, I've made a few guitar riffs, combined them together and what I have is a few "songs" (the reason it's in " marks is because there are no vox, drums or bass, just me playing to my mobile phone's recording feature)

Anyway, I'm interested in buying an Virtual Guitar Amplifier, so I can plug it in to my PC and develop the "songs" (and my playing style) more. I've heard that the Behringer V-Amp 3 is a very good amp to start with (for beginners), and it even comes with it's own DAW: energyXT2.5 Compact.

However, on some reviews, I've read complaints that the sound is washed out when using the V-Amp 3, so I was wondering if anyone could explain the problem?

Kind Regards,

benfan 09-28-2010 11:21 AM

Never used it myself so i cant comment on that specific interface.

I bought a Line 6 UX2 as a complete noob, and with alot of help from the guys on here im now starting to get the grips of everything.
have a look at the UX2, it also comes with its own DAW (Reason i think) and the Pod Farm software bundled with it is also pretty damn cool.

Welcome to the forums.

Convectuoso 09-28-2010 02:03 PM

[quote=viciouscycle;18199929]I'm trying to use Addictive Drums but it doesn't seem as solid as superior. One big thing I noticed is older samples being replaced by a different sort of hit (Like snare middle, then snare off), the older sample keeps running, so you have samples overlapping each other and it sounds bad[/quote]
I've never experienced this, I'll check it out. Sure it isn't your MIDI is overlapping with different takes? :S

superjoe 09-29-2010 10:48 PM

homerecording? you mean a four pack of steel reserve and a cassette recorder?

Convectuoso 09-29-2010 11:03 PM

Holy fuck super joe owned the gat forum

benfan 09-30-2010 12:15 PM


Im installing Superior Drummer 2. Does the initial install need to be saved into Toontracks own directory or do i change the path and save it into the Cubase directory for vst plugins?

This is such a bitch to install.

Convectuoso 09-30-2010 01:51 PM

The .DLL file will go into your vst folder :) Everything else into Toontracks directory.

benfan 09-30-2010 03:02 PM

Cheers for the reply. Will i have to drag and drop it from the Toontrack directory into my vst folder? This thing is a pain to install, iv had to download an update for 64bit and im still having problems!

Ill let you know how i get on when its done.

benfan 10-02-2010 02:04 PM

Ok iv got it all installed and Cubase set up to show it.
When i open a MIDI and set Superior Drummer up, it wont load the library. I already set the paths to the 'Sounds' file in the Toontrack directory, but still nothing works?

Convectuoso 10-02-2010 02:27 PM

[quote=benfan;18207760]Ok iv got it all installed and Cubase set up to show it.
When i open a MIDI and set Superior Drummer up, it wont load the library. I already set the paths to the 'Sounds' file in the Toontrack directory, but still nothing works?[/quote]
Anyone else know why this might happen?

I've never personally used SD2.0.

Plankis 10-02-2010 02:36 PM

My path: C:\....\Toontrack\Superior\Superior Drummer 2.0\SL-Avatar

My experience with installing s2 is it's very straightforward. Just clicking next. next, next, finish.
I bet you fucked up bad when you started to move .dll's and changed directorys or whatever you did.

Xomblies 10-02-2010 02:48 PM

if he installed it to an external (like most people who know what they're doing would do) then his comp just assigned a different drive letter when he plugged it back in, since it lost the path to the lib, when you assign the right path you gotta go back to the construct window and select "avatar" cause i think it's set to something else when it resets the paths

Convectuoso 10-02-2010 02:51 PM

He just copied the file that Cubase recognizes as a plug into the folder that Cubase scans when it boots up. That wouldn't change the directory for the samples.

The issue will be an incorrect installation or that he's using a crack (not that I care) and something went wrong.

I'd try re installing, and when it comes to putting the DLL in a folder in the installation process choose your Cubase vst folder.

Xomblies 10-02-2010 02:54 PM

ya moving the DLL should have nothing to do with it recognizing your lib though

Convectuoso 10-02-2010 03:12 PM

Yeah exactly.

I have lost count of the times a reinstall has magically fixed something though lol.

But yeah I think you're right if he's done it like that then it'll be that.

benfan 10-03-2010 02:31 AM

Sorted it all. Im not very experienced with all this and thats the problem. The manuals and walkthroughs that i found were all for 32bit setups. When it was first loaded up the default kit wasnt selected and i had to find the correct path for the right one. It was selecting NY Avatar and i needed SL Avatar.

All sorted now, thanks for all the help fella's

Xomblies 10-03-2010 10:29 AM

ah, if i had worded it better it probably would have helped you :(

that's what i was talking about, it changes the soundplate in the construct view. oh wells you got it figured out, could have been less painful if i explained how to better

Buttloaves 10-04-2010 06:15 PM

I am having some weird issues with my recording "rig". I'm running my guitar direct into my interface (Session I/O) and using headphones for monitoring. My DAW is Nuendo 4. Whenever I play, I only get sound from the left. However, if I run my guitar through Guitar Rig 4, I get stereo. Before my last HDD reformat, I had no issues with this at all. I've looked through every option but cannot figure this out.

benfan 10-05-2010 05:31 AM

Do you guys use a seperate midi track for each drum your triggering in SD or map all the drums in one midi track?

Im just trying to figure out how to bounce all the midi out to seperate audio tracks, so i have a seperate track for each drum.

guitarbaz 10-05-2010 06:38 AM

[QUOTE=benfan;18211749]Do you guys use a seperate midi track for each drum your triggering in SD or map all the drums in one midi track?

Im just trying to figure out how to bounce all the midi out to seperate audio tracks, so i have a seperate track for each drum.[/QUOTE]

either or really.

but if you assign a different midi channel to each of the drum sounds and then assign each track to each of those midi channels that should work??

benfan 10-05-2010 09:31 AM

Im not sure.

I heard somewhere that you can map it all out using one midi track and then split it into seperate audio tracks for each drum. Cant find the website that said it though :/

The Transporter 10-05-2010 09:48 AM

it's called routing but i dont know how to do

guitarbaz 10-05-2010 10:27 AM

[QUOTE=benfan;18211884]Im not sure.

I heard somewhere that you can map it all out using one midi track and then split it into seperate audio tracks for each drum. Cant find the website that said it though :/[/QUOTE]

aye, just thinking about it, addictive drums has something like that but i've not used it for a while. think it might be as simple as a tick box or summat. gone all retro and actually using a real drumkit atm....

benfan 10-07-2010 12:14 PM

Found this page:-


Thats was really helpful. Makes your project a little crowded though, if youve got around 24 outputs from SD (i think thats what the default NY kit is).

superjoe 10-07-2010 09:02 PM

i dont like to record at home. anybody like to studio record? way better and cheaper. dont have to buy all your own shit.

Convectuoso 10-07-2010 09:06 PM

Depends on their fees.

One of the top studios in my city charges like 150/Hour. One 10 hour day has you a nice microphone. Another day has you an interface. Another day has you a DAW and another day or two has you a computer.

superjoe 10-07-2010 09:08 PM

psh, whatever. sounds. like. yous. gittin. janked. son.

guitarbaz 10-08-2010 04:13 AM

not that it was a serious point of course but i've prob spent in the region of £2k gettin my home studio setup.

me mates regularly use chapel studios in lincolnshire for their band projects (everybody from the artic munkees to the happy mondays have used it) and you're looking at 500 quid a day there for an unsigned band, 1000 for a signed one. obviously i won't be getting those kind of results in homer but i tell ya, to the average punter the difference is minimal. plus it's there whenever i need it. so it's a bargain imho.

anyway. that was far too serious...

benfan 10-08-2010 02:40 PM

Where abouts you from mate?

Kuffuffled 10-08-2010 03:20 PM

Routing is pretty simple

In your drum vst you set your outs (1/2, 3/4)(In the case of Addictive Drummer it's 1, 2, 3 except overhead and room which is stereo) and create tracks in your daw setup to receive these outs. Bounce those to a master track for you drums and voila

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