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xMalcolmXx 07-15-2011 01:08 AM

the one with the flattened dick or jonah hill

(*The Noonward Race*) 07-15-2011 01:08 AM

My mom is living in a circle of her own misery I don't understand how someone can continue on like that. The truth that she cries for every time we have the slightest emotional contact, the actual tears I see and hear her whimper as she hangs on to my, I'm one of the only ones she will grab on to like an anchor, the weight feels so heavy. If I was meant to hold still in this storm then it was my creation at birth to repel it, but how can I when I had to be the one to weather my own storms of childhood when my parents were creating this earthquake splitting the tectonics of the tree of life in my family, I knew no one was to blame, as all drear that existence has uncovered before it. I do not understand the workings behind her words, but I only see the circles of judgement and guilt ridden into her pysche it's like the whirlpool when you empty the bathtub as a child, it's majestic crystal thrushing sparlking magic tornado apparates in the water like it will never disappear but it always does spinning into nothingness like the first and last cycle of self judging she puts on herself, "don't be so hard on yourself" she's told me for years, and yeah truer words haven't been spoken from someone who so desperately needs to understand it.

adbforever 07-15-2011 01:10 AM

[QUOTE=fenixfunk5;18578449]alcohol[I] tastes like [B]SHIT[/B][/I][/QUOTE]


xMalcolmXx 07-15-2011 01:12 AM

why would you drink alcohol for the taste

(*The Noonward Race*) 07-15-2011 01:12 AM

oh yeah, my moms an alchohlic it kinda ruined my family

illmitch 07-15-2011 01:13 AM

i drink some alcohol for the taste

adbforever 07-15-2011 01:15 AM

elim is doing satirical adb posts just as im doing satirical elim posts

its been goin on the past idk 4-5 days

illmitch 07-15-2011 01:16 AM

everyone does satirical adb posts

stop trying to analyze trends

adbforever 07-15-2011 01:17 AM

[QUOTE]everyone does satirical adb posts[/QUOTE]
defense mechanizm

illmitch 07-15-2011 01:18 AM

are you misspelling mechanism ironically

adbforever 07-15-2011 01:18 AM

ru BEIN A FAGET ironically

xMalcolmXx 07-15-2011 01:19 AM

i'd say about half of my posts have been satirical adb posts over the past couple months but sometimes theyre pretty subtle and people just think im an idiot

xMalcolmXx 07-15-2011 01:19 AM

[QUOTE=illmitch;18578462]i drink some alcohol for the taste[/QUOTE]

sometimes its good but it never compares to capri sun or 2% milk

(*The Noonward Race*) 07-15-2011 01:20 AM

brent you keep on feeding back into your own self image, it's so blatantly obvious that your own reactions defending yourself are perpetuating an unneeded self defeating loathing for normal human beings that no one can take you seriously at all, it's close minded bullshit bro

adbforever 07-15-2011 01:26 AM

o ok noonward

Haz 07-15-2011 01:29 AM

if you don't get a kind of masochistic pleasure feeling the burn drinking straight rum you aren't really a man

illmitch 07-15-2011 01:29 AM


xMalcolmXx 07-15-2011 01:30 AM

whiskey is pretty manly idk if i could drink that much of it though

adbforever 07-15-2011 01:31 AM

i liked noonward a lot more when he was hoffed up on goofballs

Haz 07-15-2011 01:31 AM


is for girls

illmitch 07-15-2011 01:32 AM

take it back right now

illmitch 07-15-2011 01:34 AM

scotch on the rocks is pretty much as manly as you can get

Haz 07-15-2011 01:34 AM

I will if we can both agree bourbon is on the bottom of the spirits chain

illmitch 07-15-2011 01:36 AM


illmitch 07-15-2011 01:38 AM


love this stuff

(*The Noonward Race*) 07-15-2011 01:40 AM

[QUOTE=Haz;18578193]will there be comedy?[/QUOTE]
Oh yes, there will be, I am a trained comedian we will hunt for comedy in our midst, frolicking in the mxery to be had and the jollys so far as the eye could see, may we watch some cinema with a dash of mise en scene or sing aloud and prance like men of lore with haggard wretched beards and saucy mugs frothy with mirth and ale.

Haz 07-15-2011 01:42 AM

rum > scotch > vodka > tequila > gin > brandy > bourbon

don't think i've tried anything else

Haz 07-15-2011 01:43 AM

[QUOTE=(*The Noonward Race*);18578495]Oh yes, there will be, I am a trained comedian we will hunt for comedy in our midst, frolicking in the mxery to be had and the jollys so far as the eye could see, may we watch some cinema with a dash of mise en scene or sing aloud and prance like men of lore with haggard wretched beards and saucy mugs frothy with mirth and ale.[/QUOTE]

gotta hang out with this guy one day

illmitch 07-15-2011 01:44 AM

for drinking alone tequila is at the bottom, scotch is at the top, idk about everything else

(*The Noonward Race*) 07-15-2011 01:45 AM

When drinking alone I prefer not to wake up.

Haz 07-15-2011 01:45 AM


I take it back, probably wouldn't enjoy this much it is either made out of caraway or dill.

(*The Noonward Race*) 07-15-2011 01:46 AM

I think the psychosomatic effects are most pungent when the 12 beers were yours and yours only.

The rotting guts spewed through the day after last just way too long.

adbforever 07-15-2011 01:47 AM

o ok noonward

Haz 07-15-2011 01:48 AM

procrastinating hard

need some sort of study ritual

adbforever 07-15-2011 01:50 AM

study ritual:

study 5-10 min


study 5-10 min



before bed

illmitch 07-15-2011 01:50 AM

really should go to bed but dont wanna stop reading

(*The Noonward Race*) 07-15-2011 01:52 AM

The only ritual is studying.

The only thing you are not willing to do is the same thing that the edge your soul cannot fully encompass, at all times, the only time you will ever realize you did something you did not fully want to is in hindsight, by strict logic that is. Strict logic doesn't account for that feeling of euphoria procrastination so slickly teases you with.

adbforever 07-15-2011 01:55 AM

what the fuk is this tonight - enlightening noonward posts hour or what

(*The Noonward Race*) 07-15-2011 01:57 AM

sometimes i actually feeling like posting

adbforever 07-15-2011 01:58 AM


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